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MO Constitution Bowl Questions

MO Constitution Bowl Questions. Question: Setting are two clicks for question. Answer: There are two clicks before answer. MO Constitution Bowl Questions. Question: The Chief legal officer is Answer: Attorney General Chris Koster (D). MO Constitution Bowl Questions. Question:

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MO Constitution Bowl Questions

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  1. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Setting are two clicks for question. Answer: There are two clicks before answer.

  2. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: The Chief legal officer is Answer: Attorney General Chris Koster (D)

  3. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: The State budget spends the most money in what area? Answer: Human services

  4. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What Court hears appeals from the other courts? Answer: Supreme Court

  5. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: How many counties are in the State? Answer: 114

  6. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Public issues that people sign petitions to put on a ballot to change a law? Answer: referendums

  7. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What is the Minimum age to vote? Answer: 18 Years Old

  8. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Voters that can’t come to the polls to vote because they will be away for some reason may vote on what? Answer: Absentee Ballot

  9. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Who can call the General Assembly into a session? Answer: The Governor or the Assembly may extend their session.

  10. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Who is the Governor? Answer: Jay Nixon

  11. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Where is the current Capital of MO? Answer: Jefferson City

  12. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: A School District is classified as what kind of district in MO? Answer: Special District

  13. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What year did MO become a State? Answer: August 10, 1821

  14. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: The State has how many Judicial Districts? Answer: 45

  15. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What are the Qualifications for Governor? Answer: 30 years old, citizen of US for 15 years, Resident of MO 10 years

  16. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What is the Governor’s Salary? Answer: $133,821

  17. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Who is next in line to be Governor if the current man/woman can’t work? Answer: Lt. Governor Peter Kinder

  18. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Who is the official in charge of managing state funds? Answer: State Treasurer Clint Zweifel

  19. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What Branch of Government interprets and administers the laws? Answer: Judicial Branch

  20. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What Branch of Government makes the Laws? Answer: Legislative Branch

  21. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What part of the General Assembly has 163 members? Answer: House of Representatives

  22. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What part of the General Assembly has 4 year terms? Answer: Senate 34 Members

  23. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What part of the General Assembly has the power to start impeachment proceedings? Answer: House of Representatives

  24. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What part of the General Assembly has to vote a veto override of 2/3 vote? Answer: Both Senate and House

  25. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What part of the General Assembly has 2 year terms? Answer: House of Representatives

  26. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Who has the power to appoint many state officials that are not elected? Answer: The Governor

  27. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Who has the power to approve the appointments of officials that the Governor makes that are not elected? Answer: The Senate

  28. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Who has the power to keep State records and is the keeper of the State Seal? Answer: Secretary of State Robin Carnahan

  29. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Who has the power and final authority to approve a change to the Constitution? Answer: Voters by a Majority

  30. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: In Impeachment cases who is the jury to hear the case? Answer: Senate

  31. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What is the main trial court to hear cases in Missouri? Answer: Circuit Court

  32. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What is the name for the power of Cities to make and pass their own local ordinances? Answer: Home Rule

  33. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What part of the General Assembly has 34 members? Answer: Senate

  34. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What is the type of municipal government in which a trained manager acts as administrator? Answer: Council Manager

  35. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: When are General Partisan (Both Parties) elections are held in Missouri? Answer: November of even numbered years

  36. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: Who is the Chief Officer of the Executive Branch? Answer: Governor Jay Nixon

  37. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What is the name for the body in Missouri that makes laws like the Congress does on the Federal level? Answer: General Assembly

  38. MO Constitution Bowl Questions Question: What is the Term of office for the Governor? Answer: 4 years

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