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Dynamic Hierarchical Undo Facility in a Fine-Grained Component Environment. TOOLS Pacific 2002 Waseda University, JAPAN H.Washizaki Y.Fukazawa { washi, fukazawa }@fuka.info.waseda.ac.jp. Undo facility. Definition of undo/redo operations Undo: Unexecute the last performed action
Dynamic Hierarchical Undo Facility ina Fine-Grained Component Environment TOOLS Pacific 2002 Waseda University, JAPAN H.Washizaki Y.Fukazawa { washi, fukazawa }@fuka.info.waseda.ac.jp H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Undo facility • Definition of undo/redo operations • Undo: Unexecute the last performed action • Redo: Re-execute the last undo action • (Undo/redo several actions) • Effects of undo facility • Improvement of usability • Support of complex GUI design Undo facility is necessary for interactive application systems with Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Conventional implementation • Basic mechanism • Command: corresponding to user’s actions • History list: storing executed commands • Types of undo facilities • Restricted linear undo facility • Undo/redo operation in the order of user’s actions • Most comprehensible for users • Non-linear undo facility • Arbitrary past commands can be undone/redone • Problem: internal states become complex for users • Selective undo facility • Isolated commands can be undone/redone • Problem: dependency settings is necessary • Hierarchical undo facility • Using predefined hierarchical commands • Problem: definition of hierarchical commands is necessary corresponding to each specific application H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Conventional implementation (Restricted linear undo facility) • Restricted linear undo facility is the most general • Comprehensible for users • Object-oriented undo frameworks (UndoFW) • Command Processor pattern • Restoration target: user’s actions Command Processor UndoableEditListener Command Processor (History List) Command UndoManager UndoableEdit 1 Stores/ Undo/Redo * undo() redo() Passes-UndoableEdit Concrete Command Executes/ Re-executes Controller Supplier Generates UndoableEditSupport ConcreteUndoableEdit FooEditSource undo() redo() component.setData(v1) component.setData(v2) Notifies-user-action-performed H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Problems in conventional implementation • Potential for an excessive number of command classes • Necessity of command classes according to each user’s actions • Example: • CopyCommand, PasteCommand, DeleteCommand, … (for text editing applications) • Internal modification of the edit source class • Addition of procedures in the edit source class (in the original logic part) • Incomplete separation of the original logic part and the UndoFW applied part H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Targeted software components • Common definition • Reusable/substitutable software artifacts • In a narrow sense • A physical packaging of executable software with public interfaces • An object-oriented class, reusable at the instance level • Distributed in the form of an object code, without source codes • Systems: CORBA・EJB, JavaBeans・ActiveX/COM • Classification with granularity • Coarse-grained: business components • Medium-grained: application components with specific logic • Fine-grained: GUI widgets, generic components Component Interface glue code Coordination services Component Framework H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Fine-grained components • Usage • Widespread with RAD tools, libraries • JavaBeans, ActiveX, … • Feature • Property (data) • Attribute by which component's behavior is decided • Readabl-property, writable-property • Read method (getData) • Operation to observe the property’s value • Write method (setData) • Operation to change the property’s value • Event method (fireEvent) • Operation for notification of events • Starting point of the reactive control Facade Facade Sub system FooBean -data : Data #fireEvent(event: Event)+getData(newData: Data)+setData(newData: Data)+doSomething(p:Param) H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Additional implementation of undo facility • Target • Type: restricted linear undo facility • Environment: Fine-grained component environment • The behavior of the entire application is shown as sets of properties’ changes • Restoration: all properties’ changes • Mechanism • Undo function • resetting the old property’s value using the write method • Redo function • resetting the