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Immorality vs. Personal Purity

Immorality vs. Personal Purity. Our study has been from God’s word, not Dr.Ruth, self-help books, etc. Jer.10:23 Isa.55:8-9 should make this a necessity for the child of God. Likewise, the book of Proverbs contains wonderful advice for practically all aspects of life….

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Immorality vs. Personal Purity

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  1. Immorality vs. Personal Purity • Our study has been from God’s word, • not Dr.Ruth, self-help books, etc. • Jer.10:23Isa.55:8-9should make this a necessity for the child of God. • Likewise, the book ofProverbscontains wonderful advice for practically all aspects of life…. • Including the areas of purity and sensuality. Our text today will be7:1-27.

  2. Immorality vs. Personal Purity“Avoid the Harlot/Adulteress” • Chapter seven addresses the problem of sexual immorality from the perspective of afathergiving advice to hissonwith regard toAvoiding the Harlot. • A“harlot”is what we would today call a“prostitute”-one who’s business it is to entice others and sell her/himself sexually.

  3. Immorality vs. Personal Purity“Avoid the Harlot/Adulteress” I. The Protection from the Harlot,vv.1-4 A. Have the Proper Respect for God’s Word. -vv.1-3treasure and keep words & commands. -v.4ahavewisdomas aclose relative. -v.4bhaveunderstandingas anintimate friend. II. The Purpose of these Instructions,v.5 A. To keep one from theAdulteressand B. From theForeignerwho flatters with words.

  4. Immorality vs. Personal Purity“Avoid the Harlot/Adulteress” III. The Prey of the Adulteress,vv.6-9 A. The Naive,v.7a > 1Cor.14:20 B. The Youthful,v.7b > Eccl.12:1 C. The Young Lacking Sense,v.7c > 1Cor.13:11 D. The Ones who Put Themselves at Risk,vv.8-9 -v.8aby passing by near her corner -v.8bby taking the way to her house -v.9by doing so at twilight, middle of the night, in the darkness Romans 13:11-14

  5. Immorality vs. Personal Purity“Avoid the Harlot/Adulteress” IV. The Preparation for the Capture,v.10 A. She prepared her Body and Mind for the task. -dressed as a harlot,1Tim.2:9-101Pet.3:3-4 -cunning, or subtle(KJV) of heart,Jer.11:8 Heb.3:12

  6. Immorality vs. Personal Purity“Avoid the Harlot/Adulteress” V. The Procedure of the Capture,vv.11-21 A. Draws Attention to Herself,vv.11-12 -v.11aboisterous and rebellious,Titus 2:3-5 -v.11bdoes not remain at home,1Thess.4:11-12 -v.12in the streets, lurks,Prov.9:13ff23:28 B. Boldness,v.13 -seizes and kisses -brazen face (impudent- lacking modesty; marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness) Prov.21:29

  7. Immorality vs. Personal Purity“Avoid the Harlot/Adulteress” V. The Procedure of the Capture,vv.11-21 C. Flatters with Speech,v.5b, 14-15 -peace offerings and vows; seems to imply that she had prepared a feast & made vows forhishealth & safety, >Psalm5:9. -have come out to meetyou& seekyourpresence earnestly, >Psalm 78:35-36.

  8. Immorality vs. Personal Purity“Avoid the Harlot/Adulteress” V. The Procedure of the Capture,vv.11-21 D. Employs Sensuality,vv.16-18 It is an attempt to entice through stimulation of the senses. -v.16colored linens from Egypt for theeyes -v.17aromatic fragrances forsmelling -v.18afiguratively, the drink of love fortasting -v.18bdelight with caresses;touching

  9. Immorality vs. Personal Purity“Avoid the Harlot/Adulteress” V. The Procedure of the Capture,vv.11-21 E. Reassures to Settle and Doubts,vv.19-20 1. No chance of Detection -v.19husband is not home, gone on long journey -v.20ataken a bag of money; won’t be back soon -v.20bat full moon; knows when to expect him 2. Think about it: Ifdetectionis a concern: -look very closely at the action; probably wrong -Eph.5:7-13Heb.4:12-13

  10. Immorality vs. Personal Purity“Avoid the Harlot/Adulteress” V. The Procedure of the Capture,vv.11-21 F. She Persuades, Entices, & Seduces,v.21 VI. The Point of No Return,vv.22-23 A. He Follows,v.22a -suddenly;a poor and rash decision -follows;gives in to not only her enticements but also his unlawful desires,1Cor.6:18-20. -Notice the comparisons ofv.22:as an ox toslaughter &fool for stocks. -v.23until arrow pierces & bird to the snare;doom.

  11. Immorality vs. Personal Purity“Avoid the Harlot/Adulteress” VII. Conclusions: A. Heed Wise Counsel,v.24 -Listen to the inspired text instead of so-called experts or the unrighteous,1Cor.6:1ff. B. Keep Your Heart,v.25 -in spite of what others do around you -in spite of what others may do to you -let it not turn away from God -let it not turn into unrighteousness C. Many are the Victims of the Adulteress,v.26 D. Her way leads down to Death,v.27

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