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Tech Help. CCAL Office. Contact Information. Technical Coordinator for CCAL, David Kleopfer 802-443- 3107 dkloepfe@middlebury.edu Make an appoint to stop by his office in CCAL. Venues on Campus for Events. McCullough Social Space
Tech Help CCAL Office
Contact Information • Technical Coordinator for CCAL, David Kleopfer • 802-443-3107 • dkloepfe@middlebury.edu • Make an appoint to stop by his office in CCAL
Venues on Campus for Events • McCullough Social Space • The Social Space may be reserved by student organizations and College departments. The venue has been use for a wide variety of events, including theatre presentations, cabaret revues, music performances of all kinds, dance performances, lectures, dance parties, forums, and meetings. • Maximum capacity for the room is 600 people standing or 400 seated theater style • STAGE: • 28' by 35' by 3.5' • Sound • Multiple large speakers that can be used for more big performances. • Has an array of sound equipment to facilitate events as small as guest lecturers to as large as Top 40 bands. • Microphones • Numerous stands, and wireless microphones depending on your need • Lighting • Advanced lighting that can be customized to have different effects for performances, such as rapid color changes • Cyclorama Curtain • Uses lighting on a curtain to create a natural backdrop for performances • Video • Can use projectors to display video from any personal computer
Venues for Events continued • The Grille/Juicebar • Stage • 9.5’ by 26’ by 1' • Capacity • 75-100 people • Lighting • Simple coloring for the stage • Monitor • Video capabilities for the stage • Microphones • Multiple stand and wireless microphones for performances • Electric piano • Sound • Basic PA system for small band performances, that can also be used for guest lecturers, and solo artists.
Venues for Events continued • 51 Main • Open three nights per week - Thursday, Friday and Saturday - from 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. • Capacity of the space is approximately 75 people. • Sound • Basic PA system for Solo performances • Lighting • Portable system • Basic coloring • Microphones • Both stand and wireless microphones • Electric Piano
Venues for Events continued • Gamut Room • Open from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m., Sunday through Thursday • Microphone stands • Basic speakers for small performances
Procedures for Tech Help • Limited technical services may be offered in other venues on campus, but the technical staff time will be billed back to the organization at a rate of $9/hr times the number of tech staff working • CCAL will also pay for up to 6 hours of tech rehearsal time. If more time is needed, the extra hours will be billed back to the organization at a rate of $9/hr times the number of tech staff working • Technical arrangements need to be made at least 14 days in advance. Otherwise services might be limited or unavailable. For larger productions, it’s best to make arrangements 3-4 weeks in advance. • A list of tech equipment for McCullough can be found on the Middlebury website under “Performance Spaces” on the Campus Activities and Leadership page. • Student organizations that are interested in staging an event in the Student Center Social Space have the option of hiring professional technical support from off-campus or hiring approved on-campus student technical assistants. • CCAL maintains a listing of approved student technical assistants for sound reinforcement and event lighting. It is the responsibility of the group’s leadership to contact the technical assistants to see if they are interested in the event and to schedule their time.
Email Accounts • Creating new distribution lists • Once you have logged into Webmail, click “Contacts” in the left-hand sidebar. • When the Contacts screen has opened, click the little drop-down arrow next to “New” and select “Distribution List.” • A new window will pop up. Create a name for the list, such as “Womens Crew Fall 09” and enter into the box labeled “List Names.” • In the box labeled “Members,” begin entering the names of the people that you would like to add to the list. Names can be entered in two ways: • You can type in the person’s full name or part of their name and hit enter. If the correct name is not automatically added to the list below, you will be given options to choose from in a drop-down list. • You can also click the blue “Members” next to the box, and select already-made lists or search through the directory to create your list. When you have finished, click “Ok” at the bottom of the window. • Once your list is complete, click “Save and Close” in the upper left corner of your window. This will save your newly-created distribution list for later use • Now, when you go to compose your e-mail, just type the name of your list in the “To” box, and click check names to select the correct one. You should be good to go!
Email Accounts • Passwords • Create easy and relevant passwords for executive members to remember • Don’t give away your password! • Give password to who you think needs it amongst the group, but limit the number of people with that access.
Club Websites • 3 Types • Website • http://community.middlebury.edu/~islamic/ • Must get approved by CCAL • Instructions on how to run your website • http://www.middlebury.edu/NR/rdonlyres/37249708-E201-474D-A110-D99D2D3A111F/0/ftp2middunix.pdf • Middblog • http://blogs.middlebury.edu/wp-admin/ • Log in • Follow these instructions • https://mediawiki.middlebury.edu/wiki/LIS/WordPress_MU#New_Blog_Creation_and_Access • http://blogs.middlebury.edu/ivchristianfellowship/ • Blogs • https://www.blogger.com/start • http://wordpress.org/