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EGamma Commissioning

EGamma Commissioning. EGamma POG. Outline. Dielectron Spectrum Electron ID and Isolation Variables Using Z → ee Electron Reconstruction and Identification Efficiency Photon ID and Isolation Variables Using Z → μμɣ. Electron Commissioning. SingleElectron PD:

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EGamma Commissioning

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  1. EGammaCommissioning • EGamma POG

  2. Outline • Dielectron Spectrum • Electron ID and Isolation Variables • Using Z → ee • Electron Reconstruction and Identification Efficiency • Photon ID and Isolation Variables • Using Z → μμɣ

  3. Electron Commissioning • SingleElectron PD: • ~42/pb, with run selection based on [1], see backup • RunII 50ns DY-M50 Monte Carlo • Tag selection • Pass POG tight ID , pT > 30 and |η| < 2.1 • Matched to HLT_Ele27_eta2p1_WPLoose_Gsf in data • Probe is reco electron with pT > 10 and |η| < 2.5 • Z window: 80 < mll < 100 • POG medium ID required for kinematic plots • Relative isolation cut (0.1) for track and cluster plots • POG Veto ID track and cluster cuts for isolation plots • Pile-up re-weighting applied [1] https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/CollisionsJuly2015

  4. Di-Electron Spectrum Dielectron mass spectrum for electrons in the DoubleEG dataset with pT > 10 and |η|<2.5 which pass the cut-based Electron ID Veto working point.

  5. Electron Performance

  6. Leading Electron pT Electron transverse momentum spectrum for the leading electron which passes the medium identification working point. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right).

  7. Leading Electron Eta & Phi Electron pseudorapidity (left) and phi (right) distributions for the leading electron which passes the medium identification working point.

  8. Trailing Electron pT Electron transverse momentum spectrum for the trailing electron which passes the medium identification working point. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right).

  9. Trailing Electron Eta & Phi Electron pseudorapidity (left) and phi (right) distributions for the trailing electron which passes the medium identification working point.

  10. Missing Inner Layer Hits The number of missing inner layer hits in the electron track. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right). The residual data to Monte Carlo disagreement in the barrel is under study and is likely due to a fraction of pixel layer 2 that was off.

  11. Bremsstrahlung Fraction The fraction of momentum lost to bremsstrahlung measured in the tracker, defined as fBrem. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass a relative isolation cut of 10%.

  12. σiηiη ECAL-crystal-based shower covariance in the η direction. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass a relative isolation cut of 10%.

  13. r9 The ratio of energy in a 3x3 crystal square about the highest energy crystal to the energy of the supercluster. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass a relative isolation cut of 10%.

  14. Δηin The difference in η between the energy-weighted supercluster position in the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) and the track direction at the innermost tracker position. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass a relative isolation cut of 10%.

  15. Δɸin The difference in ɸ between the energy-weighted supercluster position in the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) and the track direction at the innermost tracker position. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass a relative isolation cut of 10%.

  16. | 1/E - 1/p | Absolute difference between the inverse electron energy measured in the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) and the inverse momentum measured in the tracker. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass a relative isolation cut of 10%.

  17. MVA The output of the electron identification MVA, which uses track and supercluster variables as input. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass a relative isolation cut of 10%.

  18. H / E The ratio of energy measured in the hadronic calorimeter (HCAL) in a ΔR = 0.15 cone behind the electron seed, over the energy measured in the ECAL. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass a relative isolation cut of 10%.

  19. Rel. Charged Hadron Isolation The sum of transverse energies of charged hadron candidates in a ΔR = 0.3 cone around the electron, divided by the electron transverse momentum. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass loose track and cluster identification selection.

  20. Rel. Electromagnetic Isolation The sum of transverse energies of neutral electromagnetic candidates in a ΔR = 0.3 cone around the electron, divided by the electron transverse momentum. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass loose track and cluster identification selection.

  21. Rel. Neutral Hadron Isolation The sum of transverse energies of neutral hadron candidates in a ΔR = 0.3 cone around the electron, divided by the electron transverse momentum. Shown for electrons in the ECAL barrel (left) and ECAL endcap (right) which pass loose track and cluster identification selection.

  22. Electron Efficiency

  23. Electron Reconstruction Efficiency • Efficiency estimated using Tag and Probe technique. • Tags: all electrons with pT>25 GeV passing Tight WP electron ID and matched to HLT candidate firing Single Electron trigger. • Probes: all SC with pT>10 GeV. (In MonteCarlo electrons are also matched to generated electrons coming from Z decay). • Electrons with pseudorapidity in [1.442-1.566] range are excluded. • Invariant mass window [60-120] GeV. • Signal PDF: Crystal-ball convoluted withZ-lineshape extracted from NLO MC. • Background PDF: exponential. • Systematic uncertainty includes: tag pT and ID selection and PDF variation.

  24. Electron Identification Efficiency • Efficiency estimated using Tag and Probe technique. • Tags: all electrons with pT>25 GeV passing Tight WP electron ID and matched to HLT candidate firing Single Electron trigger. • Probes: all electrons with pT>20 GeV. (In MonteCarlo electrons are also matched to generated electrons coming from Z decay). • Electrons with pseudorapidity in [1.442-1.566] range are excluded. • Invariant mass window [60-120] GeV. • Signal PDF: Crystal-ball convoluted withZ-lineshape extracted from NLO MC. • Background PDF: exponential. • Systematic uncertainty includes: tag pT and ID selection and PDF variation.

