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曾子曰: “ 吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎? ”. 本段今译 :曾子说: “ 我每天都再三反身自己:为别人出主意有不真心的情况吗?与朋友交往有不讲信用的情况吗?老师传授的知识复习和练习了吗? ”. 论语英译范例之二. 【 概述 】

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  1. 曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?”曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?” 本段今译:曾子说:“我每天都再三反身自己:为别人出主意有不真心的情况吗?与朋友交往有不讲信用的情况吗?老师传授的知识复习和练习了吗?” 论语英译范例之二

  2. 【概述】 • 这是《论语》“学而篇第一”中的第四篇。本篇中的关键词是“三省”、“谋”、“忠”、“信”、“传”、“习”。这些都是实词。文言虚词主要有“而”和“乎”,在选段之一的评析中已提到过。历来中外译者争议比较大的,是对“三省”二字的理解,有人认为是“三次”;有人认为是“三个方面”;还有人认为是“再三”、“多次”,笔者认为“再三”比较确切。

  3. 【翻译要点评析】 • 1. “曾子”:是孔子的学生,姓曾,名参。中国学者一般都译成Zeng Zi, 外国学者译为The philosopher Tsang或Master Tseng, 说明其身份。

  4. 【翻译要点评析】 • 2. “吾日三省吾身”,“吾”:我。“日”:每天。“三”:再三,古汉语中,“三”和“九”常表示虚数,意即“多次”。丁往道理解为“三次”three times; 理雅各和威利理解为“三个方面”three points; 而王福林、赖波、潘富恩三人则理解为“再三”,“多次”several times; once and again。笔者认为,后三位中国译者的理解比较确切。“省”(xing):检查;反省examine。“吾身”:我自己myself。

  5. 【翻译要点评析】 • 3. “为人谋而不忠乎?”,“为人”:替别人for others。“谋”:出谋策划give counsels to others,有人译为transact business; act on behalf of; help; work; do things等,在对“谋”字的理解程度上深浅不等。“而”:本段的两个“而”都是连词。“忠”:忠心,faithful; loyal; conscientious均可。“乎“:此段忠的三个“乎”都是语气词,表示疑问语气,相当于“吗”。

  6. 【翻译要点评析】 • 4. “与朋友交而不信乎?”,“交”:交往intercourse with; get along with; in contacts with。“不信”:不守信用not sincere; not true to; insincere; not honest。

  7. 【翻译要点评析】 • 5. “传不习乎?”,“传”:老师传授的知识instruction of my teacher; what my teacher taught me。“习”:复习,练习review and practise。

  8. 【六种不同的译文】 • 1. 理译:The philosopher Tsang said, “I daily examine myself on three points: — whether, in transacting business for others, I may have been not faithful; — whether, in intercourse with friends, I may have been not sincere; — whether I may have not mastered and practised the instruction of my teacher.”

  9. 【六种不同的译文】 • 2 .威译:Master Tseng said, Every day I examine myself on these three points: in acting on behalf of others, have I always been loyal to their interests? In intercourse with my friends, have I always been true to my word? Have I failed to repeat the precepts that have been handed down to me?

  10. 【六种不同的译文】 • 3. 王译: Zengzi said, “Several times each day I examine myself: Have I been unfaithful in giving counsels to others? Have I been insincere in getting along with my friends? And have I reviewed and practised the teachings of my teacher?”

  11. 【六种不同的译文】 • 4. 赖译:Zeng Zi (a disciple of Confucius) said, “Every day I examine myself once and again: Have I tried my utmost to help others? Have I been honest to my friends? Have I diligently reviewed the instructions from the Master?”

  12. 【六种不同的译文】 • 5. 潘译:Zeng Zi said, “I daily examine myself for several times: Have I been conscientious in working for others? Have I been sincere in dealing with friends? Have I reviewed what my teacher taught me?”

  13. 【六种不同的译文】 • 6. 丁译:Zengzi said, “I examine myself three times daily: Have I been faithful in doing things for others? Have I been trustworthy in contacts with friends? Have I reviewed and practised what my teacher has taught me?”

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