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Teddy bear Preschool. Annual themes. January. Winter Penguins Houses The Color Box. Winter. In the sensory tub, we will make snow and then play with it. We will do an experiment with ice. We will play with winter clothes in the house center. We will use the snow to learning measurement.
Teddy bear Preschool Annual themes
January • Winter • Penguins • Houses • The Color Box
Winter • In the sensory tub, we will make snowand then play with it. • We will do an experiment with ice. • We will play with winter clothes in the house center. • We will use the snow to learning measurement. • We will learn why animals hibernate in the winter. • We will make a snow cone snack…burr! • Graph: Do I want to live where it snows? • Who knows, it may snow!
Penguins • This week we will learn about penguins. • We will watch an educational video about how penguins live as a community and a family. • We will do a create a penguin with art materials. • We will use penguins in our math learning. • We will complete a concept web with information we have learned about penguins. • At the end of the week, we will watch Happy Feet
Houses • We will complete a KWL chart. • We will build houses with blocks, legos, and lincoln logs. • We will read our house booklet. • We will make a house with sugar cubes. • We will use a list to complete a scavenger hunt. • We will make a house snack. • Graph: Which space would I like to live in…house, apartment, or a boat. • Collage things onto a house shape. • Make a room floor plan using shapes as furniture.
Colors • Each day we will focus on a color as outlined on the calendar. It is encouraged that each child where the color of the day so that he/she earns a ticket. • Week 1 • Blue- collage book of blue things • Orange- collage book, what 2 colors make orange • Yellow- collage book • Green- collage book, what 2 colors make green, read Go Away Big Green Monster • Pink-Read Pinkalicious, collage book, what 2 colors make pink.
Colors • Week 2 • Purple- collage book, what 2 colors make purple, purple cow milkshake • Black- collage book, Can we make black prediction graph & experiment • Brown- read Brown Bear Brown Bear, collage book, can we make brown experiment • White- collage book, can we make white?, read It Looks like Spilt Milk • Red-finish the color collage book, and celebrate Elmo’s 3rd birthday! • We will have an Elmo birthday party with pizza, goldfish, and special drink. We will play a game, watch an Elmo video, and read with Elmo. We will have an Elmo Show & Tell so bring Elmo books, wear Elmo, a toy, or whatever.
February • Tooth Time • Valentine’s Week • Classic Fairytales • Cowboys & Cowgirls • Go Texan Week
Valentine’s Week • Home project: Parents and child will make a valentine box for our Valentine’s day car exchange on the 14th. • We will discuss values: sharing, caring, love, friendship, giving, respect (graphic web). • We will count, sort, and make patterns, with candy hearts. • We will make cards for our loved ones. • We will make a list of ways to love one another. • Collage on a heart shape. • List ways to share with others. • Valentine party (14th)---card exchange, watch care bears video, game and songs, and for lunch we will have heart-shaped PBJ sandwiches, friendship salad, love punch
President’s Day • Today we will read about George Washington and Abe Lincoln. • We will watch biographical video (s) of Washington & Lincoln. • We will read about the job of president. • We will discuss what a president does and record our ideas on a poster. • We will eat cherry pie for snack. • We will try to make a Lincoln log cabin with pretzels and peanut butter.
Classic Fairytales • We will read variations of the Three Bears and the Three Pigs. • We will learn about cooperation and helping with The Red Hen. • We will read about Jack & the Beanstalk and plant magic beans (jelly beans and pinto beans). We will make a prediction graph: which beans do they think will grow: jelly beans or pinto beans? • We will watch The Ugly Duckling. We will discuss how the duckling felt • We will make a cake. • Graph: our favorite classic fairytale. • The kids will get to act out the fairytales.
