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التلمذة والتغيير Discipleship and Transformation. التلمذة أساس الحياة الروحية Discipleship is the base of Spiritual life. فاذهبوا وتلمذوا جميع الامم وعمدوهم باسم الاب والابن والروح القدس (مت 28 : 19).
التلمذة والتغيير Discipleship and Transformation
التلمذة أساس الحياة الروحية Discipleship is the base of Spiritual life فاذهبوا وتلمذوا جميع الامم وعمدوهم باسم الاب والابن والروح القدس (مت 28 : 19) Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Mat 28 : 19) احملوا نيري عليكم و تعلموا مني لاني وديع و متواضع القلب فتجدوا راحة لنفوسكم (مت 11 : 29) Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Mat 11 : 29)
التلمذة أساس الحياة الروحية Discipleship is the base of Spiritual life انتم تدعونني معلما وسيدا وحسنا تقولون لاني انا كذلك. فان كنت وانا السيد والمعلم قد غسلت ارجلكم فانتم يجب عليكم ان يغسل بعضكم ارجل بعض. لاني اعطيتكم مثالا حتى كما صنعت انا بكم تصنعون انتم ايضا.(يو 13 : 13 - 15) You call me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am.If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.(Joh 13 : 13-15)
مجالات التلمذة Areas of Discipleship 1- الانجيل 1- The Bible وانك منذ الطفولية تعرف الكتب المقدسة القادرة ان تحكمك للخلاص بالايمان الذي في المسيح يسوع (2تي 3 : 15) And that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus (2Ti 3 :15)
مجالات التلمذة Areas of Discipleship 2- التاريخ 2- History فقلت له يا سيد انت تعلم فقال لي هؤلاء هم الذين اتوا من الضيقة العظيمة وقد غسلوا ثيابهم وبيضوا ثيابهم في دم الخروف (رؤ 7: 14) And I said to him, Sir, you know, So he said to me, "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Rev 7 : 14)
مجالات التلمذة Areas of Discipleship 3- الطقس 3- Church Order واذ كانوا يجتازون في المدن كانوا يسلمونهم القضايا التي حكم بها الرسل والمشايخ الذين في اورشليم ليحفظوها (اع 16 : 4) And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem (Act 16 : 4)
مجالات التلمذة Areas of Discipleship 4- الاب الروحى .. المرشدين 4- The Spiritual Father .. The Leaders اطيعوا مرشديكم واخضعوا لانهم يسهرون لاجل نفوسكم كانهم سوف يعطون حسابا لكي يفعلوا ذلك بفرح لا انين لان هذا غير نافع لكم (عب 13 : 17) Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you (Heb 13 : 17)
مجالات التلمذة Areas of Discipleship 4- الاب الروحى .. المرشدين 4- The Spiritual Father .. The Leaders كونوا متمثلين بي كما انا ايضا بالمسيح (1كو 11 : 1) Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ (1Co 11 : 1)
الفرح بالتلمذة Appreciating Discipleship فذهب من هناك ووجد اليشع بن شافاط يحرث واثنا عشر فدان بقر قدامه وهو مع الثاني عشر فمر ايليا به وطرح رداءه عليه. فترك البقر وركض وراء ايليا وقال دعني اقبل ابي وامي واسير وراءك So he departed from there, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he was with the twelfth. Then Elijah passed by him and threw his mantle on him. And he left the oxen and ran after Elijah, and said, "Please let me kiss my father and my mother, and then I will follow you"
الفرح بالتلمذة Appreciating Discipleship فقال له اذهب راجعا لاني ماذا فعلت لك. فرجع من ورائه واخذ فدان بقر وذبحهما وسلق اللحم بادوات البقر واعطى الشعب فاكلوا ثم قام ومضى وراء ايليا وكان يخدمه.(1مل19: 19 -21) And he said to him, "Go back again, for what have I done to you?". So Elisha turned back from him, and took a yoke of oxen and slaughtered them and boiled their flesh, using the oxen's equipment, and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he arose and followed Elijah, and became his servant. (1 Ki 19 : 19 - 21)
الفرح بالتلمذة Appreciating Discipleship Go back again … will you stay?? اذهب راجعا ... هل تثبت؟؟ فترك كل شيء و قام و تبعه (لو 5 : 28) So he left all, rose up, and followed Him (Luk 5 : 28) هناك أشخاص فى حياتنا ... يطرحون رداءهم علينا ؟!! There are people in our life … who throw their mantle on us?!!
