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While all academic papers are wriu0082en by following a pau0082ern, that doesnu2019t mean you canu2019t infuse your creau08a2vity into<br>the wriu0082en piece. Now, according to the experts on custom wriu08a2ng, the element of creau08a2vity comes when you are<br>aware of different literary devices. So, letu2019s enlighten you about those devices further.<br>1. Alliterau08a2on<br>As per the experts on custom wriu08a1ng, alliterau08a2on is a series of terms or phrases that begin with similar-sounding<br>words. These sounds are ideally consonants to put more stress on the syllables. Youu2019ll o[en find alliterau08a2on in poetry<br>(u201cO wild west windu201d), u08a2tles of books and poems (Sense and Sensibility or Pride and Prejudice)
Features | Register | Login Search Home Web Directory Sweepstakes Ar?cles Reviews Ar?cle Directory / 8 Literary Devices Every Student Should Know Arts, Business, Computers, Finance, Games, Health, Home, Internet, News, Other, Reference, Shopping, Society, Sports While all academic papers are wri?en by following a pa?ern, that doesn’t mean you can’t infuse your crea?vity into the wri?en piece. Now, according to the experts on custom wri?ng, the element of crea?vity comes when you are aware of different literary devices. So, let’s enlighten you about those devices further. 1. Allitera?on As per the experts on custom wri?ng, allitera?on is a series of terms or phrases that begin with similar-sounding words. These sounds are ideally consonants to put more stress on the syllables. You’ll o?en find allitera?on in poetry (“O wild west wind”), ?tles of books and poems (Sense and Sensibility or Pride and Prejudice). 2. Metonymy Metonymy is almost similar to metaphor, except the comparison is made to something associated with or closely related to the concept the writer wishes to highlight. He made a lot of effort for his family. He worked for his family with his sweat and blood. 3. Imagery Imagery is when a writer explains a scene, an idea or a thing so that it calls out to our senses (taste, smell, sight, hearing, or touch). This figure of speech is o?en adopted to help the reader clearly emphasize parts of the story by crea?ng an impac?ul mental picture. If you do not have li?le idea about this literary device, you seek help from an expert on custom wri?ng online. 4. Irony Create PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API PDFCROWD
The irony is when a statement is presented to indicate the opposite meaning of what was literally expressed. There are three dis?nct categories of irony in literature: Situa?onal irony: When an event that takes place is the opposite of what was expected or intended to happen. Verbal irony: When someone makes a statement, but actually means the opposite (this can be similar to sarcasm). Drama?c irony: In this type of Irony, the audience is familiar with the true inten?ons or outcomes, while the characters are not. This leads to certain events and/or ac?ons which has different meanings for the audience than they do for the characters. 5. Simile and Metaphor A simile is a type of figure of speech in which an object, character, idea, ac?on, etc. is compared with another object using the words "like" or "as". Metaphors are when ac?ons, ideas or objects are defined in non-literal terms. Simply put, it’s used by an author to make a comparison between two different things. The two things being compared in the text normally share some common traits but are dissimilar in all other respects. 6. Paradox As per the custom wri?ng experts, a paradox is a statement that comes across contradictory or illogical but, upon evalua?on, it might actually be plausible or true. Now, students o?en get confused between paradox and oxymoron. But both are, in fact, different from each other. A paradox is an en?re sentence or phrase, while an oxymoron is a combina?on of just two words. 7. Personifica?on If you’ve ever read or watched a weather report, you already know the use of personifica?on to describe meteorological events and natural disasters. Personifica?on provides person-like quali?es to inanimate objects or events. This device is also applied in the case of animals. Create PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API PDFCROWD
8. Symbolism Symbolism depicts the use of an event, object, figure, situa?on or other ideas in a wri?en piece of work to represent something else. It is mostly used to convey a deeper message or meaning that is different from its literal meaning. To add the element of symbolism, writers use "symbols", and they’ll o?en appear mul?ple ?mes throughout a write-up. Some?mes it can change in meaning as the plot thickens. When you are clued in about the literary devices, customizing your wri?en academic paper ceases to be a difficult task. About This Author Ethan Lee Joined: August 28th, 2019 Ar?cles Posted: 3 Home - Top Referrers - Link To Us - Add Link - Add Giveaway - Publish Ar?cle - Contact Us Developed by Interfuse | © 2003-2017 Topsitenet.com. Create PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API PDFCROWD