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This document outlines necessary actions and priorities for the World Meteorological Organization's Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation programs, including strategic thrusts, gap areas, and project mapping. It emphasizes enhancing capabilities, partnerships, and operational mechanisms to address disaster risk management effectively.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Discussions support slides Item 25

  2. Necessary actions / priorities • Request DPM Focal Points of Programmes and Commissions update the Project compendium (Provide By Monday Dec. 11) • Identification of complementary projects, provide project numbers (Here) • Review of Strategic Thrusts text • Mapping of WMO projects on 7 gap areas (start) • Relationship between regional WGs and TCs and Programme • Role of RA WG DPM to provide gaps, needs and requirements to be addressed by WMO mechanisms • Responding to these needs through projects and activities

  3. Strategic Thrusts of WMO DPM Programme ST1 Improving systems for monitoring, data management, forecasting and warnings, and telecommunications ST2 Strengthening of hazard databases, analysis and assessments capacities in support of all risk assessment applications, planning and Warning Systems ST3 Strengthening capacities in support of end-to-end early detection and warning systems and provision of meteorological services in support of pre- and post-disaster relief operations ST4 Strengthening mechanisms for service delivery, information and knowledge sharing ST5 Strengthening of organizational partnerships and enabling mechanisms vertically and horizontally • International, Regional, National, Local Capacity development is a critical component of all these strategic thrusts ST6 (Remove and make a section of the WMO DPM Programme Operating Plan) WMO governance and organizational mechanisms across Members, RAs, TCs and Programmes to facilitate WMO DPM operating plan implementation

  4. Seven Gap Areas (Clarification Doc. 2) GA 1 Mainstreaming NMHS and their technical capacities in the national disaster risk management and development planning and legislation GA 2 Strengthening capacities for hazard monitoring, maintenance of standardized databases, and methodologies for hazard analysis in support of risk management applications GA 3 Strengthening capacities for end-to-end operational hazard early detection and warnings supported by strong governance, organizational and operational capacities GA 4 Strengthening capacities for provision of meteorological services in support of pre- and post-disaster emergency response and relief operations GA 5 Facilitation of partnerships among NMHSs and other key national agencies for a more coordinated approach to DRM GA 6 Strengthening educational and training programmes of NMHSs and their key stakeholders in DRM such as authorities, emergency response operators and media GA 7 Development of public outreach programmes and materials

  5. Synthesis of TC and Programme Projects on Seven Gap Areas (Doc. 2, 11)

  6. Synthesis of TC and Programme Projects on Five DPM Strategic Thrusts for DPM Operating Plan

  7. Outline of Draft WMO DPM Operating Plan • Why WMO and NMHSs are Critical Components in Disaster Risk Management: Impacts of Weather-, Climate- and Water-related Hazards • Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 and Role of WMO and NMHSs in the Implementation of HFA • Prioritisation of HFA Actions Based on WMO and NMHSs Mandate • Mapping of WMO and NMHSs Contributions on HFA Priorities for Action • Five Strategic Thrusts of WMO DPM Operating Plan • Mapping of Capabilities, Gaps and Needs • Country-level / NMHSs • Regional-level / Regional Associations • Synthesis of Gaps and Needs: Seven Identified DPM Gap Areas • Mapping of WMO Projects and Initiatives • Technical Commissions-level • Programme-level • Synthesis of WMO Projects on the Basis of the Seven DPM Gap Area and Alignment with the WMO DPM Five Strategic Thrusts • New Crosscutting Initiatives to Address High Priority Gaps and Five Strategic Thrusts • Profiling of International and Regional Partners Relevant to the Five WMO DPM Strategic Thrusts and WMO DPM Operating Plan • ISDR System Partners at International Level • Regional Level • Challenges Related to Governance, Organizational, Operational and Progress Monitoring of WMO DPM Crosscutting Projects • Mechanisms for linking RA to TC/Programmes for identification of regional requirements for initiation of projects to fill in the remaining gaps • Recommendations

  8. Policy Recommendations for Congress XV Consideration • Governance, operational aspects and Members’ interventions for implementation of WMO DPM Operating Plan • Criteria for crosscutting project prioritisation and implementation within WMO Network (TCs, RAs, Programmes) and with partners • Mechanisms for monitoring progress • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) • Who and how to monitor and report • How to optimize WMO resources for project implementation, and extra-budgetary fundraising through integrated planning

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