الحب وراءالتلمذة The love behind Discipleship وفيما هما يسيران ويتكلمان اذا مركبة من نار وخيل من نار ففصلت بينهما فصعد ايليا في العاصفة الى السماء. وكان اليشع يرى وهو يصرخ ياابي ياابي مركبة اسرائيل وفرسانها ولم يره بعد فامسك ثيابه ومزقها قطعتين. Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried out, "My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!" So he saw him no more. And he took hold of his own clothes and tore them into two pieces.
الحب وراءالتلمذة The love behind Discipleship ورفع رداء ايليا الذي سقط عنه ورجع و وقف على شاطئ الاردن. (2 مل 2 : 11 – 13) He also took up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and went back and stood by the bank of the Jordan. (2 Ki 2 : 11-13) My father … my father ياابي ... ياابي
الحب وراءالتلمذة The love behind Discipleship يكفي التلميذ ان يكون كمعلمه والعبد كسيده ان كانوا قد لقبوا رب البيت بعلزبول فكم بالحري اهل بيته (مت 10 : 25) It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household! (Mat 10 : 25) المعلم يصعد ... لكنه يظل ينظر ؟!! The teacher rises… but he remains overlooking
الرب ... اله ايليا The Lord… God of Elijah فاخذ رداء ايليا الذي سقط عنه وضرب الماء وقال اين هو الرب اله ايليا ثم ضرب الماء ايضا فانفلق الى هنا وهناك فعبر اليشع. ولما راه بنو الانبياء الذين في اريحا قبالته قالوا قد استقرت روح ايليا على اليشع فجاءوا للقائه وسجدوا له الى الارض. (2 مل 2 : 14 – 15) Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, Where is the LORD God of Elijah? And when he also had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over.Now when the sons of the prophets who were from Jericho saw him, they said, the spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha" And they came to meet him, and bowed to the ground before him.(2 Ki 2 : 14 -15)
الرب ... اله ايليا The Lord… God of Elijah وما تعلمتموه وتسلمتموه وسمعتموه ورايتموه في فهذا افعلوا واله السلام يكون معكم (في 4 : 9) The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you (Phi 4 : 9)
الرب ... اله ايليا The Lord… God of Elijah و قال يعقوب يا اله ابي ابراهيم و اله ابي اسحق الرب الذي قال لي ارجع الى ارضك و الى عشيرتك فاحسن اليك.صغير انا عن جميع الطافك و جميع الامانة التي صنعت الى عبدك فاني بعصاي عبرت هذا الاردن و الان قد صرت جيشين (تك 32 : 9 - 10) Then Jacob said, "O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, the LORD who said to me, 'Return to your country and to your family, and I will deal well with you':. "I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which You have shown Your servant; for I crossed over this Jordan with my staff, and now I have become two companies (Gen 32 : 9 - 10)
الرب ... اله ايليا The Lord… God of Elijah فليضئ نوركم هكذا قدام الناس لكي يروا اعمالكم الحسنة ويمجدوا اباكم الذي في السماوات (مت 5 : 16) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven (Mat 5 :16)
حى هو الرب ... The LordGod Lives… وقال ايليا التشبي من مستوطني جلعاد لاخاب حي هو الرب اله اسرائيل الذي وقفت امامه انه لا يكون طل و لا مطر في هذه السنين الا عند قولي. (1 مل 17 : 1) And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, "As the LORD God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word".(1Ki 17 : 1)
حى هو الرب ... The LordGod Lives… فقال اليشع حي هو رب الجنود الذي انا واقف امامه انه لولا اني رافع وجه يهوشافاط ملك يهوذا لما كنت انظر اليك و لا اراك.(2 مل 3 : 14) And Elisha said, ”as the LORD of hosts lives, before whom I stand, surely were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not look at you, nor see you. (2Ki 3 : 14) التلمذة على حياة الصلاة ... أساس التغيير Discipleship based on a praying life… Is the basis of transformation
