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Home, Sweet Rome

Home, Sweet Rome. Viewing Acts Chapter 28 Prepared by: Soon Siak. July 2010. They are all from Malaysia!. Snakes! What do they have in common?. Paul’s shipwreck. Big ship carrying 276 people (27:37). The Shipwreck of St. Paul in Malta (Acts 27:41-28:6). Paul at Malta.

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Home, Sweet Rome

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Home, Sweet Rome Viewing Acts Chapter 28 Prepared by: Soon Siak. July 2010

  2. They are all from Malaysia! Snakes! What do they have in common?

  3. Paul’s shipwreck. Big ship carrying 276 people (27:37).

  4. The Shipwreck of St. Paul in Malta (Acts 27:41-28:6)

  5. Paul at Malta Paul had a strange encounter with a poisonous snake too. More later. What’s the closest you’ve come to dying? Paul and his shipmates-all 276 of them- had shipwrecked in a terrible storm, but had arrived safely on shore as God had promised (27:21,22). All in all it was a pretty good place to crash-land, because the natives were friendly and helpful. But what happened immediately to disturb the group (v1-4)? Paul was bitten by a poisonous snake as he placed wood on the fire.

  6. Paul at Malta The islanders seemed to believe what many people believe today – that if something bad happens, it is probably because the person is bad and deserves it. But when Paul didn’t die, how did the people change their thinking (v5,6)? They went to the other extreme and assumed he must be a god.

  7. Paul at Malta What else did Paul do to show God’s power to the islanders (v7-10)? He healed all the people on the island who were sick. Remember the two incidences – snake bite and healing of Publius’ father – exam stuff! SPM 1996, 2004, 2008

  8. Voyage from Malta What do you suppose the Roman soldiers thought of Paul at this point? Don’t know. But will be hard for them not being aware of God’s power at work through him. After spending the winter in Malta, Paul’s group continued toward Rome. Malta was an island just south of Sicily, so they sailed north into Italy. Malta - St. Paul's Bay

  9. Arrival at Rome As Paul got near Rome, he spent a week with some fellow Christians (v11-16). How do you think it would feel to get together with fellow believers after being mostly among nonbelievers for several years? Have you ever gotten away from church or drifted in your relationship with God, then come back? How did it feel? Ruins at Rome

  10. Interview with the Jews Who did Paul spend time with next (v17-23)? Why? He met with the local Jewish leaders. They had no doubt heard the discussions as to whether Jesus was actually the Messiah. Paul, however, knew that he was often followed by those who fiercely opposed him, and he seems eager here to share his opinions before any of his opponents caught up with him.

  11. Interview with the Jews How did the Roman Jews respond to Paul’s proclamation of the Gospel (v24-29)? As in most of the other places Paul had taught, the response to the truth about Jesus was mixed. Some were quick to believe. Others were skeptical. Others were reluctant to believe that God’s blessing had also been given to the Gentiles. Note the reasons why they were nicer than those in Jerusalem – pg 100t

  12. The Two Years’ Imprisonment Since Paul hadn’t done anything that the Romans considered criminal, he was allowed a good deal of freedom even though he was a “prisoner.” How did he make use of his freedom (v30-31)? Even while under arrest in Rome, he was able [and willing] to boldly talk about Jesus to anyone who would listen. We also know that he used this time to write letters to a number of churches to encourage them. (view map_timeline_of_Paul_s_missionary_journeys.flv)

  13. SO WHAT? Circle your responses on the sheet, “Hearing Test.” Maybe more than one “right” way to act on the items. Discuss. Understanding and action are the proof that we’ve really heard what God wants to tell us.

  14. Now you try this SPM2004B question! • Give an account of the events that took place on the island of Malta.A123Q3,5 • Why was Paul not surprised to land on the island? Another SPM1996B • Explain how Paul won the respect of the people of Malta. (You must describe at least two incidents.)A123Q6

  15. Announcements No lesson next 2 Sundays. Trial on 19/09. Study these chapters for the Trial Exam: LUKE 1, 2, 3, 9, 12, 18, 19, 23, 24, ACTS 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20, 28,

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