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N O R T H G L A S G O W. CHAPLAINCY for the 21 st Century. Helen Bunce GRI. Chaplains.
N O R T H G L A S G O W CHAPLAINCY for the 21st Century Helen Bunce GRI
Chaplains • A person who is appointed and recognised as part of the specialist spiritual care team within a health care setting. His or her job is to seek out and respond to those who are expressing spiritual and religious need by providing the appropriate care, or facilitating that care, through contacting, with the patients permission, the representative of choice
North Glasgow Lead Chaplain Rev Anne Harper
Specialist Areas – GRI & Stobhill • Palliative Care • Renal • Medicine for the elderly • Maternity • Burns Unit • Transplant • Plastic Surgery
West Glasgow • Rev Keith Saunders Lead Chaplain Western & Gartnavel • Rev Anne Dougall Chaplain Gartnavel & Blawarthill
Volunteers • 65 volunteers within North Glasgow • Escorts provided for Sunday Services in GRI • Trained Chaplaincy Visitors • Students on placement • Eucharistic Ministers
Roman Catholic Chaplains • GRI: via radio pager/switchboard • Father John McGrath – Stobhill • Father Joe Sullivan - GRI • Sister May Commins - Western • Western & Gartnavel - Deanery
Who do we visit? Patients of all or no faiths, staff, visitors
Faith Community • A recognisable group who share a belief system and usually undertake religious practices such as prayer, scripture reading, meditation, and communal acts of worship
Belief Group • Any group which has a cohesive system of values or beliefs but which does not classify as a faith community. • E.g. African-Caribbean • Somali Culture • Akan (Ghana) • Cultural Groups • Humanist
Spirituality is whatever gives a person meaning, worth and value. Unique to each individual, for some that can be their religion, for others music, nature, family, friends etc
“Spirituality is a slippery word these days, involving anything from monasticism to wind chimes, but I have never been able to resist tinkering under the bonnet of the soul. No longer convinced by the absolutes of my childhood, I nevertheless hankered after something to replace them, a workable credo with which to engage life.” (Adrift in Caledonia, Boathitching for the Unenlightened Nick Thorpe 2006)
Spiritual Care 1-2-1 relationship, completely person centred and makes no assumptions personal conviction or life orientation . Spiritual Care is not always religious. Religious care at it's best should always be spiritual.
Who gives spiritual care? We all do!!! “How are you doing tonight?” = Spiritual Care
Indicators of spiritual distress • Why me? Why Now? • Putting on a brave face - I mustn’t let my family down. • “I can’t take anymore” • “I’d be better off dead” • Talks more of religion/God/afterlife • Turns face to the wall
Addressing Spiritual Needs/Distress- Recognise The need to give and receive love The need to be understood The need to be valued as a human being The need for forgiveness, hope and trust The need to explore beliefs and values The need to express feelings honestly The need to find meaning and purpose in life.
People are not merely physical bodies requiring mechanical fixing. Some find their spirituality helps maintain their health and helps them cope with illness, trauma, loss, change as body, mind & spirit integrate. Whether religious or not people share deep needs as they try to make sense of & maintain hope when illness or injury strikes.
F.A.Q’S • Is God angry with me? • Is God punishing me? • Is this happening because I didn’t go to church? • Has God given up on me? • Why me?
What are the spiritual needs of patients/families in last days and hours • Fear of dying • Unresolved issues • Unfinished business • Fear of letting go
How can we meet these needs? • Being there, listening, giving hope, • Fostering companionship & peace • Focussing on individual • Being non-judgemental • Giving a sense of meaning • Advocacy • Helping a person to be him/herself: retaining sense of personal worth maintaining their own identity
Liverpool Care Pathway • GRI & Stobhill • Ext 24661 & 13098 • Leave a message on Chaplaincy answering machine when a patient is placed on the Pathway. Someone will get back to you. • Please don’t leave it until a few minutes before the patient dies
Religious care:- shared beliefs,values,liturgies and lifestyle
Religious care • Prayer • Services on Sunday • Baptism • Blessing of Babies • Sacrament of the Sick • Anointing • Sacraments-Eucharist, Reconciliation • Contact appropriate faith leader at patient’s request
What about faith groups other than Christian? What about Muslims? Jehovah’s Witnesses? Buddhists? Christian Science? Hindu? Baha’i? Mormon? Jews ? Sikh? Where can we find info about how to help other faiths? RELIGIONS & CULTURE MANUAL-provided by the Chaplains
Where can you find us? • GRI :- 0141 211 4661 • Stobhill :- 0141 201 3098 • Western:- 0141 211 2812 • Gartnavel:- 0141 211 3026 • Pager via hospital switchboards • RC Chaplains: pager via switchboards