هكذا قال الرب ... Thus says the Lord… لانه هكذا قال الرب اله اسرائيل ان كوار الدقيق لا يفرغ وكوز الزيت لا ينقص الى اليوم الذي فيه يعطي الرب مطرا على وجه الارض (1مل 17 : 14) For thus says the LORD God of Israel: The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the LORD sends rain on the earth. (1Ki 17 : 14)
هكذا قال الرب ... Thus says the Lord… وقال رجال المدينة لاليشع هوذا موقع المدينة حسن كما يرى سيدي واما المياه فردية والارض مجدبة.فقال ائتوني بصحن جديد وضعوا فيه ملحا فاتوه به.فخرج الى نبع الماء وطرح فيه الملح وقال هكذا قال الرب قد ابرات هذه المياه لا يكون فيها ايضا موت ولا جدب Then the men of the city said to Elisha, "Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees; but the wateris bad, and the ground barren".And he said, "Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it" So they brought it to him.Then he went out to the source of the water, and cast in the salt there, and said, "Thus says the LORD: 'I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness‘”
هكذا قال الرب ... Thus says the Lord… فبرئت المياه الى هذا اليوم حسب قول اليشع الذي نطق به. (2 مل 2 : 19 - 22) So the water remains healed to this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke.(2 Ki 2 : 19 - 22) التلمذة على قول الرب ... أساس التغيير Discipleship on the Lord’s sayings … is the basis of transformation
رجل الله ... Man of God … فارسل اليه رئيس خمسين مع الخمسين الذين له فصعد اليه واذا هو جالس على راس الجبل فقال له يا رجل الله الملك يقول انزل. فاجاب ايليا وقال لرئيس الخمسين ان كنت انا رجل الله فلتنزل نار من السماء وتاكلك انت والخمسين الذين لك فنزلت نار من السماء واكلته هو والخمسين الذين له.(2 مل 1 : 9 - 10) Then the king sent to him a captain of fifty with his fifty men. So he went up to him; and there he was, sitting on the top of a hill. And he spoke to him: "Man of God, the king has said, 'Come down!' ".So Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, "If I am a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men" And fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty.(2 Ki1 : 9 - 10)
رجل الله ... Man of God … ثم صعد من هناك الى بيت ايل و فيما هو صاعد في الطريق اذا بصبيان صغار خرجوا من المدينة وسخروا منه وقالوا له اصعد يا اقرع اصعد يا اقرع. فالتفت الى ورائه ونظر اليهم و لعنهم باسم الرب فخرجت دبتان من الوعر Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, "Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!“.So he turned around and looked at them, and pronounced a curse on them in the name of the LORD. And two female bears came out of the woods
رجل الله ... Man of God … وافترستا منهم اثنين واربعين ولدا. وذهب من هناك الى جبل الكرمل ومن هناك رجع الى السامرة (2 مل 2 : 23 - 25) and mauled forty-two of the youths. Then he went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria. (2Ki 2 : 23 - 25) واما انت يا انسان الله فاهرب من هذا واتبع البر والتقوى والايمان والمحبة والصبر والوداعة (1تي 6 : 11) But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness (1Ti 6 : 11)
دهنة زيت... A jar of Oil… وصرخت الى اليشع امراة من نساء بني الانبياء قائلة ان عبدك زوجي قد مات وانت تعلم ان عبدك كان يخاف الرب فاتى المرابي لياخذ ولدي له عبدين. فقال لها اليشع ماذا اصنع لك اخبريني ماذا لك في البيت فقالت ليس لجاريتك شيء في البيت الا دهنة زيت. A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the LORD. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.So Elisha said to her "What shall I do for you? Tell me what do you have in the house?" And she said "Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil".