Cowboys & CowgirlsGo Texan Week • On Go Texan day (25thor the closet day), children will be asked to wear jeans, boots and a cowboy hat. (if you have them). • We will have a Texas lunch of brisket on a hotdog bun, baked beans, and fruit. • All week we eat something that symbolizes Texas…chili, chips & salsa, chicken fried steak fingers, cowboy stew, biscuits w/ honey, tacos, etc. • We will watch a video about cowboy life on a ranch. • Hopefully, we will get to go to the livestock show & petting zoo (field trip). • We will make a cowboy booklet to take home to read. • We will have horses & cowboys in the block center. • Clothing in the house center to dress up. • We will listen to cowboy music and dance.
march • Pets • St Pat’s week • Spring Planting • Easter
Pets • Graphic web- different types of pets • Vet’s office in the house center. • Read the various Harry the Dirty Dog books. • Make a Harry craft. • Play Doggy Doggy, where’s your bone? • List: What do pets need? • Collage of pets on a dog pattern. • Watch the Pound Puppies. • Show & Tell • Visit a pet store (field trip) • Graph: favorite pet
St Patrick’s Week • Check the black pot everyday for gold (to add to kids’ reward jars) • Games: Follow the shamrock, hide & seek leprechaun • Pot of gold math---counting gold coins, simple addition/subtraction • Sorting lucky charms and making fruit loop rainbow necklaces. • Read about Ireland, leprechauns, and other Irish tales. • Make a shamrock cake. • Green, orange, and white scavenger hunt • ABC pattern with green, white, and orange. • Try Irish foods, Irish tea, and listen to Irish music. • Watch River Dance.
Spring planting • Collect seeds and sort in the math center with a sorting tray. • We will pretend to plant seeds in the sensory tube. • We will plant vegetables/fruit in planters. Check & water daily. • We will make a process graph: how to plant seeds. • We will observe seeds and group them: flowers, vegetables, fruits.
Easter • No school on Good Friday • Web: what is Easter? What do we do on Easter? • We will make a bunny booklet. • We will watch a bunny video to learn about the furry little critter. • Fill empty eggs w/ confetti for our Easter party on Thursday. • We will dye boiled eggs for our Egg hunt. • Egg hunt will be on Thursday (am or pm depending on weather). Parents are asked to send an Easter basket and 5 plastic eggs. • We will eat our dyed Easter eggs. • Plastic egg sorting in baskets, plastic egg ABC math, plastic egg color match, find the bunny, and Plastic egg toss into basket for tickets. • Read about bunnies, and how the Easter Bunny dyes the eggs.
April • Egg-citement • Moo Week • Texas our Texas • Community Helpers (2 weeks)
Egg-citement • We will learn the chicken dance. • The Egg Games: toss into a basket, walk w/ egg on a spoon, walk with giant plastic egg b/w our knees • We will watch a video about the process of how a baby chicken grows inside and egg, hatches, and is cared for. • We will make an egg-chick craft. • Egg ABC math • Experiment: float or sink. We will predict and record our guesses. • Eat boiled eggs. • Read about chicks and ole Humpty
Moo Week • Milk booklet • Painting with milk • List: why milk is good for us. • List: food/drinks made from cows • Make milkshake and eat hamburgers. • Make a cow craft. • Read about cows. • Watch a MOO-vie and educational video on internet about a dairy farm.
Texas Our Texas • KWL chart or web shaped like Texas • We learn the Texas pledge and the state song, Texas our Texas. • We will watch an educational video about the Lone Star State. • We learn about the symbols of Texas…longhorn, armadillo, the Texas flag, etc. • We will recognize the shape of Texas and name the major cities. • We will the Texas flag. • We will learn songs about Texas. • We will make a booklet to take home. • We will make a bluebonnet craft w/ dyed popcorn. • We will take a field trip to a patch of bluebonnets for a class picture. • On Friday, we will have chili and a Dr Pepper float (snack).
Community Helpers • Week 1 • Grocery store set up in the house center. Police station set up in blocks center. • The writing center will be setup like a school. • We will make a graphic web naming community helper jobs. • We will watch videos about various community jobs. • We will Curious George cartoons that focus on community. • We will math a vehicle with the community helper. • We will take a field trip around the community…to the grocery store, a restaurant, the library, and perhaps the local police precinct. • Show & tell will be on Friday! Bring a book about the a you want to do.
