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Integration by Parts Guidelines & Common Integrals

Learn steps for Integration by Parts (IBP) including LIPET rule, common integrals, and guidelines for selecting u and dv. Interactive worksheet available.

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Integration by Parts Guidelines & Common Integrals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Integration by Parts If u and v are functions of x and have continuous derivatives, then

  2. Steps for Integration By Parts IBP 1. Express the Integrand as a product of two functions. 2. Find u using the LIPET rule, and name the other functions times dx, dv. 3. Find du by differentiation and v by integration. 4. Substitute u, du, v, & dv into the IBP formula and evaluate the integral of vdu.

  3. LIPET is your new order of selection of u for IBP L Logarithm I Inverse Trig Functions P Polynomials E Exponential Functions T Trig Functions

  4. VIDEO TUTORIALS (Allow few second to load)

  5. Summary of Common Integrals Using Integration by Parts 1. For integrals of the form Let u = xn and let dv = eax dx, sin ax dx, cos ax dx 2. For integrals of the form Let u = lnx, arcsin ax, or arctan ax and let dv = xn dx 3. For integrals of the form or Let u = sin bx or cos bx and let dv = eax dx

  6. Evaluate To apply integration by parts, we want to write the integral in the form There are several ways to do this. u dv u dv u dv u dv Following our guidelines, we choose the first option because the derivative of u = x is the simplest and dv = ex dx is the most complicated.

  7. u = x v = ex du = dx dv = ex dx u dv


  9. INTERACTIVE INTEGRATION BY PARTS WORKSHEET Allow few minutes to load. Click on problem for detailed solutions

  10. Since x2 integrates easier than ln x, let u = ln x and dv = x2 u = ln x dv = x2 dx

  11. Repeated application of integration by parts u = x2 v = -cos x du = 2x dx dv = sin x dx Apply integration by parts again. u = 2x du = 2 dx dv = cos x dx v = sin x

  12. Repeated application of integration by parts Neither of these choices for u differentiate down to nothing, so we can let u = ex or sin x. Let’s let u = sin x v = ex du = cos x dx dv = ex dx u = cos x v = ex du = -sinx dx dv = ex dx

  13. Guidelines for Integration by Parts • Try letting dv be the most complicated portion of the integrand that fits a basic integration formula. Then u will be the remaining factor(s) of the integrand. • Try letting u be the portion of the integrand whose derivative is a simpler function than u. Then dv will be the remaining factor(s) of the integrand.

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