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How electric cars in Pakistan can be less expensive?

You can buy electric cars in Pakistan at lesser prices from the resale, by replacing spare parts, from a local manufacturer, and on subsidies.

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How electric cars in Pakistan can be less expensive?

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  1. How electric cars in Pakistan can be less expensive?

  2. Pakistan is still among the countries where electric cars are seen as innovation. The country still does not manufacture such vehicles that’s why electric cars in Pakistan are mostly imported. This raises the price and drives them into the category of luxury cars 98% of the population cannot afford. But these vehicles must become a norm in this society as they can solve the country’s major problems like petrol crises and environmental pollution. So, here is how electric cars can be bought at lesser prices to make them affordable for everyone.

  3. i. Buy on resale Currently, only 2% of the population in Pakistan can afford electric cars. They are imported and the value of the Pakistani rupee is very low compared to the currency of countries like China and the UK who import electric cars in Pakistan. In a few years when buyers of these vehicles are a bit more in percentage than now, electric cars would be sold within the country. For example, MG-ZS-EV is for 50+ lacs now but if you buy from the resale, the price would be much lesser. Also, you can buy electric cars in Pakistan at a lesser price when the market value drops because a model gets old and new models are being introduced. But only if you prefer this way.

  4. ii. Local manufacturing The price of electric cars would be significantly reduced if a local brand manufactures them. The material would be local and built-in features would not be too fancy and fall parallel to the price working-class people are willing to pay for electric cars in Pakistan.

  5. iii. Changing spare parts There are so many parts like tire frames, automatic features, road assist pilot, etc that can be removed from the vehicles. If you replace these parts with cheaper ones, the price of the vehicle would drop. This is what theft groups do to sell the stolen vehicles at cheaper rates. This can be illegal or a bad option for someone selling the vehicle and may work only under a few circumstances.

  6. iv. Cheaper imports as a long-term deal How business goes between two countries depend on how friendly the political matters are. If the government of Pakistan makes smooth relations with a country whose exported goods can make a good change in society then it would benefit everyone. Electric cars in Pakistan can be sold in newer conditions and at a lesser price this way. The importer might be at loss for not having enough sales on a few outdated models that no one buys in his country anymore. He can sell all those units at a lesser price to a country where outdated parts can be seen as an innovation.

  7. v. By increasing subsidies This is another step the government can take for tackling the petrol crisis and environmental pollution. Subsidies should be provided to electric car dealers so that people who cannot afford yet can buy electric cars in Pakistanat less expensive prices. This might put stress on the national budget in the start but as the awareness spreads in the country about the need for such vehicles, local manufacturers would step up and start making in their own country.

  8. Contact US • Website: https://mgmotors.com.pk/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MG-Motor-Pakistan-107067411168427 • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mgmotorpakistan • Twitter: https://twitter.com/mgpakistan • Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClNny2ymTIZE1uT5Me7vfbA

  9. Thank You

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