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A to Z Information About the Circumcision Procedure

In a male body, the penis plays an important role in sexual reproduction. Due to various reasons, the retractable part of the penis called the foreskin is removed. This process is known as circumcision. The process of circumcision is done due to certain reasons. It is a simple process that doesnu2019t cause any harm to the body.

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A to Z Information About the Circumcision Procedure

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  1. A to Z Information About the Circumcision Procedure In a male body, the penis plays an important role in sexual reproduction. Due to various reasons, the retractable part of the penis called the foreskin is removed. This process is known as circumcision. The process of circumcision is done due to certain reasons. It is a simple process that doesn’t cause any harm to the body. Though, in some cases, post-operation illness can occur. This guide will give you in-depth knowledge about the circumcision procedure. General details The penis is a male sex organ that has a foreskin attached to it. This movable skin covers the head part of the penis. Many adhesions are present in this region that help in retracting the foreskin. Circumcision is performed to remove the foreskin and adhesions. This procedure is performed due to two reasons: Medical conditions • Inflammation The glands inside our penis are sensitive to touch. Several nerves are also attached to this region. Due to sudden force or pressure, swelling can occur in the penis head. Circumcision is performed to apply ointments and reduce the swelling. • Non-retractable skin In this medical condition, the foreskin is unable to retract. It gets stuck in a particular position. • Pain and discomfort Some diseases may cause pain in the penis region. The doctors go for further examination in such conditions. But first, they proceed with circumcision. It helps in reducing pain and clearing the area. • Cancer In rare conditions, tumor growth is seen on the penis head. To clear out the cancer cells, the foreskin has to be removed. Non-Medical reasons Circumcision is performed in many communities due to religious reasons. Some people also prefer this procedure due to the cleanliness and prevention of HIV. How the procedure is carried out The entire process of circumcision is performed by giving anesthesia to the patient. The clinic will first ask for your consent. It only takes a small amount of time to complete this procedure. Once the skin and adhesion are removed, the doctor may provide cauterization in case of bleeding. The remaining part of the penis head is stitched afterward.

  2. Additionally, the patient is given prescribed medicines to reduce pain or swelling. Recover process The penis head takes around 10 days to heal. During this period, the penis head should not be disturbed in any way. Furthermore, the patient cannot be involved in sexual intercourse for at least four weeks. Apart from that, if you are suffering from any swelling or discomfort after the operation, then you must consult with your doctor. Each human body is different. So, a few people might have complications after circumcision. Any risk factors? In most scenarios, circumcision doesn’t cause any problems. But some may experience harmful medical conditions. Some of these are listed below: • Infection: This happens because of not applying and ingesting proper medications after an operation. • Bleeding: Some individuals may bleed even after two or three days of operation. Do check with your doctor regarding this condition. • Reduced sensation: If any prominent vein is removed during the operation, then the person may not feel any sensation in the penis region. • Swelling and irritation: The head area can become irritated and swollen. Never scratch or cause any harm to this region. • Extra skin on the penis head: At times, the foreskin is not properly removed from the penis head. Therefore, another operation is conducted to clear the remaining tissue. Finding a circumcision clinic in Singapore For any queries or treatments, you can consult a circumcision Singapore expert. The urology specialist Singapore will provide you with all the necessary details to begin the procedure. It is a completely painless procedure that doesn’t require much time.

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