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Create Digital Signature Online with eSign Genie

Use eSign Genie to create a free online signature for signing documents electronically. eSign Genie is the leading electronic signature software in the market. Visit our website for more information.

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Create Digital Signature Online with eSign Genie

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome To eSign Genie

  2. Electronic Signature Vs Digital Signature Many people think that electronic signatures are the same as digital signatures but that is not the case. In fact, digital signatures are a highly secured way to implement electronic signatures.

  3. Digital Signature

  4. Electronic Signature Ever since the passing of the E-Sign Act in 2000, electronic signatures have acquired as much weight as the traditional wet or ink signature. As a result, electronic signatures have become widely used to conduct business online.

  5. Why eSign Genie eSign Genie is Easy eSign Genie is Secure Environmentally Friendly eSign Genie is Convenient Collaborative Custom Integrations

  6. Contact Us Address 19925 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 100, CA Phone No. (408) 560-3900 Email info@esigngenie.com Website esigngenie.com Facebook facebook.com/eSignGenie

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