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Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Directorate National Survey Outcomes,

Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Directorate National Survey Outcomes, Local Staff Engagement & Stress Audit Report, 2012. With comparison where applicable: Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Overall (plus trend). Engagement Scores.

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Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Directorate National Survey Outcomes,

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  1. Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Directorate National Survey Outcomes, Local Staff Engagement & Stress Audit Report, 2012 With comparison where applicable: Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Overall (plus trend)

  2. Engagement Scores • During 2012, the Trust undertook the National Staff Survey as a census.  The National Survey provides a staff engagement rating and by running a census we are able to provide an engagement rate from this data (which we haven’t been able to do before).  • ‘Local’ engagement rating was created using employee engagement specialists, Ipsos MORI, some 3 years ago, and therefore, we included those questions into the National Survey to enable us to have benchmark data. • Therefore, you will find in this report:  • Your 2012 National Engagement Score for your directorate • Your 2012 Local Engagement Score for your directorate and a comparison to your 2011 Local Engagement Score (if available) • The full data set for your directorate, can be found on the HR website under Wellbeing, then Surveys. • We would encourage all directorates to look closely at the data provided and consider how they can improve staff engagement within their areas.  Improved staff engagement leads to improved patient care.  With the publication of the Francis Report, it is more crucial than ever to do everything we can to ensure patient care is of the highest possible quality and standard.  • For information about staff engagement, please visit NHS Employers website • http://www.nhsemployers.org/EmploymentPolicyAndPractice/staff-engagement/Staff-engagement-toolkit • You may also wish to read reports by David McLeod

  3. Trust Overall Employee Engagement Scores

  4. Engagement Results for your Directorate

  5. Local Engagement Action Plan • Identify improvement opportunities from Strategic Priorities, Key Drivers & internal best practices - clear statement of objectives and measurable results • Define steps and work plan to achieve objectives - sequential/ parallel and milestones • Establish a time schedule for each step and overall program - critical path and best/worst case scenarios • Assign responsibilities for each step and overall program – management levels, dept/functional areas and third-parties • Determine all resources required – personnel, materials, services and costs Action plan for(please write in area)……………………………………………………………… Note: Aim to address a maximum of 3 – 4 improvement areas. Actions to address improvement area can be singular or multiple.

  6. Stress Audit • Each year, the Trust is required to undertake a stress audit as part of its requirements under NHSLA and the HSE stress management standards.  We have a robust policy and process around this, as well as guidance for managers of departments to seek to minimize and manage work related stress.  The audit looks at a range of data which includes, engagement scores, stress related absence, stress related referrals to OH and turnover.  We have created a risk categorizing process and from this identify our ‘hotspot’ directorates, as well as those that are amber or green.  Being amber or green does not mean ‘do nothing’.  Every manager has a responsibility to promote wellbeing and minimize work related stress. • The data in this report will show you your ‘stress risk score’ and RAG rating from the data set.  • It will also show you your scores on particular survey questions which will impact on stress levels within your department, these are: • harassment and bullying • violence and aggression • management interest in wellbeing • those specifically saying they have suffered work related stress.  • It also includes your ranking in the National Survey Stress Assessment Report (this report can be found on the HR website under Wellbeing, then Surveys). • You should look at all of these indicators and discuss this with your staff to understand more fully the issues before producing a meaningful and achievable plan to minimize stress.  Please see the Stress Management Policy and Guidance to aid you. • Those directorates that are ‘red’ are mandated to produce these plans under the Trust’s Stress Management Policy.  These plans will be expected to be presented to the Live Well Work Well Steering Group in July each year (which allows 3 months to review data and develop plans).  Any that are not received will be formally escalated through the Director of Workforce and the Director of Safety and Governance, and ultimately to the EMB and Trust Board. • You may also wish to visit the HSE website to understand more about stress.

  7. Your Directorate Stress Audit Results

  8. High Priority Areas Health and Safety Executive ‐ Management Standards Overview The Management Standards cover six key areas of work design that, if not properly managed, are associated with poor health and well being, lower productivity and increased sickness absence. In other words, the six Management Standards cover the primary sources of stress at work. These are: Demands – such as workload, work patterns and the work environment Control – such as how much say the person has in the way they do their work Support – such as the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues Relationships – such as promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behavior Role – such as whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that they do not have conflicting roles Change – such as how organisational change (large or small) is managed and communicated in the organisation. Employers have a duty to ensure that priorities arising from work activity are properly controlled. The Management Standards approach helps employers work with their employees and representatives to undertake priority assessments for stress.

  9. Summary of High Priority Areas • From the National Survey data, we have commissioned a stress audit. This looks at stress indicators around the HSE Management Standards. The high priority areas identified for your directorate are those that were ‘red’ rated – highest areas of concern/risk for staff, and are therefore where you should focus your interventions. • Please note that for most directorates, the survey conducted is as a directorate as a whole, therefore the data cannot be broken down by site. It is therefore important that the directorate management team, supported by the HR team, undertake some local further investigations/risk assessment. • Peer Support (perceived lack of support from work colleagues) • Relationships: • Harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/relatives/carers • Harassment, bullying or abuse from peers/colleagues/managers

  10. Further advice & guidance • Stress Policy • NHS Employers – Engagement Tool-kit • Occupational Health Department • Live Well Work Well Website (www. • HR Website • HR Representative • If you wish to view the Trust’s CQC National Survey report go to www.

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