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The verb TO GO (IR) Saying where you are going and what you are GOING to do

The verb TO GO (IR) Saying where you are going and what you are GOING to do . Using the verb IR . What are the forms of IR?. i r = to go It’s an irregular verb!. v oy vamos vas vais va van. To remember that V starts the verb to go, remember: THEY GO IN A VAN!.

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The verb TO GO (IR) Saying where you are going and what you are GOING to do

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The verb TO GO (IR)Saying where you are going and what you are GOING to do

  2. Using the verb IR • What are the forms of IR?

  3. ir= to go It’s an irregular verb! voyvamosvas vaisva van To remember that V starts the verb to go, remember: THEY GO IN A VAN!


  5. ¿Adónde vas? Where are you going? • To ask where people are going you must use ‘adónde’ instead of just ‘dónde’ because you need the ‘a’ which means ‘to’. (To where are you going?) • Answering questions about (to) where people are going ALSO requires ‘a’.

  6. ¿Cómo se dice…? • Where are they going?

  7. ¿Adónde van ellas? ( <to>Where are they going)?

  8. Van a la biblioteca.

  9. A+ EL • IF ‘a’ comes before ‘el’ (the) you will combine the words thusly- • (Voy a el auditorio.) • Voyalauditorio. Try • She goes to the gym. =? (gym= el gimnasio)

  10. A+ EL • IF ‘a’ comes before ‘el’ (the) you will combine the words thusly- • (Voy a el auditorio.) • Voyalauditorio. • Try these • She goes to the gym. =?Ella vaalgimnasio.

  11. Practice- write these in SPANISH Practice- write these in SPANISH • To the classroom • To the gym • To the cafeteria • To the office • To the library • Do you like to learn? • They make a project. • Are you going to the auditorium? • To the classroom • To the gym • To the cafeteria • To the office • To the library • Do you like to learn? • They make a project. • Are you going to the auditorium?

  12. Practice- write these in SPANISH • To the classroom al salón de clase/a la aula • To the gym • To the cafeteria • To the office • To the library • Do you like to learn? • They make a project. • Are you going to the auditorium?

  13. Practice- write these in SPANISH • To the classroom al salón de clase/a la aula • To the gym al gimnasio • To the cafeteria • To the office • To the library • Do you like to learn? • They make a project. • Are you going to the auditorium?

  14. ACT. 10 pg. 151 • A. va a hacerejercicio en el gimnasio • B. Va a cenar • C. Va a pasar un rato con sus amigos. • D. Va a ir a la biblioteca

  15. ¿Qué vas a hacer?What are you going to do?

  16. To say ‘GOING to DO SOMETHING’ • Use a form of IR + A + infinitive • Voy a comer. I’m going to eat. • Notice you DO NOT conjugate the thing you are going TO do. Just like these examples, if you have 2 verbs, the second is often unconjugated:

  17. Necesitamos comer. We need TO EAT. • Tengoque comer. I have TO EAT. • No quiero comer. I don’t want TO EAT.

  18. TRY A FEW TRANSLATE: They are going to swim. THINK: What is THEY GO? Write it down. Then write ‘a’. What is to swim? Add that and you are done!

  19. TRY A FEW • They are going to swim. Van a nadar.

  20. She is going to run.

  21. Ella va a correr.

  22. We are going to study.

  23. Vamos a estudiar.

  24. ¿Adóndeva Dora?¿Adónde van Dora y Botas?

  25. ¡Vamos a ver!Let’s see!

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