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Kaylan Carter. Educational Development Plan Health Science. All About Me.
Kaylan Carter Educational Development Plan Health Science
All About Me My name is Kaylan Carter I am in the 9th grade I am the captain of the Romulus Cheer Team for freshman. I am a smart young lady I am ranked 70 out of 261 students at Romulus High School. When I'm out of school I go to cheer practice then after practice I chill at home and text. I have 2 little brothers one named Clayton and he is 12 and one named Bryson and he is 3 months. I am trying to get my flipping skills together because, when I flip I always don’t land or I end up doing something wrong. I use to have a backhand spring, round off backhand spring and I'm working on my standing tuck. I started undercutting my flipping skills so I don’t always land. I would like to have my flipping skills back so I can start flipping at the games again. Autobiography
Philosophy I am a Christian I use to attend Detroit World Outreach. I have attended that church since I was 12. I currently go to another church but I really miss my old church so I think I will be attending again. It is a wonderful church and my pastor’s names are Bishop Ben Gibert and Dr. Charisse Gibert.This church has a children section called the Destiny Zone .It’s a teen section called the Vault, and the adult section is Called the Altar. THIS CHURCH IS FOR ALL PEOPLE.
My Resume Resume
School Work My best Math Work My Best English Paper Career Ladder Education Plan
Future Goals • My future goals are to finish high school, college, and to have a good paying job. The nursing programs I will take at University Of Michigan Nursing are: • (CNM) Certified Nurse Midwife Programs • What Degree I would like to earn are: • My Masters of science in nursing degree’s and be a nurse or a doctor. My career pathway is in Health Science and it fits my personality because I like to help people with their situations.
Future Goals (Part 2) After high school I would like to attend University Of Michigan and become a nurse or anything else in the medical field if I want to change my mind. After college and when I have my job situated I would like to have 3 kids and one beautiful husband and a NICE PAYING JOB.I would also like the best for my kids when they get older.
Future Goals (Part 3) School Of Nursing Tuition Fee’s For a full term registration fee it cost $160.00 For a half term registration fee it cost $80.00 Undergraduate full time nursing fee cost $12,440.00 If you want to do a second career of nursing it will have to be full time. You have to have 12-18 credits to be in the second career of nursing. For a off campus nursing full time it costs $13,702 and you have to have 12-18 credits For a graduate and Rackham tuition will have to be full time. It will take over 9 credits and it will cost $19,247 Tuition for the year will cost 7,023 for a Michigan resident
Training and Goals • What will help me in the future to be successful is go to school pass all of my classes and ask my parents for help. Go to all the hands on programs so it can help me know some information by being a nurse. I will have to ask my parents to help me pay for school. I will ask my cousin some information about being a nurse but she is a pediatrician . She will teach me all the stuff I need to know by being a nurse. Also she know some nurses that can help me out.
Accomplishments Cheer Reward Honor Roll Award Volleyball Award Camp Award Rouge Education Reward Meap Award Report Card