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This article explores the importance of statistical literacy and the role of national and international cooperation in advancing the use of statistical data. It discusses different user groups, best practices, and the mission of the International Statistical Literacy Project. Examples of segmentation of users and cooperation projects are provided.
Improving Statistical Literacy by National and International Cooperation
Key points Reija Helenius • Advancing the use of statistical data as the base for various projects • Arenas of data use • attention to different users and user groups • Learning from the practices of others • cooperation projects – how to combine competence resources • best practices – models for product development • Conclusions 2
Why is statistical literacy needed? Reija Helenius Statistical literacy is the ability to read and interpret summary statistics in the everyday media: in graphs, tables, statements, surveys and studies. Statistical literacy is needed by data consumers (Milo Schield). 3
The strategic objective of a national statistical agency is to advance the use of statistics Reija Helenius • Statistics find and increase their meaning through their use • Only when used is information useful • The existence and reliability of a statistical agency is based on users' willingness and need to use statistics • Different users have different needs and skills in acquiring and understanding statistical data • Segmented services will be more and more in focus • Services supporting the use of statistics are increasingly important 4
ISLP around the world Reija Helenius The mission of the International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) is to support, create and participate in statistical literacy activities and promotion around the world The main aim will be contributing to statistical literacy across the world, among young and adults, in all phases of life Another aim is to bring together different actors: producers of statistics, statisticians, users 5
Arenas of data use I Reija Helenius 6
Model: Arenas of the publicity of science Scientific community Professions Education Public administration Science Culture Politics Civic society Commercial markets • Source: Väliverronen (2003) Reija Helenius 7
Example on segmenting users at the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Reija Helenius School Students (both primary and secondary) Tertiary Students (including university and vocational education students and teachers/lecturers) Opinion Leaders (including journalists) Decision Makers (including politicians, political advisors and government employees) General Community (including small business/community groups) 8
Example on segmenting users at the ABS Reija Helenius • Data needs and skill levels of segments presented on a three-step scale • Basic literacy • Intermediate literacy • Advanced literacy • One segment can have users from different levels => attention to this in product development 9
Bringing forth strategic groups: Statistics Finland Reija Helenius • Creation of a stakeholder policy to steer activity • Checking the focuses of stakeholders and customer work at certain intervals • At the core of activities in 2010: • Research institutes and development of researcher services • Targets for segmented activity: • Educational institutions • The media • Enterprises 10
ISLP – models for increasing the use of statistical data Reija Helenius • Aims to: • Pay attention to different target groups • Develop various activities • Use different media (technical, social) • Organise activity and apply models globally together with national ISLP coordinators 11
ISLP – target groups for advancing the use of statistics Scientific community?? Professions?? Educational instutions Public administration?? Statistial Literacy Media Decision makers?? Libraries Citizens Reija Helenius 12
Cooperation projects – combining resources and competence I S Reija Helenius 13
CensusAtSchool Reija Helenius • Aims to • Encourage children to get involved with data handling and learn statistical skills • Provide real data for data handling activities • Increase awareness of national censuses • Show how information and communication technology (ICT) can be used effectively to enhance teaching and learning especially in the area of data handling • Running in the UK, Ireland, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand and Australia 14
CAUSEweb.org Reija Helenius • CAUSE is a national organisation whose mission is to support and advance undergraduate statistics education in four target areas: resources, professional development, outreach and research • Resources listed by material type • Goal: collect, review, develop, and disseminate resources for members of the undergraduate statistics education community 15
CAUSEweb.org Reija Helenius Lecture Examples: Lesson modules for lecturers Laboratories: Computer and hands-on activities Out-of-class: Homework, projects, and distance learning materials Teaching Methods: Classroom pedagogy and logistics Datasets: Data and how to use it Analysis Tools: Software and on-line tools Curriculum: Syllabus issues and sources of statistics conten. Fun: Cartoons, statistical art, jokes, poems, word puzzles, quotes, songs, and videos for instructional use Building Blocks: Unattached components for modular use Multimedia: Video, sound, and animations Advising: careers, graduate schools, opportunities for students 16
www.statlit.org Reija Helenius • The site aims to: • Present statistical literacy as an interdisciplinary activity • Feature books, papers and activities related to statistical literacy – taken broadly from a variety of disciplines • Present statistical literacy as useful in everyday arguments 17
eCourse in Statistics Reija Helenius A joint project between the National Statistics Office of Malte,University of Hagen (Germany) and Statistics Finland Further developed on the basis of Statistics Finland´s e-learning materials Target group: young adults Examples from the EU area aiming at extensive use of the service in different countries New cooperation partners/actors wanted to develop the service 18
eCourse in Statistics Reija Helenius http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/statliteracy/ 19
ISLP – Statistical Literacy Competitions Reija Helenius • Objectives • To advance the understanding and use of statistics in educational institutions • To create networks between teaching of statistical science, national statistical agencies and educational institutions • To use the competition format all over the world • The next competition to be launched in September 2010. Further information at the ISLP site. 20
Examples of best practices – models for product development I S L Reija Helenius 21
Serving the media in a user-friendly way: as an example Statistics Canada Reija Helenius • Offering different service modes for the same target group • Media Hotline – ad hoc service for the media • Media Room – Internet site directed to the media • The Daily – release bulletin • Training • Assistance in story contents and news making 22
Content development of the web service together with educational institution users: as an example Alea Reija Helenius Aims at providing both teachers and students of secondary education with teaching materials for the study of statistics A joint idea of Statistics Portugal and Tomaz Pelayo Secondary School, bringing together The Portuguese Ministry of Education, through its Northern Regional Education Department (DREN). A good example of networking with key interest groups Ensures that the contents of the service meets the needs of users 23
Opening of statistics to data users: as an exampleUnderstanding of Statistics Reija Helenius 24
Conclusions I P S L Reija Helenius 25
Conclusions Reija Helenius • What is statistics for? • Citizen’s right to understand and use the information produced by society is the basis of a democratic society • Anybody can be a user of statistics - from random users to major users • Impartial and easy availability of statistical data for all subsections of society 26
Conclusions Reija Helenius • Development of services in cooperation with interest group representatives • Charting of data needs • Developing products on that basis • Timeliness, clearness, understandability • Data produced in the form agreed, usefulness of expertise to customers • Production of services in cooperation with statistical experts in the field • Networking • Sharing of competence and resources 27
Conclusions • Increasing cooperation to enhance statistical literacy and user skills Users Reija Helenius 28