new property’s value using the write method redo setData(v2) data = v2 setData Old State New State data = v1 undo setData(v1) H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Undoable extension • Mechanism • Automatic generation of the subclass by Generator • Separation of the logic part and the UndoFW applied part • Overriding of methods with notification functions • Restricted restoration types • PropertyChangeEdit: undo/redo setting property’s value • PropertReferEdit: (getting property’s value) • EventEdit: (firing events) UndoableEdit Listener Component 1 * UndoManager UndoableEdit - data : Data Stores/ Undo/Redo +setData(Data) +getData() : Data +fireEvent undo() redo() Passes-UndoableEdit PropertyReferEdit EventEdit Executes/ Re-executes Generates UndoableEditSupport PropertyChangeEdit UndoableComponent undo() redo() component.setData(v1) component.setData(v2) Notifies-user-action-performed H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Comparison of command granularity • Conventional undo facility • One command represents one action • Our undo facility • One or more commands represents one action • Proposal of dynamic hierarchization • Organizing commands dynamically into a hierarchy • Three types: Basic, Pattern, Container Copy action 1: User push the Button[C3] 1-1: getting value on TextField[C1] 1-3: setting value of TextField[C2] History list (conventaional) (Ea) TextCopyEdit represents text copy action Application composition History list (our) TextField [C1] represents setting value (P3) PropertyChangeEdit TextField [C2] Represents gettiing value (P2) PropertyReferEdit Button [C3] (F1) FireEventEdit reperesents event notification H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Preparation for definition • Component • Command Component’s ID ::= (Unique identification value of component, C_id) Method’s ID ::= (Unique identification value of method in component, I_id) E ::= (Single command), E ::= Pc | Pr | E | S Pc ::= (Property change command) Pr ::= (Property refer command) E ::= (Event command) S ::= { E } (compound command) {(k,i)} E ::= ( v : hierarchical level on the history tree, Level, n : sequence number, (k,j) : pair of the generator C_id and the generator I_id ) v n C_id=1 Component X I_id=1, generation of Pc(1,1) at the invocation time data : Data setData(Data) getData() : Data fireEvent() I_id=2, generation of Pr(1,2) at the invocation time I_id=3, generation of E(1,3) at the invocation time H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Basic hierarchization • Policy • Use of the reactive control (event-driven) • Making compound commands • event commands as their parents Realization of undo/redo operations corresponding to the event-driven behavior Demand Undo/redo the firing event (1.1) ~ the writing property value (1.4) collectively 1.1: fires event 1: Push C3:Button :User 1.2: notifies event 1.3: reads property value adapter C1:TextField 1.4: writes property value C2:TextField 2: Push C5:Button 2.1: notifies event H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
(4,2) (3,3) (6,0) (5,3) (2,6) Pc E Pr E E 1 1 2 1 2 1 6 4 3 5 Basic hierarchization (mechanism) • Adding property change/refer commands (Pc,Pr) as children of event commands (E) Basic-hierarchized History tree Basic-hierarchized History list (Level=1) History list root objective-state objective-state (3,3) E 1 Undo Undo (1,1) (1,1) Pr Pr 2 Basic hierarchization 2 2 Undo (2,6) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) Pc S 3 1 Undo (5,3) E 4 Undo Undo (4,2) (5,3)(4,2) Pr S 5 2 current-state current-state (6,0) (6,0) E S 6 3 [time] [time] H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Pattern hierarchization • Policy • The same kind of compound commands series as a pattern • Making compound commands • New command as their commands Realization of undo/redo operations for the repeated series of actions Demand Undo/redo the repeated series of actions (push C3 ~ push C5) collectively 1.1: 4.1: 4: Push 1: Push C3:Button :User 1.2: 4.2: 1.3: 4.3: adapter C1:TextField 5: Push 1.4: 4.4: 3: Push C2:TextField 2: Push C5:Button 2.1: 3.1: 5.1: H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