Community Helpers • Week 2 • We will set up a café in the house center, a library in the library, and a post office in the writing center. • We will collect, sort, and collage pictures of jobs. • We will make a booklet: What do you want to be when you grow up. • Show & tell will be on Friday! Bring a book about the a you want to do. • On Friday we will celebrate Dr Seuss! Show & Tell---bring your favorite Dr Seuss book or a character stuffed toy. Wear clothing with the characters if you have it. We will eat Green eggs (boiled), ham, gold fish, and a a special drink. We will watch a movie or Cat in the Hat cartoons.
Mother’s Day week • We will make a special card for the ladies in our life (mama, granny). • We will read about mama and grandma. • We will make a chart about the many things that mama does for us. • We will make goody bags to give to our mama (include our card, coupons, etc). • We will watch videos and read about animal mamas as well. • We will pretend to be mama or grandma in the house center. • We will bath our babies in the water tub (sensory).
Ocean • What’s in the ocean? KWL chart • We will watch the Blue Planet video to learn about the ocean of animals. • We will use ocean cards to count animals 1-25. We will put the cards in numerical order. • We will play with ocean animals in the sensory center. • One-to-one correspondence with animals counters. • We will make a wave bottle. • We will patterns with colored goldfish. • We will make a Rainbow Fish after reading The Rainbow Fish. • We will an ocean collage on blue paper. • Graph: I like ____. (ocean animals) • We will watch Curious George video about the ocean.
Whales & Dolphins • Watch video about Shamu. • Watch video about Dolphins. • T-chart or Venn diagram: the differences between whales and dolphins. • Play with whales/dolphins in sensory tube. • Play game: Shamu, Shamu where’s your fish? • Read books about the different types of whales. • Whale mobile with hanger. • Watch dolphin movie after snack (Friday)
Beach/Summer • Memorial day---no school • We will observe a variety of beach treasures in the science center. • We will make a starfish using sandpaper. • We will play with beach toys as well as measuring tools in the sand tub. • We will make a list of what we see at the beach (pictures included). • We will make patterns with starfish cards. • We sort shells into sorting tray, and size shells from small to large. • We will write our letters in sand. • Graph: What do I like to do at the beach. • Waterplay day will be on Friday! Bring your suit, watershoes, and a towel. • We will watch Nemo after snack (Friday)
Pirates AHOY • Graphic web: What we know about pirates. What we want to know. • Make a Jolly Roger flag. • Make a treasure map. • Counting with pirate treasure. Sorting the jewels into sorting tray. • Treasure in the sensory tub. • Creature a treasure chest with a box. • Read about pirates. • Pirate lunch (Friday) • Watch Curious George cartoon about pirates.
Patriotism • Watch a video about patriotism (opening activity) • Web: patriotic symbols w/ pictures. • Watch a video about the Star-Spangled banner and learn the lyrics to the national anthem. • List: What are the differences b/w the American and Texas flags? • Circle our letters in the lyrics of the Star-Spangled Banner. • American memory games • Make an American flag. • Count the stars on the American flag. • Make an American patriotic symbols booklet. • Flag Day picnic (Fri)---we will wear patriotic colors or a flag on our shirt. We will eat patriotic foods, say the pledge and sing the national anthem.
Dinosaurs • KWL: What are dinosaurs? • Venn D: How are dinosaurs different than the animals we see today? • We will play with dinos in the block center and the sand tub. • Measure dino foot print with a pattern. • Graph (w/ pictures): plant vs. meat eaters • Dino-egg race (watermelon) • Graph: my favorite dino • Watch Land Before Time (Fri) after snack.