دهنة زيت... A jar of Oil… فقال اذهبي استعيري لنفسك اوعية من خارج من عند جميع جيرانك اوعية فارغة لا تقللي. ثم ادخلي واغلقي الباب على نفسك على بنيك وصبي في جميع هذه الاوعية وما امتلا انقليه. فذهبت من عنده واغلقت الباب على نفسها وعلى بنيها فكانوا هم يقدمون لها الاوعية وهي تصب. Then he said, "Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors -- empty vessels; do not gather just a few.And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones".So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out.
دهنة زيت... A jar of Oil… ولما امتلات الاوعية قالت لابنها قدم لي ايضا وعاء فقال لها لا يوجد بعد وعاء فوقف الزيت. فاتت واخبرت رجل الله فقال اذهبي بيعي الزيت واوفي دينك و عيشي انت و بنوك بما بقي. (2 مل 4 : 1 - 7) Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, "Bring me another vessel" And he said to her, "There is not another vessel" So the oil ceased.Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, "Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest".(2 Ki4 : 1 - 7)
دهنة زيت... A jar of Oil… لانه هكذا قال الرب اله اسرائيل ان كوار الدقيق لا يفرغ و كوز الزيت لا ينقص الى اليوم الذي فيه يعطي الرب مطرا على وجه الارض (1مل 17 : 14) "For thus says the LORD God of Israel: 'The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the LORD sends rain on the earth' " (1Ki 17 : 14)
دهنة زيت... A jar of Oil… احتى الان لا تفهمون و لا تذكرون خمس خبزات الخمسة الالاف و كم قفة اخذتم. و لا سبع خبزات الاربعة الالاف و كم سلا اخذتم. كيف لا تفهمون اني ليس عن الخبز قلت لكم ان تتحرزوا من خمير الفريسيين والصدوقيين. "Do you not yet understand, or remember the five loaves of the five thousand and how many baskets you took up? "Nor the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many large baskets you took up?. "How is it you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread? -- [but] to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees“.
دهنة زيت... A jar of Oil… حينئذ فهموا انه لم يقل ان يتحرزوا من خمير الخبز بل من تعليم الفريسيين والصدوقيين. (مت 16 : 9 - 12) Then they understood that He did not tell [them] to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. (Mat 16 : 9 - 12)
القيامة من الأموات ... Rising from the dead… فصعدت و اضجعته على سرير رجل الله واغلقت عليه وخرجت. ونادت رجلها وقالت ارسل لي واحدا من الغلمان واحدى الاتن فاجري الى رجل الله و ارجع. فقال لماذا تذهبين اليه اليوم لاراس شهر ولا سبت فقالت سلام. And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, shut the door upon him, and went out.Then she called to her husband, and said, "Please send me one of the young men and one of the donkeys, that I may run to the man of God and come back".So he said, "Why are you going to him today? It is neither the New Moon nor the Sabbath" And she said, "It is well".
القيامة من الأموات ... Rising from the dead… وشدت على الاتان وقالت لغلامها سق وسر ولا تتعوق لاجلي في الركوب ان لم اقل لك. وانطلقت حتى جاءت الى رجل الله الى جبل الكرمل فلما راها رجل الله من بعيد قال لجيحزي غلامه هوذا تلك الشونمية. اركض الان للقائها وقل لها اسلام لك اسلام لزوجك اسلام للولد فقالت سلام. Then she saddled a donkey, and said to her servant, drive, and go forward; do not slacken the pace for me unless I tell you.And so she departed, and went to the man of God at Mount Carmel. So it was, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to his servant Gehazi, look, the Shunammite woman!Please run now to meet her, and say to her, 'Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?' " and she answered, It is well.
القيامة من الأموات ... Rising from the dead… فلما جاءت الى رجل الله الى الجبل امسكت رجليه فتقدم جيحزي ليدفعها فقال رجل الله دعها لان نفسها مرة فيها والرب كتم الامر عني ولم يخبرني.فقالت هل طلبت ابنا من سيدي الم اقل لا تخدعني.فقال لجيحزي اشدد حقويك وخذعكازي بيدك وانطلق Now when she came to the man of God at the hill, she caught him by the feet, but Gehazi came near to push her away. But the man of God said, "Let her alone; for her soul is in deep distress, and the LORD has hidden it from me, and has not told me". So she said, "Did I ask a son of my lord? Did I not say, 'Do not deceive me'?“ Then he said to Gehazi, "Get yourself ready, and take my staff in your hand, and be on your way.
