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Educational Group Tours

EPA TOURS (our initials stand for “Education Programs Abroad”) has been organizing international short-term education and cultural travel tours for universities, colleges, high schools, secondary schools, and churches for the past 40 years. Each year, our company sends hundreds of Americans abroad on specialized education travel tours.

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Educational Group Tours

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Educational Group Tours Educational Group Tours

  2. Educational Group Tours The main objective of schools is awakening the intelligence in both teacher and student. There are many factors which can prove to be helpful in awakening intelligence, the most important factor amongst these is the attentive state of mind. You have an attentive state of mind only when your mind is relaxed, fear is absent and it is not preoccupied with some other objective. Educational Group Tours

  3. Educational Group Tours Educational group tours that are a part of school syllabus are of great importance as they provide the opportunity to students of learning new and different things by travelling, especially to the historical places which allows them to discover new things. Other than that, it provides the students a little bit of relief from their daily routine life in school and lots of educational load as well. Educational Group Tours

  4. Educational Group Tours These type of educational group tours also helps in the development of close bond among students and teachers. It also provides an opportunity to the teacher for interacting with their students in more casual way as compared to classroom. No matter how much the students learn from the educational trips but they always find it an exciting to stay away from the school for one day. It becomes a source of fun and enjoyment for them. Educational Group Tours

  5. Educational Group Tours Students benefit from educational trips by getting exposure and acquiring new perspectives in the world, especially when the students travel out of the country. These trips also help in adding new variety to their lesson plans and integrating them with their educational tour. Students can develop new learning styles through educational tours, as classroom based learning is based on the audio learning whereas these trips help in developing the visual learning ability in them. Educational Group Tours

  6. Educational Group Tours Students can be motivated by making an announcement by the teachers of the school that student who will give the best presentation after return from their education tour will receive a prize for that. This presentation will be based on all their learnings from their educational tour and they have to summarize it all and present it to their teachers and class fellows. Student with the best presentation will be given a prize for that.

  7. Educational Group Tours All schools must arrange educational tours at least twice a month for motivating students, increasing their knowledge and making them feel more relaxed and happy!

  8. CONTACT US EPA Tours P.O. Box 6524 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-0524 Toll Free Tel: 888-844-0026 In New Jersey: 609-844-0026 Email: info@epatours.com Visit us on the web: http://epatours.com

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