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Titanic The Ship of Dreams First Class- Food and menus - Breakfast-
Titanic The Ship of Dreams
First Class- Food and menus • -Breakfast- • Baked apples - Fruit - Steamed PrunesQuaker Oats - Broiled Hominy - Puffed RiceFresh HerringFindon Haddock - Smoked SalmonGrilled Mutton - Kidneys & BaconGrilled Ham - Grilled SausageLamb Callops - Vegetable StewFried, Shirred, Poached & Boiled EggsPlain & Tomato Omelettes to OrderSirloin Steak & Mutton Chops to OrderMashed Saute and Jacket PotatoesCold MeatVienna and Graham RollsSoda & Sultana Scones - Corn BreadBuckwheat CakesBlack Current Conserve - Narbonne HoneyOxford MarmaladeWatercress
First Class- Food and Menus First Course - Hors d'Oeuvre:Canapés a l' AmiralOysters a la Russe White Bordeaux, White Burgundy orChablis (especially with oysters) Second Course - Soups:Consommé OlgaCream of Barley Soup Madeira or Sherry Third Course - Fish:Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce Dry Rhine or Moselle Fourth Course - Entrees:Filet Mignon LiliSauté of Chicken LyonnaiseVegetable Marrow Farcie
First Class- Food and menus 2 • Fifth Course - Removes:Lamb with Mint SauceCalvados-Glazed Roast Ducklingwith Apple SauceRoast Sirloin of Beef forestiéreChateau Potatoes • Boiled RiceParmentier and Boiled New Potatoes • Red Burgundy or Beaujolais Sixth Course - Punch or Sorbet:Punch Romaine Seventh Course - Roast:Roasted Squab on Wilted CressRed Burgundy
First Class- Food and menus 3 • Eighth Course - Salad:Cold Asparagus Salad withChampagne-Saffron Vinaigrette • Ninth Course - Cold Dish:Páté de Foie GrasCelery • Sauterne or Sweet Rhine Wine • Tenth Course - Sweets:Waldorf PuddingPeaches in Chartreuse JellyChocolate Painted Eclairswith French Vanilla CreamFrench Vanilla Ice Cream • Sweet Dessert Wines (Muscatel, Tokay, Sauterne) • Eleventh Course - Dessert:Assorted Fresh Fruits and cheeses • Sweet Dessert Wines, Champagne, or Sparkling Wine
Second Class- Food and Menus • -Breakfast- • FruitOatmeal PorridgeRolled OatsYarmouth BloatersGrilled Mutton Chops and ChipsBroiled Sausage and BaconMinced CollopsIrish StewEggs Boiled, Scrambled or PoachedMashed PotatoesHot Milk RollsGraham RollsJam, MarmaladeTea, Coffee, Cocoa
Third Class- Food and Menus • -Breakfast- • Quaker Oats and MilkSmoked HerringsBeefsteak and OnionsJacket PotatoesFresh Bread and ButterMarmalade, Swedish BreadTea, Coffee
Thank you for listening to our presentation! By:Hilary Krettler and Matt Ross