القيامة من الأموات ... Rising from the dead… واذا صادفت احد فلا تباركه وان باركك احد فلا تجبه وضع عكازي على وجه الصبي.فقالت ام الصبي حي هو الرب و حية هي نفسك انني لا اتركك فقام و تبعها.وجاز جيحزي قدامهما ووضع العكاز على وجه الصبي فلم يكن صوت ولا مصغ فرجع للقائه واخبره قائلا If you meet anyone, do not greet him; and if anyone greets you, do not answer him; but lay my staff on the face of the child". And the mother of the child said, "As the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you" So he arose and followed her. Now Gehazi went on ahead of them, and laid the staff on the face of the child; but there was neither voice nor hearing. Therefore he went back to meet him, and told him, saying,
القيامة من الأموات ... Rising from the dead… لم ينتبه الصبي. ودخل اليشع البيت واذا بالصبي ميت ومضطجع على سريره.فدخل واغلق الباب على نفسيهما كليهما وصلى الى الرب.ثم صعد واضطجع فوق الصبي ووضع فمه على فمه وعينيه على عينيه ويديه على يديه وتمدد عليه فسخن جسد الولد. The child has not awakened. When Elisha came into the house, there was the child, lying dead on his bed. He went in therefore, shut the door behind the two of them, and prayed to the LORD. And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands; and he stretched himself out on the child, and the flesh of the child became warm.
القيامة من الأموات ... Rising from the dead… ثم عاد وتمشى في البيت تارة الى هنا وتارة الى هناك وصعد وتمدد عليه فعطس الصبي سبع مرات ثم فتح الصبي عينيه.(2 مل 4 : 21 - 35) He returned and walked back and forth in the house, and again went up and stretched himself out on him; then the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes. (2Ki 4: 21 – 35)
القيامة من الأموات ... Rising from the dead… اخذت نساء امواتهن بقيامة واخرون عذبوا ولم يقبلوا النجاة لكي ينالوا قيامة افضل (عب 11 : 35) Women received their dead raised to life again. And others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. (Heb 11 : 35)
مواجهة الخطأ ... Facing mistakes … فقال له امض بسلام ولما مضى من عنده مسافة من الارض.قال جيحزي غلام اليشع رجل الله هوذا سيدي قد امتنع عن ان ياخذ من يد نعمان الارامي هذا ما احضره حي هو الرب اني اجري وراءه واخذ منه شيئا.فسار جيحزي وراء نعمان ولما راه نعمان راكضا وراءه نزل عن المركبة للقائه وقال اسلام. Then he said to him, Go in peace So he departed from him a short distance. But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, "Look, my master has spared Naaman this Syrian, while not receiving from his hands what he brought; but as the LORD lives, I will run after him and take something from him" So Gehazi pursued Naaman. When Naaman saw him running after him, he got down from the chariot to meet him, and said, is all well?
مواجهة الخطأ ... Facing mistakes … فقال سلام ان سيدي قد ارسلني قائلا هوذا في هذا الوقت قد جاء الي غلامان من جبل افرايم من بني الانبياء فاعطهما وزنة فضة وحلتي ثياب.فقال نعمان اقبل وخذ وزنتين و الح عليه وصر وزنتي فضة في كيسين And he said, "All is well. My master has sent me, saying, 'Indeed, just now two young men of the sons of the prophets have come to me from the mountains of Ephraim. Please give them a talent of silver and two changes of garments' ". So Naaman said, "Please, take two talents" And he urged him, and bound two talents of silver in two bags,
مواجهة الخطأ ... Facing mistakes… وحلتي الثياب ودفعها لغلاميه فحملاها قدامه. ولما وصل الى الاكمة اخذها من ايديهما واودعها في البيت واطلق الرجلين فانطلقا.واما هو فدخل ووقف امام سيده فقال له اليشع من اين يا جيحزي فقال لم يذهب عبدك الى هنا او هناك. When he came to the citadel, he took them from their hand, and stored them away in the house; then he let the men go, and they departed. Now he went in and stood before his master. Elisha said to him, "Where did you go, Gehazi?" And he said, "Your servant did not go anywhere". with two changes of garments, and handed them to two of his servants; and they carried them on ahead of him.
