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A Shakespearean Journey: Language, Characters, and Themes in Romeo and Juliet

Explore Shakespeare's language, analyze characters, and reflect on universal themes from Romeo and Juliet. Divide project into three parts: Shakespearean Language, Character Study, and Universal Themes.

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A Shakespearean Journey: Language, Characters, and Themes in Romeo and Juliet

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ALL OPTIONS: • There are three parts to the project/ presentation. parts A,B and C must all be completed. • You may divide up the work as you see fit amongst your group members. • Make sure that each part clearly indicates who contributed.

  2. OPTION ONE • PART A: Shakespearean Language • Use each of the following 23 words to create your own lines of dialogue as if you were Shakespeare himself. • You may use more than one word per sentence and even re-use words if you wish. • Members of your group will present this in some fashion (reading aloud, video, handing out scripts to others in the class and having them read it or other approved options)

  3. anon—right now, OR “I come right away”……. “Anon, good nurse! Speak!” • art—are, OR skill……“Thou art dead; no physician’s art can save you..” • dost or doth—does or do……“Dost thou know the time?” • ere—before……“We must leave ere daybreak.” • fain—gladly……“I fain would bake Mr. Love cookies if I could get an A.”

  4. fie—an exclamation of dismay or disgust……“You cheated? Fie upon it!” OR “Fie! Are you mad?” • hark—listen……. “Hark to the owl,” OR “Hark! The herald angels sing!” • hence—away…..“Get thee hence, beggar!” OR “We must hence before the army arrives.” • hie—hurry……“Hie thee hence, or lose your life!” • hither—here…..“Come hither, young lad.”

  5. thither—there……“Look to the east—thither doth the sun arise.” • hath—has……… “He hath killed many a man.” OR “He hath a horse.” • ho—hey (roughly equivalent). “Lucius, ho!” [Brutus calling his servant] • mark—pay attention to…….. “Mark my words.” • marry—indeed……“He says I should respond quickly; marry, I want to.” • pray/prithee—a polite way of asking something……“I prithee answer the question.”

  6. saucy—cheeky; sassy……“Hence, thou saucy boy!” • sirrah—a term of address used for inferiors……“Sirrah, bring the letter over here.” • thee—you……“When will I see thee next?” • thou—you……“Thou art a villain.” • thy—your……“Thy name is more hateful than thy face.” • whence—from where…….. “Whence came that news?” OR “Return to whence you came.” • wherefore—why……“Wherefore dost thou leave?” OR “Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” [As in, “why can’t you be someone else, whom my family doesn’t hate?”]

  7. PART B: Brief character study This portion of the project will be handed in as a large display, a book, or presented in a power point or other media

  8. Choose two characters from the play, Romeo and Juliet. • Write a brief physical description of him or her. (What YOU think the character looks like!) • Describe the personality of the character. • If you were to cast this character in the play, who would you choose to play the role and why? • Select a quote the character says in the play that you particularly like and explain its meaning. Re-write the quote in today’s language. • Do you think it has more meaning and impact in Shakespearean language or in today’s language? Why?

  9. PART C: Universal Themes in Romeo and Juliet • There are four of the major themes of Romeo and Juliet. • Write a one page reflection about your own personal thoughts on EACH topic. • This portion of the project will be handed in as a large display, a book, or presented in a power point or other media

  10. Use examples and quotes from Romeo and Juliet in your reflection. • Theme: LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT • Do you believe in love at first sight? Was the love Romeo and Juliet had for each other true love or was it merely infatuation?

  11. Theme: PREDJUDICE AND HATRED • What part did prejudice and hatred have in the story of Romeo and Juliet and what role does it have in today’s society when it comes to relationships?

  12. Theme: ARRANGED MARRIAGES • How do you feel about arranged marriages and do you think that had Juliet gone along with the arranged marriage to Paris that she would have had a happier life?

  13. Theme: LONGEVITY OF YOUNG LOVE • If Romeo and Juliet’s plan worked and both had lived, how do you think the families would have reacted to their secret marriage? Do you think they would have lived together happily for the rest of their lives?

  14. OPTION TWO Project for Romeo and Juliet

  15. PART A Select a scene from Romeo and Juliet to present to the class. You may choose any era or genre or style to present, but the dialogue must remain true to the actual script. The scene must be presented either live or filmed (but no extensions are allowed)

  16. PART B Using the SAME scene from Romeo and Juliet to present to the class, but modernize the dialogue to language and expressions that would occur today. You must remain true to the intent of the scene (you cannot change situations or outcomes, only language and characterization). You should add modern technology (as they did in the film version we watched).The scene must be presented either live or may be filmed (but no extensions are allowed)

  17. PART C Write and present an alternate ending to the play. You may have one or both of them live, have them stay together or fall apart…use your imagination. Write the dialogue in modern language OR in Shakespearean language. The scene must be presented either live or filmed(but no extensions are allowed)

  18. OPTION THREE VERONA NEWS Using the desktop publishing features of Microsoft Word, create a newspaper which chronicles the events of the play OR you may choose to perform a LIVE or VIDEO of a news broadcast. The events, ads, news, etc…should be in keeping with the Shakespearean version of Romeo and Juliet including language and style. PART A: Include advertisements and entertainment news of the day PART B: Include editorials and sports of the day, PART C: Include headline news stories and other news stories of the day Give your newspaper or news broadcast a catchy title.

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