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International High School Board of Education

Oakland Unified School District. International High School Board of Education. October 25, 2006. Criteria for International High School decision. Decision to be made Should OUSD open an International High School in the district for 07-08?.

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International High School Board of Education

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  1. Oakland Unified School District International High SchoolBoard of Education October 25, 2006

  2. Criteria for International High School decision Decision to be madeShould OUSD open an International High School in the district for 07-08? *Internationals defines newcomer students as those who have been in the country 4 years or fewer

  3. Agenda • Criteria for International High School decision • Need for a newcomer school option at OUSD • Proven record of success • Community support • Facilities availability • Summary • Recommendation

  4. Overview: Why International HS at OUSD? • OUSD is committed to providing a range of programmatic options to meet the diverse needs of OUSD student population • As OUSD progresses towards better serving Oakland’s diverse student population, we constantly evaluate the different programs available to help us further our goal • English Language Learners currently make up approximately 28% of OUSD’s student population • We’ve looked at other newcomer programs and Internationals Network of Public Schools has proven success and demonstrated results • Internationals Network of Public Schools would like to open a public small autonomous school within Oakland Unified School District to serve newcomer students (Newcomers are defined as being in the country for 4 years or fewer) • It would serve as an option within the OUSD EL program for students and families to choose from • It would start with 100 9th grade students in its first year of opening • It could potentially serve as an example of practices for strengthening the existing OUSD EL program

  5. OUSD Need: OUSD CELDT 1&2 Student Performance California English Language Development Test (CELDT) 1&2 students would benefit from a strong academic newcomer program High Schools with largest EL population based on 05-06 CELDT Testing *Not passing is defined as getting a D+ or less in a class (this is based on redesignation criteria for EL students) ** Redesignation criteria: CST level of basic or better in English, CELDT level of 4 or 5, passing grades (C- or better), teacher recommendations and parent approval

  6. Agenda • Criteria for International High School decision • Need for a newcomer school option at OUSD • Proven record of success • Community support • Facilities availability • Summary • Recommendation

  7. Proven Record of Success: International High School Overview • Internationals Network for Public Schools has over 20 years of experience and currently supports nine high schools in New York • Internationals’ students come from over 100 countries and speak over 55 languages • More than 80 percent of students qualify for free or reduced price lunch • Together, Internationals faculty members speak nearly 30 different languages

  8. Appendix: Internationals’ Mission and Vision The mission of Internationals Network for Public Schools is to provide quality education for recent immigrant students by developing a network of small, public high schools based on the Internationals Approach The Internationals Approach to Educating English Language Learners: • Heterogeneity and Collaboration Heterogeneous and collaborative structures that build on the strengths of every individual member of the school community optimize learning • Experiential LearningExpansion of the 21st century schools beyond the four walls of the school building motivates adolescents and enhances their capacity to successfully participate in modern society • Language and Content IntegrationLanguage skills are most effectively learned in context and emerge most naturally in purposeful, language-rich, experiential, interdisciplinary study • Localized Autonomy and ResponsibilityLinking autonomy and responsibility at every level within a learning community allows all members to contribute to their fullest potential • One Learning Model for AllAll learners, faculty and students participate in similar collaborative learning and work structures which maximize their ability to support one another

  9. Proven Record of Success: International High School Results • International High Schools have higher graduation rates than New York City averages for four, five, six, and seven year cohorts • Additionally, International schools have consistently lower dropout rates across cohorts

  10. Proven Record of Success: International High School Results Percent of Graduating Seniors Attending College • International High School students attend college at rates well above national, state, and city averages

  11. Agenda • Criteria for International High School decision • Need for a newcomer school option at OUSD • Proven record of success • Community support • Facilities Availability • Summary • Recommendation