S’ 1 1 (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (5,3)(4,2) (5,3)(4,2) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (6,0)(4,2) (5,3)(4,2) (6,0)(4,2) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (6,0)(4,2) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (6,0)(4,2) (5,3)(4,2) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (5,3)(4,2) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (5,3)(4,2) (6,0)(4,2) S’ S S’ S S’ E’’ S S’’ S S’’ S’ S’’ S’’ S’’ S’’ S’’ S’ S’’ S’ S 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 8 7 6 1 4 10 5 5 2 4 3 4 8 7 9 3 1 2 3 S’’ 1 6 Pattern hierarchization (mechanism) • Decision of commands equivalence with pairs of C_id ant I_id • Retrieval of same set of id pairs Pattern hierarchized History list (Level=1) History tree root root root objective -state Undo Pattern hierarchization (B) Pattern Hierarchi- zation (A) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (5,3)(4,2)(6,0) (4,2) S’ Addition S’’’ 1 5 1 Undo Addition (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (5,3)(4,2)(6,0) (4,2) S’’’ 2 H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Container hierarchization • Policy • Inclusive relation of parent components of generator components • Effects of commands are localized inside those parent component Realization of undo/redo operations corresponding to components composition Cz Demand Undo/redo the repeated series of actions localized in Cx・Cy・Cz MainPanel Cx C6 Button CopyPanel Inclusive relations: Cz ⊃ C6, Cx Cx ⊃ C1, C2, C3, Cy Cy ⊃ C4, C5 Cy C3 C2 C1 Button TextField TextField Panel C5 C4 Button CheckGroup H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
(5,3)(4,2) (5,3)(4,2) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (6,0)(4,2) (6,0)(4,2) (5,3)(4,2) (6,0)(4,2) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (5,3)(4,2) (6,0)(4,2) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) S S S S S S S S S S S S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 5 6 6 4 4 5 Container hierarchization (mechanism) • Decision of the parent component which includes all parent components of generator components • Using component ids • Checking the component composition at each time Container hierarchized History list (Level=1) History list in(con(S1),con(S2)) = (Cx⊃Cy) = TRUE objective- state root root Undo con(E1)=x in(C_id1,C_id2) ::= TRUE | FALSE (C_id1 contains C_id2) con(E) ::= C_container ( ∀C_id | in(C_container, C_id), C_id ∈( E’s { (C_id,I_id) } ) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (5,3)(4,2) S’ 1 con(E2)=y con(E3)=z Undo (6,0)(4,2)(3,3) (1,1)(2,6)(5,3) (4,2) S’ 2 Container hierarchi- zation Undo (6,0)(4,2) S’ 3 current-state [time] H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Implementation environment • Component system • JavaBeans: Java based component system • Treats fine-grained components • Undo framework • javax.swing.undo package (in JFC) • Undo extension and hierarchization system • UndoableBean <<framework>> UndoFW JavaBeans <<framework>> UndoableBean Our development H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Hierarchization framework • Three types of dynamic hierarchization • Strategy pattern • Encapsulation of hierarchization algorithms • Decorator pattern • Extensible hierarchization classes • Dynamic combination of hierarchization objects (e.g. new PattenStrategy(new BasicStrategy()); ) UndoManager Delegates-process <<pattern>> Strategy <<pattern>> Decorater 1 HierarchizeStrategy UndoableBeanManager 1 1 1 process(edit) Manages Composites * 1 deployment UndoableEdit BasicStrategy AdvancedStrategy <<framework>> Hierarchization PatternStrategy ContainerStrategy H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Evaluation • Methods • Conventional method: • [Con] javax.swing.undo package • Our method: • [Non] no-hierarchization • [Basic] Basic hierarchization • [Patt] Basic+Pattern hierarchization • [Ctan] Basic+Container hierarchization • Samples • Sample A: LunchApplet • Sample B: Test • Sample C: FontViewer • Sample D: extended FontViewer FontViewer H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Development cost • Necessary development costs for implementation of undo facility • Types of cost • Codes/classes which programmer writes (hand coding) • Codes/classes which can be generated automatically • Result of our method • Codes which programmer writes, 78.4% has been reduced • Effect of Generator in our method • Lower values in number of classes H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Usability (preparation) • Environment • Athlon 800MHz, Memory 256MB, Java2 RE1.3, Windows 2000 • Usability test • Four testers executed 20 tasks with Five sample D: [Con], [Non], [Basic], [Patt], [Ctan] • Task: • Each task has target strings (e.g. task1: “Sample”, task2: “Sample code” ) • Testers can perform specific operations (add, delete, change size, change