  25. Photon Performance

  26. Photon Selection • Trigger required (in data): HLT_Mu17_TrkIsoVVL_TkMu8_TrkIsoVVL_DZ • Muon PT > (20) 10 GeV • Require tight muon POG ID • Photon PT > 10 GeV • H/E < 0.05 • σiηiη< 0.011 (0.031) for EB(EE) • PF Charged isolation (PU subtracted)< 3.0 • ΔR(μ,ɣ)min < 0.8 • PT > 20 GeV for muon farthest from the photon • Mμμɣ + Mμμ < 180 GeV • 70 GeV < Mμμɣ < 110 GeV

  27. Datasets Used • Data: Double muon dataset • Luminosity: ~42 pb-1 • Run numbers: 251244, 251251, 251252, 251561, 251562, 251643, 251721, 251883 • MC: • /DYJetsToLL_M-50_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8/RunIISpring15DR74-Asympt50ns_MCRUN2_74_V9A-v2/AODSIM

  28. Invariant mass of the two muons and the FSR photon • Invariant mass spectrum of μμɣ passing the full selection

  29. Photon super-cluster η and ϕ • Pseudorapidity (left) and ϕ (right) distributions of the super-cluster of selected FSR photon

  30. Super-cluster energy and photon PT • Super-cluster energy (left) and transverse momentum (right) distributions of the selected FSR photon

  31. H/E • Ratio of energy in the HCAL to the energy of the ECAL super-cluster for barrel (left) and endcap (right) FSR photon

  32. Width of the super-cluster in η and ϕ of the photon • η width of the super-cluster (left) and ϕ width of the super-cluster (right) of the selected FSR photon

  33. R9 • R9 (=E3x3/ESC), which is the ratio of energy in a 3x3 square array of crystals to the raw energy of the photon super-cluster for barrel (left) and endcap (right).

  34. σiηiη • ECAL-crystal-based shower covariance in the η direction for barrel (left) and endcap (right) FSR photon

  35. σiϕiϕ • ECAL-crystal-based shower covariance in the ϕ direction for barrel (left) and endcap (right) FSR photon

  36. E1x3/E5x5 • Ratio of the energy in a 1x3 crystal rectangle (η x ϕ) to the energy in the 5x5 crystal square centered about the maximum energy crystal. This is shown for FSR photons in the barrel (left) and endcap (right)

  37. E2x2/E5x5 • Ratio of the energy in a 2x2 crystal square with the highest energy sum to the energy in the 5x5 crystal square centered about the maximum energy crystal. This is shown for FSR photons in the barrel (left) and endcap (right)

  38. E2x5/E5x5 • Ratio of the energy in a 2x5 crystal rectangle (η x ϕ) to the energy in the 5x5 crystal square centered about the maximum energy crystal. This is shown for FSR photons in the barrel (left) and endcap (right)

  39. Charged hadron isolation • Sum of transverse energy of the charged hadrons around the selected FSR photon. This is shown in the barrel (left) and endcap (right)

  40. Neutral hadron isolation • Sum of transverse energy of the neutral hadrons around the selected FSR photon. This is shown in the barrel (left) and endcap (right)

  41. Photon isolation • Sum of transverse energy of the photons around the selected FSR photon. This is shown in the barrel (left) and endcap (right)

  42. Preshower: EES/ESC and σESRR • EES/ESC (left): Ratio of the energy in the preshower to the energy in the ECAL super-cluster • σESRR(right):Width of energy deposits in the preshower

  43. MVA • MVA variable for FSR photons in the barrel (left) and endcap (right) • Training takes the following input variables: ϕ, R9, σiϕiϕ, σiηiη, E1x3/E5x5, E2x2/E5x5, E2x5/E5x5, ηSC, Eraw, width of the SC in η, width of the SC in ϕ, rho, charged hadron isolation, neutral hadron isolation and photon isolation

  44. Backup

  45. Good Run List • Following runs used: • runList={'251561': [[1, 94]], '251252': [[1, 283], [285, 505], [507, 554]], '251251': [[1, 31], [33, 97], [99, 167]], '251562': [[1, 439], [443, 693], [695, 710]], '251521': [[36, 42]], '251721': [[1, 244]], '251244': [[85, 86], [88, 93], [96, 121], [123, 156], [158, 428], [430, 442]], '251883': [[1, 54], [56, 56], [58, 62], [77, 153], [157, 429], [438, 455]], '251643': [[1, 215], [222, 606]]} • Lumi calculated with lcr2.py: • nLS=3080 Integrated Lumi: delivered= 43.233 (/pb) recorded= 42.106 (/pb)

  46. Electron Selections • Loose track and cluster identification cuts for barrel (endcap), where referenced • |Δηin| < 0.013625 (0.011932) • |Δɸin| < 0.230374 (0.255450) • σiηiη < 0.011586 (0.031849) • H/E < 0.181130 (0.223870) • |d0| < 0.094095 (0.342293) • |dZ| < 0.713070 (0.953461) • | 1/E - 1/p | < 0.295751 (0.155501) • Missing Inner Layer Hits ≤ 2 (3) • Pass Conversion Veto • Relative Isolation less than 10%, where referenced • (Charged Hadron Iso + Electromagnetic Iso + Neutral Hadron Iso) / pT < 0.1

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