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The field of epigenetics is constantly evolving with the development of new processes for chromatin profiling and the discovery of new information regarding factors affecting chromatin structure and gene expression.<br>For more information visit here: https://www.epicypher.com/2020-epigenetics-conferences/<br>
Epigenetic factors affect the incidence of many diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative conditions, and have an increasing influence on the field of biomedical research. Thus, there is a great deal of importance involved in staying informed on current research. Attending an Epigenetics Conference can be one of the best ways to make sure that you stay up to date on new information, research and protocols. However, selecting the right conference can be challenging, as there are countless epigenetics meetings each month. Here areafewnoteworthyconferencesin2020thatyoushouldaddtoyourcalendar. From January 2630, Keystone Symposia is hosting an epigenetics conference focused on cancer epigenetics and gene regulation, entitled Cancer Epigenetics: New Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities. Thismeetingwill be held jointlywith Gene Regulation: From Mechanisms to Disease. The keynote speakers are all renownedexpertsin the fieldandinclude KarenAdelman, Ph.D. andShelley L. Berger, Ph.D. and. The Cancer Epigenetics conference aims to explore advances in methods, mechanistic insights and drug discovery efforts. Key areas to be explored in the Gene Regulation meeting include the effects of precise control of gene expression and its effects on organismal development,homeostasis,andaging.
Another exciting conference to look forward to in 2020 is the Gordon Research Chromatin Structure andFunction ConferenceheldonMay 31- June 5in Castelldefels,ES.on. Thismeeting willcoverepigeneticsfundamentals,butwill alsoofferalook atchromatinorganizationandits effects on physiology and disease. Specifically, it will explore new methodologies that enable chromatin mapping and visualization at the single-cell level. Seats are filled on a rolling basis, sobesuretoapplyearly. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) is hosting a Science Research Conference on June 21-26in Sicily, Italy. Theconference isdedicated to DNA, RNA and proteinmethylation and the role that post-translational methylation has on the development of human disease. Biologists and chemists from many backgrounds and disciplines will come together to explore the effects of protein and nucleicacidmethylationondiseases.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is hosting a conference on September 14t-18, 2020 featuring Shelley L. Berger, Ph.D. and Richard Young, Ph.D., as keynote speakers. This conference will explore topics regarding nuclear architecture, chromatin structure, epigenetic memory, proteinandDNAmodificationandmuchmore. Additionally, EpiCypher’s scientific founders are organizing a 2020 epigenetics conference that will be held from November 8-13 in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Featuring renowned keynote speakers Kristian Helin, Ph.D. and Steven Henikoff, Ph.D., this conference will explore the latest findings and technological advancesinepigeneticsresearch.Tolearnmoreaboutthisepigeneticsconference,visitEpiCypher.com.
These are only a few of the epigenetics conferences scheduled for 2020. Take a look here at EpiCypher’s website to see a complete list of upcoming conferences as well as more information on speakers and topics addressed. Be sure to sign up in advance as space is limitedinmanycasesandwillfillquickly.
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