مواجهة الخطأ ... Facing mistakes … فقال له الم يذهب قلبي حين رجع الرجل من مركبته للقائك اهو وقت لاخذ الفضة ولاخذ ثياب و زيتون وكروم وغنم و بقر و عبيد و جوار.فبرص نعمان يلصق بك و بنسلك الى الابد وخرج من امامه ابرص كالثلج.(2 مل 5: 19 - 27) Then he said to him, "Did not my heart go with you when the man turned back from his chariot to meet you? Is it time to receive money and to receive clothing, olive groves and vineyards, sheep and oxen, male and female servants? "Therefore the leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you and your descendants forever" And he went out from his presence leprous, as white as snow. (2Ki 5: 19 – 27)
مواجهة الخطأ ... Facing mistakes … فتقدم ايليا الى جميع الشعب وقال حتى متى تعرجون بين الفرقتين ان كان الرب هو الله فاتبعوه وان كان البعل فاتبعوه فلم يجبه الشعب بكلمة (1مل 18 : 21) And Elijah came to all the people, and said, "How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him" But the people answered him not a word. (1Ki 18 : 21)
مواجهة الخطأ ... Facing mistakes … لان يوحنا كان يقول لهيرودس لا يحل ان تكون لك امراة اخيك (مر 6 : 18) For John had said to Herod, "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife" (Mar 6 : 18)
متى تتوقف التلمذة ؟؟ When does discipleship ends?? ايليا... اليشع Elijah… Elisha حب وخضوع Love & Submission اليشع ... جيحزى Elisha … Gehazi حب المال Love of money المسيح... التلاميذ ويهوذا Christ … the disciples & Judah
مواجهة الجموع ... Facing the people... فارسل الى هناك خيلا ومركبات وجيشا ثقيلا وجاءوا ليلا واحاطوا بالمدينة. فبكر خادم رجل الله و قام و خرج و اذا جيش محيط بالمدينة و خيل و مركبات فقال غلامه له اه يا سيدي كيف نعمل. Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city. And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, "Alas, my master! What shall we do?".
مواجهة الجموع ... Facing the people... فقال لا تخف لان الذين معنا اكثر من الذين معهم. وصلى اليشع وقال يا رب افتح عينيه فيبصر ففتح الرب عيني الغلام فابصر واذا الجبل مملوء خيلا ومركبات نار حول اليشع. (2 مل 6 : 14- 17) So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them".And Elisha prayed, and said, "LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see" Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain [was] full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Ki 6: 14 - 17)
مواجهة الجموع ... Facing the people... قال ايليا لجميع الشعب تقدموا الي فتقدم جميع الشعب اليه فرمم مذبح الرب المنهدم. (1 مل 18 : 30) Then Elijah said to all the people, "Come near to me" So all the people came near to him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that was broken down. (1 Ki 18 : 30)
مواجهة الجموع ... Facing the people... ولما نزلوا اليه صلى اليشع الى الرب وقال اضرب هؤلاء الامم بالعمى فضربهم بالعمى كقول اليشع. فقال لهم اليشع ليست هذه هي الطريق ولاهذه هي المدينة اتبعوني فاسير بكم الى الرجل الذي تفتشون عليه فسار بهم الى السامرة. (2 مل 6 : 18 - 19) So when the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the LORD, and said, "Strike this people, I pray, with blindness" And He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.Now Elisha said to them, "This is not the way, nor is this the city. Follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom you seek" But he led them to Samaria. (2 Ki 6: 18 - 19)