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Equity Shelf is rated as the #1 Equity Report provider of 2015 and provides FREE company equity reports to members.
Investor Research Service, EquityShelf.com, Creates Shake-Up In The Investor Advice Sector Equity Shelf is a membership website that offers Private Members of the website access to 10,000 + financial Equity Reports. Some quick math tells me that must be almost every stock on the majors. And it's currently a free service offering No Charge Access accounts. These are financial reports of Publicly Traded companies. Reports are available for most companies on all the major exchanges. A Day Trader or Independent Stock Investor would use the site to access key information such as company description, financial position and analyst recommendations. A little surprising is that all the reports are updated on an ongoing basis. Not what you'd expect from a free service. When questioned, site representative Doug Shortt remarked “There isn’t anything else like it online. I gather the data I need in minutes and everything is all in one place.” Members say using the site saves them a lot of time when doing research on a basket of stocks for their portfolios. The Equity Shelf Private Membership can be reached by going to: CLICK FOR EQUITY SHELF MEMBERSHIP One Private Member is quoted as saying “I would recommend Equity Shelf to investors of any level. Your reports boosted my portfolio revenues.” The research process usually involves doing a search online, opening the first page of listings and then going through each one to find those nuggets of information needed to make a decision. The average is about 10 pieces of information per stock so doing the research for 1 company can take a half an hour or more. When doing all that search engine research it’s easy to get distracted by unrelated content. The advantage of http://EquityShelf.com is, it helps Private Members stay focused by having up to date research available in one place and it saves time by lessening the need for search engine usage. Sounds promising but what’s on the horizon for Equity Shelf? When asked, a company executive suggested “…as the membership grows we’ll be ramping up by doing interviews with upcoming industry experts. Reviews and training webinars are also on the agenda…” and also commented “…like to grow a Community of Stock Trading Pros active on the site."
Equity Shelf is enticing new members with a FREE Access Offer. This gives all new members an account with no restrictions and no cost. Time will tell the true value of this new membership site but the owners seem to be off to a good start by offering something of value to build an engaged community of investors.