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7 th Framework Programme Birkbeck, University of London 23 November 2011 Philippa Shelton philippa.shelton@bbsrc.co.uk. UKRO’s Mission. UKRO’s mission is to promote effective UK engagement in EU research, innovation and higher education activities by:
7th Framework Programme Birkbeck, University of London23 November 2011Philippa Sheltonphilippa.shelton@bbsrc.co.uk http://www.ukro.ac.uk
UKRO’s Mission • UKRO’s mission is to promote effective UK engagement in EU research, innovation and higher education activities by: • Enabling sponsors and subscribers to make informed decisions about participation in EU programmes and to realise the opportunities available to them; • Supporting UK input into European research policy development and implementation through informing and interfacing with the appropriate bodies; and • Developing and maintaining a suite of quality services that meet the evolving needs of sponsors and subscribers. UK Research Office
UKRO’s Services UK Research Office * Subscribing institutions: http://www.ukro.ac.uk/aboutukro/Pages/subscribers.aspx
Framework Programme 7 http://www.ukro.ac.uk
What is FP7? • FP7 is the EU funding programme • for research and technological development • 7-year programme (2007 -2013) • New Calls for Proposals each year • Total budget of €50 521 million • Structured into four main ‘Specific Programmes’ • Main EU-level tool for meeting ‘European Research Area’ objectives • Aims to build the ‘knowledge triangle’ (research, innovation, education) • Designed to complement activities in EU Member States, as well as other EU policies • Lifelong Learning • Competitiveness and Innovation (CIP) • European Institute of Innovation and Technology • National funding • FP7 contains a significant international dimension FP7 Overview
Plus JRC and Euratom FP7 Funding Opportunities Co-operation – collaborative research Capacities Health Research Infrastructures Food, Agriculture, Fisheries, and Biotechnology (FAFB/KBBE) Research for the Benefit of SMEs Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (NMP) Regions of Knowledge FP7 Overview Research Potential Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Science in Society Transport Activities of International Co-operation Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities (SESH) Coherent Development of Policies Space People - Marie Curie Security Ideas – European Research Council Individual Fellowships & Reintegration Grants Initial Training Networks, Innovative Doctoral Programmes, European Industrial Doctorates Starting Independent Researcher Grants Advanced Investigator Grants Proof of Concept: new, for existing grant holders only Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways ERC Synergy Grants new International Research Staff Exchange Scheme CSAs / Calls for Tender on ERC COFUND and Researcher’s Night
FP7 Who is Eligible for Funding? http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Who is eligible for funding? EU-27 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria , Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK Associated Countries (FP7) Albania*,Bosnia and Herzegovina *, Croatia*, Faroe Islands*, FYR Macedonia*, Iceland*, Israel*, Liechtenstein*, Moldova*, Montenegro*, Norway*, Serbia*, Switzerland and Turkey* *except Euratom FP7 - Eligibility
Country eligibility FP7 - Eligibility
Eligible for EC funding Legal entities inEU member states or ‘Associated Countries’ (AC) InternationalEuropean Interest Organisations JRC Legal entities in International Co-operation Partner Countries (ICPC) • International organisations & non-ICPC third countries,only if: • - Mentioned in Specific Programme or Work Programme, OR • - Essential for carrying out the action, OR • - Provided for in a bilateral agreement with the EC Other countries / organisations (but withNO FUNDINGfrom the EU)
FP7: Timetable http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Recent Calls: Co-operation (1)Joint/General Activities FP7 Co-operation Calls
Recent Calls: Co-operation (2)Joint/General Activities FP7 Co-operation Calls
Recent Calls: Capacities FP7 Capacities Calls
FP7: Application Process http://www.ukro.ac.uk
General Trends to Expect until 2013 Innovation Union priorities • Future FP7 calls will reflect Innovation Union priorities • Likely to see more topics which lay the basis for innovation • Examples: Eco-innovation call in Environment, ERC Proof of Concept, Demonstration in Research for the Benefit of SMEs Involving industry • More topics which specify that SMEs must be involved • For example, topics in FAFB theme with minimum budget to SMEs • Also a focus on dissemination and communication of results Higher budget • FP7 budget structured to increase in 2012 and 2013 • Likely to see more proposals submitted, but more funded as well • Effect of national funding situation on both application numbers and budget? ERC - Introduction
