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Election Procedures – Summary.

Election Procedures – Summary.

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Election Procedures – Summary.

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  1. Election Procedures – Summary. The procedures for branch elections must be fair and open and should be specified in the branch rules. This will avoid conflict or allegations of rigging. For guidance, branches should refer to the UNISON Rulebook and the Code of Good Branch Practice. Regional officers are also able to assist. Branch officers. Branch officers may be elected by a ballot or show of hands at the AGM. Alternatively they may be elected by a ballot in advance of the AGM, with the results reported to the AGM. “Aggregate” meetings. Large branches may wish to hold a number of Branch AGMs and aggregate the elections results. That is hold a series of meetings, each with the same agenda so as to facilitate attendance from all sections of the membership. The branch will need to ensure that members only vote once. CODE OF GOOD BRANCH PRACTICE 2007.

  2. Branch AGM – Election of Branch Officers. • Full postal ballot. In the event of the branch using an all-member postal ballot the ballot papers need to go out four weeks before the AGM. If a full postal ballot has been used the results will be notified at the AGM • Combination of postal ballot and election at the AGM. Ballot papers go out four weeks before the AGM. The returned forms from a postal vote and a vote at the AGM are combined. The branch will need to ensure that members only vote once. • Election at the AGM alone. Although a branch can hold elections by a show of hands, participation will generally be better if a ballot paper is used. This way the ballot can be conducted in secret. The AGM will need to elect tellers who have no interest in the elections to collect and count the ballot papers • Aggregate vote from different AGM meetings. Large branches may wish to hold a number of Branch AGMs and aggregate the elections results. The branch will need to ensure that members only vote once. CODE OF GOOD BRANCH PRACTICE 2007. UNISON RULEBOOK 2007.

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