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Preparing for the future. Learning Organizations and Managing Knowledge. "… Ugatha Mana Shilpayamai Mathu Rekena …". Learning leads to prospirity. " Vijja Uppaththan Setta ". Among the all inborn, Knowledge is the supreme. Learning - By Confucius. Without learning the wise become foolish
Preparing for the future Learning Organizations and Managing Knowledge
"…UgathaManaShilpayamaiMathuRekena…" Learning leads to prospirity
"VijjaUppaththanSetta" Among the all inborn, Knowledge is the supreme
Learning - By Confucius Without learning the wise become foolish By learning the foolish become wise Learn as if you could never have enough of learning, as if you might miss something
Learning - By Fidel Castro How Fidel Castro started to govern Cuba? What was his first request to the general public?
Learning The importance of learning was first put forward by the Chinese Philosopher, Confucius. He believed that every one could benefit from learning.
Learning • Learning is the relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of one's interactions with the environment. • It is not a quick change. It must be a sustainable change
Types of Learning • Level I Learning facts, knowledge, processes and procedures • Level II Learning new skills, that are transferable to other situations • Level III Learning to adapt • Level IV Learning to Learn
Knowledge Knowledge give me opportunities. Open and close doors for me Be my light, show me the way Amazing knowledge If I possess the knowledge Nobody can destruct me…
Knowledge Economies j¾;udkfha wm Ôj;ajkafkaf.da,ShlrKhg ,lajQ±kqï wd¾Ól ;=< hs' ±kqukQ;k wd¾Ólj, m%Odk;uksYamdokidOlhhs'tfukau ±kqu ;r.ldÍjdis ,ndfokuQ,sluM,odhS wd¾Ól iïm; njgwom;aj ;sfí' kQ;kf,dalfhacd;Skaw;rWiamy;anj yd Okm;snjfyda ks¾Ok nj ;SrKhlrjkm%OdkidOlhjkafka o ±kquhs'±kqïfiajlfhdakQ;k wd¾Ól md,khlr;s'tjeksfiajlhkagkQ;k wd¾Ól ;=< we;af;afkdkeishyels wmQ¾j n,hls'
Knowledge Real learning gets to the heart of what it means to be human. Though learning we re - create ourselves. Through learning we become able to do something we never able to do. Though learning we re - perceive the world and our relationship to it. Though learning develop our capacity to create, to be the part of the generative process of it.
Learning Organization/s "An organization which facilitates the learning of all its members and continuous transform itself". (Pedler et al., 1988) Two elements in the definition: • Individual learning • Organizational learning and transformation
Learning Organization/s "Organizational learning is a process of detecting and correcting of errors". (Argyris, 1977) "… in a learning organization people learn to see the whole (reality) togher". (Peter Senge)
Learning Organization/s • An organization that learns and encourages learning among its people. • It promotes exchange of information among employees to create a knowledgeable workforce. • People will accept and adapt to new ideas and changes through a shared vision.
Learning Organization/s • Adaptive to the external environment • Continually enhance the capacity to change/adapt • Develop individual as well as collective learning • use results of learning to enjoy better organizational results
Learning Organization/s Organization Learning Environment Adopt developing strategies
Characteristics of a Learning Organization • Learning Culture • Processes • Tools and techniques • Skills and Motivation
Learning and Knowing…. Why……? • Organizations and employees must know how to change • To cope with rapid and unexpected changes where programmed responses are inadequate • Need flexibility • Front - line staff ……… Customer……
Characteristics of a Learning Organization …"the learning organization depends absolutely on skills, approaches and commitment of individuals and their own learning"… (Mumford, 1994)
How to compete in this knowledge economy? • Organization is a learning, knowing and sense making organism • Like humans, organizations make sense out of their environments • Productivity based on the correctness and the appropriateness of its sense making judgments, and the ability to gather, create, store and distribute knowledge and information
How to compete in this knowledge economy? • Role of the manager is to use the sense making ability to define the problem, define solutions and to build the information and knowledge processing infrastructure of the organization. • Thus, Key role of the manager is to perceive the environment correctly….