  12. Community Support: Engagement and Outreach • Internationals has engaged with numerous groups and has received positive support, some groups include: • District groups: Migrant Education Program/Refugee Education Program (MEP-REP), District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) • Community Organizations: Asian Pacific Islander Youth Promoting Advocacy and Leadership (AYPAL), Oakland Community Organizations (OCO), Unity Council, East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC), International Institute of the East Bay, Lao Family Community Development, International Rescue Committee, Bay Area Immigrant and Refugee Services (BAIR), Alameda County Refugee Coordination Council, East Bay Vietnamese Association • Currently engaging with: Arabic and African groups (St. Paul’s Episcopal, church in Lakeview area, mosque in Castlemont area, Islamic mothers group) • Parents at targeted middle school site meetings: Havenscourt, Elmhurst, Calvin Simmons, Roosevelt • Sent letters (in 4 languages) to student homes, asked principals to send letters out at school, disseminated information with parent liaisons, family resource centers and teachers of 8th grade EL classes • Next steps: • Get on agenda of future CBO meetings with parents to increase parent exposure • Expand outreach efforts to next phase of middle schools

  13. Community Engagement: Target Middle Schools % of CELDT 1 & 2 for Asian and Latino subgroup populations

  14. Agenda • Criteria for International High School decision • Proven record of success • Need for a newcomer school option at OUSD • Community support • Facilities availability • Summary • Recommendation

  15. Facilities Options: • The Need: • YEAR ONE: Facilities needs - 4-5 classrooms, 2 offices • FULL SIZE: Facilities needs (assuming 400 students) - 17 classrooms, science lab, etc. • Evaluation Process: • Continued discussion with facilities as they complete their facilities inventory assessment. Assessment target date of completion: mid November • SHORT-TERM: Location assessment of school sites and discussion with NExOs regarding schools to determine which campuses could house 4-5 additional classrooms • LONG-TERM: Evaluate currently unused and underused facilities and overall school portfolio for future facilities availability

  16. Facilities Evaluation

  17. Criteria for International High School decision Recommendation: OUSD should open International High School 07-08

  18. Appendix

  19. Appendix: Internationals Provides 8 Types of Direct Support to Its Schools • Mentors for Principals • Professional Development • Curriculum Development and Sharing • Leadership Development • Research and Evaluation • Advocacy and External Relations • New School Development • Teacher and Student Recruitment

  20. Internationals High School Students Outperform City ELL Average on Regents Tests… In addition, Internationals student performance on the English and Math Regents is comparable to overall city averages and has demonstrated a successful performance increase Percent of Students Meeting RegentsGraduation Requirements – English (2004 vs. 2003) Percent of Students Meeting RegentsGraduation Requirements – Math (2004 vs. 2003) City Avg City Avg Percent of Total (%) Percent of Total (%) ELLCity Avg ELLCity Avg International at LaGCC ManhattanInternational International at LaGCC ManhattanInternational BrooklynInternational BrooklynInternational Note: Bronx International, International at Prospect Heights and Flushing International did not have senior classes in 2002-03 or 2003-04Source: 2002-03 and 2003-04 Annual School Reports; Update on the Performance of LEP / ELL, New York State Education Department (February 2005)

  21. Appendix: Current OUSD Newcomer Work • MEP-REP conducting middle school refugee census, and specifically newcomers in 8th grade (in country 4 years or less). Target completion date: 10/27/06 • Instructional Services EL team is engaging in evaluation of newcomer program effectiveness. Target completion date: 12/15/06 • Elizabeth Macias, 6-12 • Dahyana Otero, K-5

  22. Appendix: OUSDHS with largest EL populations ( based on 05-06 CELDT)

  23. Appendix: EL Programmatic Support Structures Currently in Place for HS SEI = Structured English Immersion EPH = Español para Hispanos (Spanish for Spanish Speakers) “Basic” = first level in the Hampton Brown High Point Curriculum CLAD = Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development certificate (authorizes teacher to teacher English Learners) (Based on information provided by RA &A)

  24. Appendix: EL Programmatic Support Structures Currently in Place for HS SEI = Structured English Immersion EPH = Español para Hispanos (Spanish for Spanish Speakers) “Basic” = first level in the Hampton Brown High Point Curriculum CLAD = Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development certificate (authorizes teacher to teacher English Learners) (Based on information provided by RA &A )

  25. Appendix: OUSD Next Steps to Strengthen Current EL Programs • Clearly defined course options available to English Learners. • Clearly defined structures of effective high quality Newcomer programs. • Provide support to Newcomer ELL teachers. • Provide training and support to principals, counselors, and ELL Support Staff

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