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第一部分 必修二

抓基础. 第一部分 必修二. 第一板块. Unit4. 第二板块. 析考点. 第三板块. 第四板块. 提能力. 1 . adj .       有可能的 2 . vi . 集中注意 3 . n . 气候 4 . n . 洪水,水灾 vt .& vi . 淹没 5 . vt . 影响 6 . n . & vt . 进攻,攻击. likely. focus. climate. flood. affect. attack. 7 . vi . 使猛撞,使撞毁

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第一部分 必修二

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  1. 抓基础 第一部分必修二 第一板块 Unit4 第二板块 析考点 第三板块 第四板块 提能力

  2. 1.adj.      有可能的 2.vi. 集中注意 3.n. 气候 4.n. 洪水,水灾 vt.&vi. 淹没 5.vt. 影响 6.n.&vt. 进攻,攻击 likely focus climate flood affect attack

  3. 7.vi. 使猛撞,使撞毁 8.n.&vt. 提供,提议 9.adj. 明显的,显而易见的 10.n. 破坏,毁灭 11.vt. (非正式)想要做;幻想 12.vt. 拒绝,不接受 crash offer obvious destruction fancy reject

  4. 13.n. 目的地 • 14.vt. 收拾(行李),打包 • 15.n. 景色,风景 • 16.adj. 平均的 • 17.adj. 定期的,规则的 • 18.n.真实,现实→adj.现实的,实际的 • →adv.真正地→n.现实主义→ • vt.实现 destination pack view/scenery average regular reality real realize realism really

  5. 19.n.犯罪,罪行→n.罪犯 • 20.vi.消失→(vi.,反义词) 出现 • 21.vt.&n.伤害,损害→adj.有害的 • →adj.无害的 • 22.adj.科学的→n.科学→ • n.科学家 crime criminal disappear appear harm harmful harmless science scientist scientific

  6. 23.n.建议,提议→vt.提议,建议 24.n.安排→vt.安排 25.adj.吸引人的,有魅力的→n.吸引→vt.吸引 26.vt.定居→n.解决(方法);定居 suggestion suggest arrangement arrange attractive attraction attract settlement settle

  7. 1.编造,构成 2. 实现 3. 好像,仿佛 4.(电话用语)别挂断 5. 和……取得联系 make up come true as if hang on get in touch

  8. 6.做,从事于 7.本人亲身 8. 也,又 9.被认为是 10.将来 11.采取行动 be up to in the flesh as well as be known as in the future take action

  9. 12. 而且 13. 接收,接管 14. 由……组成 15. 切掉,切断 what's more take over consist of cut off

  10. 1. ..., “it is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in • shopping on the Internet.” • ……,“很明显,我们将会看到网上购物的大幅度增长。” • 解读:It is+adj.+that ...句型,其中it作形式主语 • 仿写:很明显《世界新闻报》窃取了重要信息。 • ________________________ TheNewsoftheWorld hacked important information. 答案:It is clear that

  11. 2.Do you have anything planned for Saturday and Sunday? • 你周六、周日有什么安排吗? • 解读:have sth. done让别人做某事 • 仿写:我昨天更新了微博。 • I ________________________ yesterday. 答案:had my mini­blog updated

  12. 3.We would not only be able to travel around the world, • but also go to study in any world famous universities we wanted to. • 我们不仅能周游世界,而且能去我们想去的任何世界著名大学学习。

  13. 解读:not only ...but also ...意为“不但……而且……”,用来连接两个对等的成分 仿写:杨澜不仅英语说得准确,而且说得很流利。 Yang Lan ________________ speaks English correctly,________________ she speaks it fluently. 答案:not only;but also

  14. 4.But I still find it hard to imagine. • 但我还是觉得令人难以想象。 • 解读:find it+形容词+to do sth.句型,it作形式宾语 • 仿写:我认为学好英语很重要。 • I ________________________ English well. 答案:think it important to learn

  15. 1.likely adj.有可能的adv.(与most,very连用)\ • 可能

  16. ①[教材P4原句]In a book with lots of pictures and charts, I am likely to ... 在一本有很多图画和图表的书里,我或许…… ②Experts warn that text addiction is likely to become the most common form of addiction in the future, especially the young.(摘自2011山东高考·阅读表达) 专家们警告说发短信上瘾将有可能成为最常见的上瘾形式,尤其是在年轻人当中。

  17. ③he will agree with the plan. 他很有可能会同意这个计划。 ④I'd very likely have done the same thing in your situation. 在你那种情况下,我很可能做出同样的事。 It is very likely that

  18. possible, probable, likely

  19. [以练促记] 用possible, probable, likely填空 ①She is to come to the party. ②It'sthat the family will go to the countryside. ③It isfor him to pass the exam. likely probable possible

