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Rise of French Absolutism

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Rise of French Absolutism

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    1. Rise of French Absolutism Mr. Rush

    2. One King, One God, One Law. Absolutism The idea that the monarchy was the embodiment of the state, and the sole authority figure In an absolutist state the monarch claimed to rule by, divine right and answered, to God alone.

    3. One King, One God, One Law. Complete control of the nobility, jurisdictions, institutions and interest groups Financial management changed from temporary deals with the nobility to finance wars, to bureaucratic systems which collected taxes for the monarch Permanent standing armies

    4. Nine Principles of Mercantilism First, to inspect the countrys soil with the greatest care. Second, all commodities found in a country, which cannot be used in their natural state, should be worked up within the country. Third, for carrying out the above two rules, there will be a need of people.

    5. Nine Principles of Mercantilism Fourth, gold and silver once in the country, whether from its own mines or obtained by industry from foreign countries, are under no circumstances to be taken out for any purpose, so far as possible, or allowed to be buried in chests or coffers.

    6. Nine Principles of Mercantilism Fifth, the inhabitants of the country should make every effort to get along with their domestic products, to confine their luxury to these alone, and to do without foreign products, as far as possible. Sixth, in case the said purchases were indispensable because of necessity or irremediable abuse, they should be obtained form these foreigners at first hand, so far as possible, and not for gold or silver, but in exchange for domestic wares.

    7. Nine Principles of Mercantilism Seventh, such foreign commodities should in this case be imported in unfinished form, and worked up within the country, thus earning the wages of manufacture there. Eighth, opportunities should be sought night and day for selling the countrys superfluous goods to these foreigners in manufactured form.

    8. Nine Principles of Mercantilism Ninth, except for important considerations, no importation should be allowed under any circumstances of commodities of which there is sufficient supply of suitable quality at home.

    9. Henry IV Catholic Edict of Nantes in 1598 Gave the Huguenots freedom to worship in 150 fortified towns such as La Rochelle Helped restore internal peace in France Appointed Maxiemilien de Bethune , a protestant, as Duke of Sully

    10. Policies of Sully Effective administrator Leased collection of indirect taxes on salt, sales and transit to financiers Revenues increased despite a decrease in the number of taxes due to an increase in trade Subsidized trade with the Indies

    11. Policies of Sully Created a countrywide highway system Supported the idea of an international organization for peacekeeping

    12. Cardinal Richelieu Henry IV is murdered in 1610 Henrys son, Louis XIII is a child, Marie de Medici acts on behalf of young king Appointment of Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu, to Council of the Ministers After 1628, Richelieu is the first minister of the French Crown

    13. Policies of Richelieu Used influence over Louis XIII to exalt the French monarchy as the embodiment of the French state Total subordination of groups and institutions to the French monarchy Weakening the influence of the nobility Leveling of castles, long standing symbol of feudal system Crushed aristocratic conspiracies with executions

    14. Policies of Richelieu Divides France in to 32 generalites (districts) Each district had a royal intendant appointed by the monarch Typically newer judicial nobility, noblesse de robe, who would often pay for appointment Intendant would relay information from the king to the generalites and would report on information from the generalites to the king

    15. Policies of Richelieu Recruited men for standing armies, collected taxes, presided over administration, checked up on local nobility and oversaw economic activities Policies led to an increase of the power of the royal intendants, and thus an increase in the power of the centralized French state

    16. Policies of Richelieu Along with Louis XIII, began chipping away at the Edict of Nantes One God, Catholicism only Foreign policies Destruction of the fence of Habsburg territories 1631 treaty with Lutheran king Gustavas Adolphus, promising French support against Catholic Habsburgs in 30 years war

    17. Policies of Richelieu Could Richelieu be considered a politique?

    18. Policies of Richelieu Calls for French Academy to prepare a dictionary to standardize the French language in 1635 French still international language of diplomacy today Secured cooperation of cities to share in local tax revenue

    19. Richelieus Rationale Raison d etat (reason of state) God will forgive actions as far as the state is concerned that would be criminal if committed privately Justification for harsh tactics used by Richelieu

    20. Cardinal Mazarin Cardinal Jales Mazarin was Richelieus successor Attempted to continue the policies of Richelieu Was not able to control nobility in the way that Richelieu was successful Nobility felt they were being manipulated by the French Crown Saw an opportunity to return to feudal society

    21. The Fronde Resistance towards paying taxes French Defeat of Spanish armies at Rocroi in 1643 led the people to believe peace was at hand and that taxes were unnecessary The French monarchy attempts to impose new taxes, but the Parliament of Paris rejects them Decreased order, leads to civil war

    22. Results of the Fronde It became clear that government would have to compromise with bureaucrats and social elites French economy badly disrupted, would take years to rebound Traumatic effect on young Louis XIV Mobs broke into palace, taking him and his mother prisoner Shaped his beliefs in absolute monarchy

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