The food Groups • We will play, investigate, and try a variety of foods. • We will go to the grocery store or a farmer’s market for a field trip. • We collage pictures of the food groups onto a huge cardboard plate. • We will collect a variety of wrappers and boxes from home to use in our house center. • Our house center will once again become a grocery store. • We will watch educational videos about how food is made in factories and processing plants. • We will pickle cucumbers. • We will use our senses to investigate an orange and a potato. • We use potatoes to make prints. • Graph: we will divide food pictures into healthy and not-healthy. • We will taste a bread/grain, 3 types of cereal, and 3 vegetables then decide which we like best. • Show & Tell: bring your favorite food item (or a picture of it). • Everyday we will try a new food for lunch and snack.
Symbols of America • We will be closed on the 4th Happy 4th Teddy Bear friends! • Read about Lady Liberty. Watch an educational video. • Make a red, white, and blue (ABC pattern) hand wreathe. • Watch a video about bald eagles. • Make a cascade of stars mobile. • Freedom Day picnic will be on the eve of July 4th. Please wear patriotic clothing • We will make red, white, blue bracelets. • We will count American money! • We will read books about the patriotic symbols…flag, liberty bell, lady liberty, etc.
Bears • Graphic webs: let’s name stories that have bears in them. • We about bears in fiction & non-fictional books • Web: the different kinds of bears • Act out the story of the 3 Bears. • Learn about positions with our Teddy bear…up, on, above, below, etc. • We will sort gummie bears & make patterns. • We will sing & act out the cool bear hunt (Dr Jean). • We will watch a video of the Bear Hunt • Graph: What type of Teddy graham we like best • Teddy Bear picnic (on Teddy bear picnic day) • We will predict what colored animals come next in Brown Bear Brown Bear • We will make predictions w/ sentence strips for the book: Polar Bear Polar Bear • Watch and read Bearstein bears. • We will make a bear ear headband
Ants • KWL: What do we know about ants? • Label parts of the ant. • Observe the ant farm in the science center. • Make ants on a log for snack. • Read books about ants. • Act the song When the Ants Go Marching in. • Make an ant craft with egg carton. • Watch Ants movie on Friday.
Butterflies • Read The Hungry Caterpillar. • Act out the story using props. • Watch The Hungry Caterpillar (video). • Make a butterfly with coffee filter and pipe cleaner. • Butterfly number order book. • Poster of the butterfly life cycle in the science center. • Make a Hungry Caterpillar booklet to take home. • List: What is your favorite thing the hungry caterpillar ate?
Zoo-topia • Get zoo maps (Laminate) and place in science center along with plastic zoo animals. • Make picture list of zoo animals. • Look at the local zoo website to make a list of which animals they want to see the most on the field trip. Make a pictorial scavenger hunt list for the kids to use on the field trip. • Watch Curious George video (zoo theme). • Graph: zoo vs marine animals. • Read monkey stories and eat a monkey snack. • Play monkey see monkey do. • Act like animals with the Greg & Steve CD. • Try foods that Zoo animals like to eat. Make a list of what they like.
August • Weather • Transportation • Our 5 Senses • All About Me
weather • Look @ pictures on internet & books about various types of weather. • Read about tornado as well as thunder & lightening. • Practice tornado drill. • Make a tornado bottle. • We will conduct a cloud experiment. • We will make a cloud picture with cotton balls. • We will go over lightening & thunder safety. • Visit the weather museum if possible. • Watch the weather channel to learn weather words. • Put up weather posters in the science center. • Weather chart everyday at circle time.