  20. 2. focus vi.集中注意n.焦点,焦距

  21. ①If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.(摘自2011天津高考·阅读理解D) 如果你想效仿某人,要注重他们的才能而不是他们不好的品质或不可接受的行为。 ②The programme was intended toglobal warming. 该议程计划集中讨论全球变暖问题。 focus attention on

  22. ③The children's faces are badlyin the photo-graph. 照片上孩子们的脸模糊不清。 out of focus

  23. 3. affect vt.影响;使感染;(感情上)深深打动;使悲伤 • ①[教材P8原句]Peter Taylor finds out how computers and the Internet are going to affect our lives. • 彼得·泰勒发现电脑和因特网将如何影响我们的生活。 • ②We were all deeplythe news of her death. • 她去世的消息使我们都深感悲痛。 • ③He wascold last night. • 他昨晚着凉了。 affected by Affected by

  24. affect, effect, influence

  25. [以练促记] 用affect, effect, influence的适当形式填空 ①What exactly is theof television on children? ②Modern farming methods can have an adverseon the environment. ③Your opinion will notmy decision. influence effect affect

  26. 4.offer n.& vt.提供,提议

  27. ①[教材P8原句]Already, users can buy books, find out about holiday offers, book tickets, and get all sorts of information from the Internet. 使用者已经可以在网上购书、查找节日特惠、预订票务,并且从网上获取各种各样的信息。 ②A year after graduation, I was offered a position teaching a writing class.(摘自2011广东高考·阅读理解C) 毕业一年后我得到了一个教写作班的工作岗位。

  28. ③Foreign governmentsarmsthe rebels. 一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。 ④Weher the house£700. 我们以700英镑卖给了她那所房子。 offered to for offered

  29. 5. harm vt.& n.伤害,损害

  30. ①[教材P8原句]someone who does terrible things to harm countries, governments and people 某个做了恶劣的行径危害国家、政府和人民的人 ②However, if teenagers spend too much time on the Inter-net, it will definitely do great harm to their health. 然而,如果青少年花太多时间在网络上,那肯定对他们的健康极有害。

  31. ③combining the two mixtures. 不妨把这两种混合物放在一起。 ④Brown meat essencepeople's health. 瘦肉精对人们的健康是有害的。 There is no harm in was harmful to

  32. 6.suggest vt.提议,建议

  33. ①[教材P12原句]Tom, can you suggest any good books for my project? 汤姆,你能推荐一些和我做的项目有关的好书吗? ②Then someone suggested calling Parbati, the elephant princess.(摘自2010上海高考·阅读理解A) 然后有人建议叫Parbati为大象公主。

  34. ③Expertsconsumers their own bowls with them instead of using lunch boxes provided by restaurants. 专家建议消费者自带饭碗而不用餐馆提供的午餐盒。 ④Hethat we should go there by bus. 他建议我们坐公交车去那里。 Suggested that should take made a suggestion

  35. [关键一点]suggest表示“暗示,表明”时,其主语往往是事物,而不是人。这时,suggest后的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。[关键一点]suggest表示“暗示,表明”时,其主语往往是事物,而不是人。这时,suggest后的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。 ⑤The findings suggest that the happy life is social rather than solitary (孤独的). 结果表明幸福生活是社交性的而非孤独的。

  36. 7.settle v.安家,定居;安排,解决;决定

  37. ①[教材P14原句]The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris settled in the area. 这城市的历史可追溯到650年前,那时毛利人开始在这定居。 ②My grandfather came from Hungary and was the only one in his family whoin the United States.(摘自2009湖北高考·阅读理解A) 我爷爷来自匈牙利,是他家里唯一在美国定居的人。 settled down

  38. ③It takes a few months tolife at college. 要经过几个月才能习惯大学生活。 ④But he finally settled on literature, particularly drama (戏剧) and poetry.(摘自2011重庆高考·阅读理解D) 但是他最终选定了文学,尤其是戏剧和诗歌。 settle into

  39. 8.view n.风景,景色;视力,视野;看法,观点 vt.看,观看;把……视为

  40. ①[教材P14原句]In the city, you can enjoy an amazing view from the Sky Tower, which is the city's tallest Tow-er. 在城里,站在该市最高的塔——天空塔上,你可以欣赏到令人惊异的景色。 ②Something that I had never seen before suddenly. 某种我从来没见过的东西突然出现在眼前。 came/burst into view

  41. ③ , holidays are a waste of time and money. 在他看来,度假是浪费时间和金钱。 ④When the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original. 这种车刚造出来时,其设计被认为是独具匠心。 In his view

  42. view, scene, scenery, sight

  43. [以练促记] 用view, scene, scenery, sight的适当形式填空 ①Shangri­la attracts tens of thousands of visitors by its beautiful natural. ②There is a fineof the mountain from our hotel window. ③The Imperial Palace is one of theof China. ④The boats in the harbour make a beautiful. scenery view sights scene

  44. 9.average adj.平均的,普通的,平常的 n.平均数,一般水平

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