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498K0079 楊涵偉 498K0092 莊佳蓉 498K0091 黃駿騰 498K0110 林湘娉 498K0078 許哲愷 4A0K0005 王樂慈 . Game Example Video 遊戲示範影片. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDiZOnzajNU. Activity Introduction 活動介紹. Movable period:July 活動期間 :7 月
498K0079 楊涵偉 498K0092 莊佳蓉 498K0091 黃駿騰 498K0110 林湘娉 498K0078 許哲愷 4A0K0005 王樂慈
Game Example Video 遊戲示範影片 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDiZOnzajNU
Activity Introduction 活動介紹 • Movable period:July 活動期間:7月 • Is ex- to place a period:August, the year before last year-June 前置期間:前年8月-6月 • Activities: spread the joy of spreading love 活動:散播歡樂散播愛 • Location: Kaohsiung Railway Station & Taipei Ximending 地點:高雄火車站&台北西門町 • OPEN HAPPINESS Coca-Cola slogan combines the fun out of the game spread lamb. 結合可口可樂OPEN HAPPINESS的口號,將羊仔遊戲的快樂傳播出去。
Process 流程: Contact Coca-Cola Company, lift to cooperate a project Machine set quotation, cooperation the expenses quote 接洽可口可樂公司,提合作方案 機台估價,合作費用估價 ↓ Manufacture a machine set(about 2 months), the special beverage bottle manufactures(about 3 months) Try to play a pack of sample packing final text 製作機台(約2個月),特別飲料罐製作(約3個月) 試玩包樣品包裝定稿 ↓
The talks advertises Activity two months ago continuously at dynamically television wall or advertisement wall of neighborhood placed game publicity (Whether general television broadcast broadcasts or not see budget) 洽談廣告 活動前兩個月陸續在活動地附近的電視牆或平面廣告牆放置遊戲宣傳 (一般電視廣播播放與否看預算) ↓
Face to play to enlist, dress up as sheep of take a stroll with neighborhood It's three to photograph a personnel The sheep takes a manufacture, related prop manufacture(example:can be sticky is taking sheep the last devil Zhan hair ball) 臨演招募,扮羊的和附近走動的 攝影人員三部 羊服製作、相關道具製作(例:能黏在羊服上的魔鬼氈 毛球) ↓
Activity before confirm, machine set mounting, beverage, try to have fun to wrap shipment 活動前確認,機台架設、飲料、試玩包出貨 ↓ The activity is on that day 活動當日 ↓ The movable film shears a Ji manufacture PO:the FB, and YOUTOBE...etc. large web page increase topic popularity 活動影片剪輯製作PO:FB、YOUTOBE等大型網頁增加 話題知名度
Game Process 遊戲流程 • That day of the activity 活動當天: The camera fixed-point takes(is a to random take a stroll) 攝影機定點拍攝(一台隨機走動) ↓ When there is a stranger coming to a stop face to play can from turn corn to make once walk to pretend stranger, or watch in the afar 當有路人停下來時臨演可以從轉角叫處走過假裝路人,或 在遠方觀看 ↓
The stranger hurl currency presses beverage key, but is fallen off one regiment hair ball The game film broadcasts since vending machine 路人投幣按下飲料鍵,卻是掉落一團毛球 遊戲影片從販賣機開始播放 ↓ The player starts taking hair ball to throw sheep(the sheep will put oddness action in the neighborhood difficulty isn't too high) 玩家開始拿毛球丟羊(羊會在附近擺奇怪動作難度不會太高) ↓
The vending machine broadcasts victory music after shooting Take delivery of goods hole to drop particular capacity beverage bottle and try to play a pack 擊中後販賣機播放勝利音樂 出貨孔掉出特定的限量飲料罐和試玩包 ↓ End one round 結束一次輪迴
Schematic diagram 示意圖 1. People go through the vending machine 路人經過販賣機 • 2.People put in coins and press the beverage • key • 路人投幣按下飲料
3.Get one hair ball 取得一團毛球 4. Game video playinf on the screen 遊戲影片從螢幕上播放
5. Find sheep around you 在身邊發現羊兒 6.People throw the hair ball to hit the sheep 玩家丟毛球擊中羊兒
7. The victorymusic playing from the vending machine 勝利音樂從販賣機響起 • 8. Get oneparticular • beverage bottle and a trial pack • 取得限量飲料罐以及遊戲試玩包
Expect efficiency 預期效益 • Our targets objects are any age range object that likes Coca-Cola, because the drinking cola usually brings person 1 kind to have a happiness property and makes people loose feeling, and this wants with our games to the person's image is match, and these taste that are the majorities to all take pleasure in accepting. 我們的目標對象是喜愛可口可樂的任何年齡層對象,因為喝可樂通常給人帶來一種具有歡樂性質又令人放鬆的感受,而這與我們的遊戲想要給人的形象是符合的,並且這是多數人都樂意接受的口味.
We will combine with main game special feature sheep, and express.For example the hurl fallen off in currency machine of will be a hair ball first, make people associate game leading role right away, interaction concert and toy figurine leading role again, personally experience personally a game play, match with simply interesting game film again to make people's impression deep, then reach our publicities purposes. 我們將把羊與主要的遊戲特色結合,並表現出來.例如投幣機裡掉落的首先會是毛球,馬上讓人聯想到遊戲主角,再配合與玩偶主角的互動,親身體驗遊戲玩法,再配合簡單有趣的遊戲影片使人印象深刻,即達到我們的宣傳目的.
After game ends, the user will get a trying of game to finish links and some packets of perimeter merchandises to pack and the specially made cola beverage bottle, well reach the effect that the surprise wraps, and specially made beverage the bottle is re-usable, can reserve a topic sex for a time and give attention to both an environmental protection. 遊戲結束後,使用者將得到遊戲的試完連結和一些周邊商品的小包裝以及特製可樂飲料罐,充分的達到驚喜包的效果,而特製飲料罐可重複使用,能保留一段時間的話題性且兼顧環保.
The movable process will record image to upload, we expect that the users will want to participate in wes the film sharing of activity is on own web page, let the good friend inquire and share, and will succeed to create to download quantity and customer as for popularity that originally possessed with Coca-Cola remember of win-win situation. 活動過程將錄影上傳,我們預期使用者們會想將自己參與活動的影片分享在自己的網頁上,讓好友詢問及分享,再加上與可口可樂原有的知名度,將成功創造下載量和顧客記憶的雙贏局面.
Q&A: • Groups 1 Q:Two extras one machine, enough to meet the people who buy drinks? A:Extras and the corresponding number of machines is adequate, but the machine might consider additions. • Groups 2 Q:Machine decorations and venue? A:Kaohsiung Railway Station & Taipei Ximending (PPT has increased instructions in Section 3) • Groups 3 Q:Game awareness is not high, and how to attract passers-by? A:In order to attract the target by Coca-Cola, in the promotion of our game. Set fancy dress sheep dressed to attract attention, which is curious when we will get to know what activities after our game.
Expenditure’s References • http://detail.1688.com/offer/37371528496.html • http://detail.1688.com/offer/1173062217.html • http://www.42.com.tw/blog/read-365.html • http://rebuzz.tw/2013/04/facebook-outbound-marketing-advertise-guideline.html • http://sulan.webdiy.com.tw/ • http://www.google-adwords.tw/google-sales • http://www.tw-action.com/ • https://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1009032802925