Transportation • Web---use poster to create web of types of transportation • Webs for vehicles---cars, trucks, boats, airplanes • Block center---types of transportation to play with & a road rug • Water tub- boats • List---why we need transportation? • Graph---my favorite types of transportation • Snack---wagon w/ fruit, pretzels, grahams • Make a truck out of boxes and other materials
Our 5 Senses • Web: 5 senses. List what our senses are for and what we do with them. • Mon- Eyes are for seeing and looking. Play “I spy” & list what our eyes do for us. • Tu- Mouth/tongue is used for tasting food. We will taste a variety of foods and liquids. We will graph which we prefer: salty or sweet. We will play a game: food or not food (make a t-graph on carpet w/ tape and labels. Use real items) • W- We use our nose to smell. Why do we need to smell? Discussion & record answers. Graph odors: yum or yuck! • Th- We use our ears for hearing/listening. We will listen to audio noises and guess what makes that noise. We will listen to a story on Cd. We will listen to Animal Action/Freeze songs and follow directions. Play Simon says. • F- We will use our hands and feet to touch/feel. We will feel fabrics, plastic, hard/rough surfaces. We will use sandpaper in our art center w/ other materials. • We will do a sensory exploration with a piece of fruit (Orange/apple/watermelon)
All About Me • Start of a new school year! • We will use this week to get our new friends acquainted with our group. • We will introduce ourselves • We will play games • listen to stories • have a show & tell • create a booklet about our selves to share with our friends • We will go over rules and procedures as well as the schedule • Graph: favorite colors, our hair/eye color, girls and boys in our group. • We will practice writing our name and recognize our name around the room. • Play: I spy ____’s name.
September • Birthdays • Teddy Bear Week • My Body • Farm animals
Happy Birthday • Labor day we will be closed • We will make a birthday graph to hang in writing center. • We will create a birthday cake (on paper) and put candles and decorations. • We will sing Happy birthday and listen to the song sung id different languages on You Tube • We will count with candles, sort them by color, and make patterns • We will make birthday hats • We will wrap presents and decorate gift bags • We will make birthday cards
Teddy Bear Week • Monday is Teddy Bear Day so bring your teddy bear for our teddy bear party at snack time. • We will sort bears by size and color • We will read, watch, and listen to stories about Teddy bears. Bring books, videos, or CDs to share with your friends • We will sing the Teddy Bear song and do the actions • We will play Teddy Bear games with our bears • We will write a story and draw pictures about our bear • Teddy bear craft • Make teddy bear snack w/ cookie cutters
My Body • We will use a diagram of a human body & posters to label the parts of our body. • Posters will be on display in the science center. • Body puzzle • Art- create ourselves through materials on a paper cut out. • Take pictures of our bodies and guess who it is. • Graph: hair/eye colors • Library: books about people, skin colors, disabilities, etc • Clothes in the pretend center • Trace our body to decorate at home and display at school after show & tell • Trace our hands and make foot prints on white board paper • Paint with our fingers
Down on the Farm • Intro: Listen/watch song “Old McDonald” on You Tube. • Field trip to a farm to learn about the animals, farm chores, etc. • We will look at books of farm animals, farm tools/machines, and farmers • We will act and make noises like farm animals • Will act out Farmer & the Dell. • We will a farm animal-related movie. • We will play with farm animals in the block center and create a farm with blocks • We will write a story about farm animals • Graph: favorite farm animals • We will discuss/list foods that come the farm. (picture labels)
October • Fire safety • Apples • Pumpkins • Halloween
Fire Safety • Watch video(s) about a fire truck/station • Library: books about fire trucks, Dalmatians, fire fighters, fire safety • Create a fire truck with a shoe box and materials • Fire truck snack: grahams, etc. • Stop, drop, and roll practice • Field trip to a fire station • Graph: touch (safe) & don’t touch (danger) • Create a exit plan of the school on poster board • Practice fire drill • Go through kitchen and bathroom and discuss the dangers of each
Appl-licious • Intro: Look at different types of apples. • Cut them in half and taste them. • Graph which apple they like best • Apple games: toss, bowling, walk w/ apple b/w lego, relay • Apple patterns (cut outs) on sentence strip • Apple correspondence (cutouts on folded paper) numbers 1-5 • Read about Johnny Appleseed • Use apple seeds collected & put them in science center • Apple booklet • Taste a variety of apple products and graph favorite • Apple snack every day of the week • Apple jack necklaces