Two types of knowledge Tacit Knowledge Subjective and experimental knowledge that cannot be expressed in words, sentences, numbers and formulas Explicit Knowledge Objective and rational knowledge that can be expressed in words, sentences, numbers or using formulas
Knowledge based view of the firm…….. • Knowledge base view emphasizes the collection, storage and use of knowledge and information • This perspective has implication for IT • Managers must use IT to increase the information and knowledge processing infrastructure of the firm
Knowledge based view of the firm…….. • Knowledge is the central productive and strategic asset of the firm • Explicit knowledge is codified in books, manuals, pictures and videos and tacit knowledge is hidden know how, build over years of experience • To create value/s by organizations, they require different types of specialized knowledge
Knowledge Economies j¾;udkfha wm Ôj;ajkafkaf.da,ShlrKhg ,lajQ±kqï wd¾Ól ;=< hs' ±kqukQ;k wd¾Ólj, m%Odk;uksYamdokidOlhhs'tfukau ±kqu ;r.ldÍjdis ,ndfokuQ,sluM,odhS wd¾Ól iïm; njgwom;aj ;sfí' kQ;kf,dalfhacd;Skaw;rWiamy;anj yd Okm;snjfyda ks¾Ok nj ;SrKhlrjkm%OdkidOlhjkafka o ±kquhs'±kqïfiajlfhdakQ;k wd¾Ól md,khlr;s'tjeksfiajlhkagkQ;k wd¾Ól ;=< we;af;afkdkeishyels wmQ¾j n,hls'
Competitive Advantages in the Knowledge Economy Economic Revolutions
Economic Revolutions • 119th Century Agrarian based economies • 220th Century industrial power • 21th Century Knowledge based economy
Industrial Revolution….. • Steam Engine • Division of Labor • Scientific Management • Time and Motion Studies • Activity Scheduling Charts • Moving Assembly Lines
Knowledge Based Economy • Society today governs by knowledge workers who apply their knowledge to work. • Knowledge society is a post - capitalist system • The post capitalist system is neither capitalist nor socialist • The controlling factor of production is neither capital, nor land, nor labor, but knowledge • Classes are also due to the knowledge
Knowledge Based Economy Objective of acquiring knowledge is neither the mere production of intellectuals nor the material and processes, but the production of knowledge workers who are ready to directly apply their acquired knowledge to work.
Competitive Advantages in the Knowledge Economy Knowledge and Development
Knowledge and Development • Key to economic progress and the vehicle that carries the solutions to poverty • A nation's human capital formation is the critical factor in achieving socio economic development • The modern trend is the shift from the resource based economy to the knowledge based economy
Knowledge and Development • Knowledge has become the most influential factor in development • Unlike physical resources, knowledge and technology are characterized by increasing returns, and these increasing returns drive the process of growth • Now the production process become knowledge based
Knowledge and Development • Knowledge is the critical factor required for employment • A country's capacity to take competitive advantages in the knowledge economy depends on how quickly it can adjust its capacity to generate and share knowledge • Knowledge can shape and re-shape the economy
Knowledge and Development • Knowledge workers are vital for socio - economic development • Education system basically produce new knowledge • Research as a major source of creating and disseminating new knowledge • The fast developing economies requires highly qualified and skilled human capital
Knowledge and Competitive Advantages • Collective and shared experience accumulated, share across the organization • Organizational knowledge has been highlighted as important due to; • Organization become more complex and large, the need to share and pool what people know becomes a real challenge • Then, ……………………
Knowledge and Competitive Advantages • It is less likely that organizations achieve competitive advantages through physical resources and more likely that they will achieve advantages through intimate knowledge • ICT and information systems altered the business and the way of doing businesses
Knowledge and Competitive Advantages • In agricultural and industrial sectors of the economy require knowledge and skilled based employees in future • When industries shifting towards the technological advancements (A country like Japan), knowledge is the essential input to reinforce the economy
Knowledge and the Human Capital • Human capital is the education, training and on the job learning embodied in the workforce • It is the employees knowledge and the brain power • Human Capital is more than Human Resource • From resources we can gain products, but from human capital we can gain profits • To create human capital tacit and explicit knowledge should get together
Knowledge and Competitive Advantages • In a knowledge economy wealth creation is done by the knowledge (Like Japan) • Without physical resources also a country can develop utilizing knowledge • To give competitive advantages knowledge must have basic four features; • Valuable • Rare • Imperfectly imitable • Non substitutable
Knowledge and Knowledge Worker • Organizational learning is the process by which organizations acquire tacit knowledge • "Patent System" is a must to maintain a knowledge economy • Knowledge worker apply the knowledge to the organization, but not the intellect.
Strategies to compete in a knowledge economy • Link between science and technology • Innovations • Increase the importance of education and training; through the quality of it • Attract, recruit, train and retain super performers • Life long learning • Greater investment in R & D
Thank You! Next Lesson: Analysis of the Environment