Process Overview Call opens One/two stage e-submission Eligibility Check Individual Evaluation FP7 Submission and Evaluation Panel Review/ Consensus Feedback (ESR) Post-evaluation Ranking Negotiation of Proposals Report to PC
Key documents FP7 Overview
FP7: Co-operation http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Collaborative Research 1. Health €6 100 M FP7 – Co-operation - Themes 2. Food, Agriculture, Fisheries & Biotechnology €1 935 M 3. ICT €9 050 M International Cooperation Policy Emerging Needs SME 4. Nanosci, Nanotech, Materials & Production Tech €3 475 M 5. Energy €2 350 M 6. Environment (including Climate Change) €1 900 M 7. Transport (including Aeronautics) €4 160 M 8. Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities € 623 M 9. Space €1 430 M 10. Security €1 400 M
FP7 Project Types FP7 Co-operation and Capacities have 5 main project types: • Collaborative Projects • S/M Scale Collaborative Projects (Small CP/ Strep) • Large Scale Collaborative Projects (Large CP/ IP) • Networks of Excellence (NOE) • Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) • Co-ordinating (CSA-CA) • Supporting (CSA-SA) These may also have extra conditions: • Specific International Co-operation Actions (SICA) • Research for the benefit of specific groups (SMEs/CSOs) • Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) • ERA-NETs (and ERA-NET Plus) Other project types: • Any area of FP7 or outside - Calls for tender • FP7 Ideas - European Research Council (ERC) • FP7 People - Marie Curie Actions • Others linked with FP7 – calls run by existing ERA-NETs (and ERA-NET Plus) projects, Galileo, EDCTP, JTIs, Joint Programmes…. Project Stage – Proposal Prep
FP7 Co-operation: Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Socio-economic sciences and humanities 1. Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society 5. The citizen in the European Union FP7 Co-operation - SSH 2. Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective 6. Socio-economic and scientific indicators 7. Foresight activities 3. Major trends in society and their implications 8. Horizontal actions 4. Europe in the world
SSH Approach for 2010-2013 New approach: • Identifies important Societal Challenges for the EU to be addressed by specific set of research actions • Work Programmes will still include some topics to be addressed by smaller collaborative projects and CSA But: Main funding scheme to be used = Collaborative Projects (Large Scale Integrating Research Projects) • Four to five years in duration • Minimum EC contribution = € 5,500,000 (note – less than in previous calls) • At least 7 partners from 7 MS/ACs FP7 Co-operation - SSH
SSH 2012 call • Based on four priorities • Innovation Union in support of smart growth • Inclusive and sustainable growth • Reshaping the European economy & strengthening the political unity of the EU • Support for developing the external policies of the EU • Two calls: • one for large-scale projects (FP7-SSH-2012-1): €39 million • one for small-medium-scale projects and CSAs (FP7-SSH-2012-2): €48 million - maximum funding limits in WP for all topics • Funding allows for one project per large-scale challenge, one-two per topic • Deadline for both calls = 2 February 2012 FP7 Co-operation - SSH
2012 – Societal Challenges FP7 Co-operation - SSH
SSH – 2009 results by activity FP7 Co-operation - SSH
Joint Technology Initiatives http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) Innovative Medicines IMI New Nanoelectronics Approaches ENIAC Joint Technology Initiatives Embedded Systems ICT ARTEMIS Aeronautics and Air Transport CLEAN SKY Fuel Cells and Hydrogen FCH
Clean Sky JTI JTI: Clean Sky • JTI for Aeronautics and Air Transport • Total cost: €1.6 billion • Industry-led public-private partnership • 12 founding industrial members • Will fund research in ambitious and complex activities • Validation of technologies at high readiness levels at scale that requires substantial public and private investment • Several Calls for Proposals each year
People Programme – Marie Curie Actions http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Marie Curie Actions Objectives and Policy Context: • Make Europe more attractive to researchers • Structuring effect on the European Research Area through transnational and intersectoral mobility in order to create a European labour market for researchers • Strengthen human potential by: • Encouraging people to become researchers • Encouraging researchers to carry out their research in Europe • Trans-national and inter-sectoral mobility • €4.7 billion FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Definition of researchers FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Transnational Mobility Requirements • Must not have been resident in host country for more than 12 months in the last 3 years immediately before application deadline / date of recruitment or secondment • Mobility rule now applies to all individual fellowships – no ERG