style, change name) • Testers can perform undo/redo (+ advanced undo/redo at our methods) • Measure: • Number of specific/undo,redo operation times • Execution time • Relative usability score score[x]=100 * total_operation[Con] / total_operation[x] H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Usability (evaluation) • Results of our methods • [Non]: large number of undo/redo operation times, low usability • [Basic]:large number of undo/redo operation times, low usability • [Patt] (Basic+Pattern hierarchization) • The number of undo/redo operation times was smaller than [Con] (but, more experience in advanced undo/redo operation is necessary) • [Ctan] (Basic+Container hierarchization) • The number of total operation times was smaller than [Con] • The relative usability score exceeds 100 point • Effect of container-hierarchized undo/redo operations Type [Con] [Non] [Basic] [Patt] [Ctan] Execution time [ms] 5082 6402 5409 5246 5385 Specific operation times 2.98 3.73 3.33 3.31 3.82 Undo/redo operation times 3.38 7.88 4.72 3.17 2.41 11.61 Total operation times 6.37 8.05 6.48 6.23 - Relative usability score 54.8 79.1 98.2 102.1 H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Conclusion • We propose a new implementation technique of the dynamic hierarchical undo facility • Low implementation cost • High usability with container hierarchization • Future works • Limitation in usage • Target applications should be based on fine-grained component • All behavior should be performed by properties’ changes Solution by introspecting all elements of application, and decomposing into fine-grained components H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
Maintenance cost • Necessary adaptation costs for specification change • Types of cost • Modification in original logic part • Modification in UndoFW applied part by handcoding • Modification in UndoFW applied part by autogeneration • Data structure change: StringBuffer to String, • Sample C was used • Results of our method • Programmer actually need not modify UndoFW applied part • Impacts of specification change were localized in generated UndoableComponent [Con] codes (classes) [Ours] codes (classes) Type Original logic part 6 (1) 6 (1) UndoFW applied part (handcoding) 14 (3) 0 (0) UndoFW applied part (autogeneration) - (-) 80 (1) H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
UndoableBean • Additional framework for JavaBeans Storing commands Undo/redo operation Original application Generator Application Pre generates Changes-property/ Fires-event adapter Bean1 Bean2 1 Creates * Undoable BeanEdit UndoableBean1 UndoableBean2 Resets-property * * * 1 Notifies, stores UndoManager Taken-out, undo/redo 1 1 <<abstract>> HierarchizeStrategy UndoableBeanManager Delegates- hierarchization process Undo/redo operations H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
E E E 4 4 4 (3,3) (3,3) E E 1 1 Preparation for definition (diagram) • Diagram representation • History list: set of commands actually used • History tree: internal representation of hierarchized commands History list (Level=1) History list History tree root root Initial state E4 was undone (3,3) E 1 1 1 State (E4) Edit Compound command (E1,E2,E3) (1,1) (1,1) (1,1) E E E (E3) Edit 1 2 2 2 2 (E2) Edit Command (E1) Edit (2,6) (2,6) (2,6) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) E E E E’ 1 3 3 2 3 1 Current state Undo Undo (2,6) (2,6) (2,6) (2,6) E’ 1 1 2 Hierarchization [time] [time] H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia
(5,3)(4,2) (6,0)(4,2) (6,0)(4,2) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (5,3)(4,2) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (6,0)(4,2) S S S’ S S S S 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 5 2 3 4 6 3 Support of flexible undo/redo operations • Flexible undo/redo operations • Change and selection of the tree’s level at run time History list (Level=1) History list (Level=2) History list (Level=3) History tree root Undo Undo (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) S’’ S’’’ Undo 1 1 Undo Undo (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (5,3)(4,2) (5,3)(4,2) (5,3)(4,2) S’ S’’ S’’’ 1 2 2 Undo Undo (6,0)(4,2) (6,0)(4,2) S’’ S’’’ 3 3 Undo Undo (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) S’’’ Undo 4 (6,0)(4,2)(3,3) (1,1)(2,6)(5,3) (4,2) Undo (3,3)(1,1)(2,6) (5,3)(4,2) S’ S’’ (5,3)(4,2) S’’’ 2 4 5 Undo Undo Undo (6,0)(4,2) (6,0)(4,2) S’’ S’’’ 5 6 [time] [time] [time] H.Washizaki and Y.Fukazawa, TOOLS Pacific 2002, February 20, Sydney, Australia