option to remain in same country under CIG schemes • New rule for Career Restart Panel – must not have been in host country for more than 3 of 5 years prior to deadline • Nationality criteria remains only in IOF scheme, in which applicants must either be nationals of a MS/AC or have been residing/carrying out main activity in MS/AC for 5 years before deadline • ‘Impact’ sub-criterion for individual fellowships:‘benefit of the mobility to the ERA’ FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Marie Curie ActionsOverview: Marie Curie Actions + Co-Fund, Researchers’ Night FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Central to all MC projects The RESEARCHER, their training and mobility In order to assess eligibility (for project or fellowship), it is essential that you consider the following: • The minimum or maximum amount of research experience stipulated for the action • The transnational mobility requirements for the action FP7 – Marie Curie Actions
Marie Curie Actions - Deadlines & Budgets FP7 Marie Curie Actions Calls
FP7:Capacities http://www.ukro.ac.uk
Activities Capacities – Research Capacity (€4 217 million) 1. Research infrastructures €1 715m 2. Research for the benefits of SMEs €1 336m FP7 - Capacities 3. Regions of Knowledge € 126m 4. Research Potential € 340m 5. Science in Society € 330m 6. International co-operation € 180m 7. Coherent dev. of research policies€ 70m Co-ordination of national programmes (incl. ERA-NET +)
Research for the Benefit of SMEsPolicy Background • SMEs at heart of European industry and the Europe 2020 Strategy • Playing an increasingly important role in a globalised economy • Key component in turning knowledge into products, processes and services • EU Member States have their own support actions for SMEs - EU level actions are necessary to complement and enhance these FP7 Capacities Research for the Benefit of SMEs
Research for the Benefit of SMEs • Objective is to provide financial support to SMEs or SME associations to outsource R & D, with a view to acquiring IPR, and preferably ownership, of the project results • Strengthens innovation capacity of SMEs • Supports SMEs or SME associations in need of outsourcing research to RTD performers (including universities and research centres) • Support given through 3 main calls: • Research for SMEs • Research for SME associations • Demonstration action FP7 Capacities Research for the Benefit of SMEs
Specific activities For 2012, three main SME-specific schemes will be implemented: Activity 2.1 - Research for SMEs • Supports small groups of innovative SMEs to solve common/ complimentary technological problems • Short-term projects centred on innovation needs of SMEs • Must demonstrate clear exploitation potential for SMEs FP7 Capacities Research for the Benefit of SMEs
Specific activities (continued) Activity 2.2 - Research for SME Associations • Helps to develop techncal solutions to common problems • Focus on specific industrial sectors or segments of the value chain • Covers areas such as conforming to EU norms, standards and regulatory requirements • Project duration of several years • Must also involve a number of individual SMEs FP7 Capacities Research for the Benefit of SMEs
Specific activities (continued) Activity 2.3 - Demonstration action (piloted in 2011 call) • To support projects which enable SMEs to carry out demonstration activities before a product enters the market • Activities can include: testing of product-like prototypes, implementation of new technical solutions or market studies/business plans • SME must take the lead within the consortium • Project duration foreseen to be 1.5 to 2 years • In 2012 call, this is only open to SMEs/SME Associations which have previously participated in successful projects FP7 Capacities Research for the Benefit of SMEs
2012 Call Participation requirements: • At least 3 participants must be independent SMEs established in at least 3 EU Member States or FP7 Associated Countries • At least 2 participants must be RTD performers independent from any other participant • Other legal entities, such as other enterprises or end-users that make a particular contribution to the project and to solving specific problems or needs of SMEs may participate, though not in a dominant role FP7 Capacities Research for the Benefit of SMEs
FP7: Finances http://www.ukro.ac.uk
FP Finances – Key Principles • Co-financing principle: • Usually based on reimbursement of direct and indirect costs • Lump sums or flat rates in certain actions • Balancing EC and own contribution • No need for ‘hard cash’ own contribution • No profit • No commercial activities • Different project types/funding schemes • EC principles of eligible costs and non-eligible costs • Remember that fEC is not the same as full reimbursement FP7 Financial Issues
Maximum reimbursement rates* Intro to FP7 Finances ** Co-ordination and Support Actions, Training, Management
FP7 Funding Schemes FP7 – Funding Schemes