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Human Rights and Climate Change: Disaster Response and International Cooperation

Explore how international communities respond to disasters caused by climate change and their impact on human rights. Learn from past disasters like Hurricane Katrina and the 2002 European floods. Discover operational guidelines for protecting human rights during natural disasters.

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Human Rights and Climate Change: Disaster Response and International Cooperation

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  1. 國立台灣大學法律學院全球環境政策與法律專題討論氣候變遷下的巨災因應與國際人權國立台灣大學法律學院全球環境政策與法律專題討論氣候變遷下的巨災因應與國際人權 授課教師:葉俊榮教授 張文貞教授

  2. 2002年歐洲水災,德國、俄羅斯、捷克災情慘重2002年歐洲水災,德國、俄羅斯、捷克災情慘重 2005年8月於美國南部佛羅里達及紐奧良登陸的五級颶風-Katrina,造成嚴重人身傷亡及財物損失,並對國際油價及境內治安產生衝擊。 圖片來源: http://doroteos2.wordpress.com/2009/05/21/christian-fruit-loops/ 全球氣候變遷所致各地巨災 2002年水災中,德國Elbe河暴漲淹沒德勒斯登市。 圖片來源:http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/nov2007/2007-11-26-05.asp

  3. 2009.8.8莫拉克颱風重創南台灣 圖片來源: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6795870.ece 圖片來源: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/08/typhoon_morakot.html

  4. 八八水災後的省思:從巨災看國際社會對氣候變遷之因應八八水災後的省思:從巨災看國際社會對氣候變遷之因應 • 救災過程與災後重建,應該注意哪些事情?除了內國因應之外,與國際社會的關連又是如何? • 這次台灣的八八水災以及過去許多國家所遭逢的巨災,許多國家、國際社會組織或是民間團體紛紛在在第一時間表達關切並伸出援手,這背後反映出何種理念及意義?

  5. 八八水災後的省思:從巨災看國際社會對氣候變遷之因應八八水災後的省思:從巨災看國際社會對氣候變遷之因應 • 巨災發生的地點往往都在一國自然資源環境敏感脆弱之地,往往經濟發展也相對較為貧乏,甚至原本就存在有不少弱勢、族群或分離主義的問題。這些地方發生巨災,是否可以完全仰賴內國政府? • 如果內國政府坐視不管,又該如何?同時也值得我們進一步思考的是,這些巨災之所以發生的原因,與全球氣候變異有關,在救災與重建的義務上,難道只有該國或當地的政府有責任? • 災民的人權難道僅指向內國政府?而非全球社會。 2005.8 颶風Katrina橫掃美國南部,在紐奧良造成嚴重破壞。 圖片來源: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/31/us/31orleans.html?scp=8&sq=hurricane%20Katrina%20&st=cse 2004.12.26 印尼北端亞齊省遭海嘯摧毀。亞齊為分離主義的重要根據地。圖片來源:http://www.nla.gov.au/pub/gateways/issues/77/story15.html


  7. 沿革 • 2006年6月,聯合國相關機構有鑑於天然巨災中出現各種人權侵害的情況,遂由 inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)制定《人權與天然災害:天然災害下人權保障工作指引》。 該文件指出巨災發生後的人道援助不但對當地政府及國際社會都是一項挑戰,在救援重建過程中可能發生之各種歧視、人權侵害、資源分配不均、強制遷村、性別暴力以及個人文件喪失等攸關個人權利及基本尊嚴等問題,更亟需我們共同正視。 • 此一Manuel即為提供具體執行該Guideline的守則。

  8. 宗旨 • Ensure that human rights principles and protection standards are integrated into all disaster response, recovery and reconstruction efforts from the earliest stage possible; • Identify relevant measures to ensure that affected persons and their communities are fully consulted and can actively participate in all stages of the disaster response in accordance with their human rights;

  9. 宗旨 • Complement existing guidelines on humanitarian standards in situations of natural disaster; • Provide benchmarks for monitoring and assessing the needs of persons affected by the consequences of natural disasters; • Provide a basis for humanitarian actors when entering into dialogue with governments about their obligations to the victims of natural disasters under human rights law.

  10. 法源依據 國際法法源: 1. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 2. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) 3. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) 4. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 5. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 6. Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement 7. the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response 8. the IFRC Code of Conduct 9. IASC IDP Policy

  11. 手冊內容的基本架構 • Part I: explains the notion and implications of human rights protection in situations of natural disaster and the human rights-based approach to disaster relief. • Part II: presents the main human rights principles relevant in situations of natural disaster and advice on how to implement them. Four Categories: (A) rights related to life, physical security and integrity; (B) rights related to the basic necessities of life; (C) other economic, social and cultural rights; and (D) other civil and political rights.

  12. 手冊內容的基本架構 • Part III: addresses the special rights and needs of vulnerable groups, in particular internally displaced persons, women, children, the elderly, single-headed households, persons with disabilities or HIV/AIDS, ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples. • Annex I: references to codes of conduct, guidelines and manuals. • Annex II

  13. Glossary • “Natural disaster” refers to the consequences triggered by such natural hazards as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, tsunamis…etc. that overwhelm local response capacity. Such disasters seriously disrupt the functioning of a community or a society, which the affected community cannot recover by itself. • “Protection” encompasses all activities aimed at obtaining full respect for the rights of the individual in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the relevant bodies of law (i.e. international human rights law and, where applicable, international humanitarian law).

  14. Glossary • “Internally displaced persons” (IDPs) or “persons displaced by the disaster” means persons or groups of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, because of the natural disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border.

  15. Part I:基本原則(1) • Those affected or displaced by natural disasters remain, as residents or citizens of the country in which they are living, entitled to the protection of international human rights law as well as, if applicable, of international humanitarian law subscribed to by the State concernedor applicable as customary international law. • They do not lose the rights of the population at large. At the same time, they have particular needs which call for specific protection and assistance measures that are distinct from those required by individuals who were not adversely affected by the disaster.

  16. Part I:基本原則(2) • The primary duty and responsibility to provide such protection and assistance lies with the national authorities of the affected countries. • Those affected by natural disasters have the right to request and receive protection and assistance from their governments. The main duty bearers, thus, are the national and local authorities of the countries concerned.

  17. Part I: 保護規範架構(3) • Protection is not limited to securing the survival and physical security of those affected by natural disasters. • Protection encompasses all relevant guarantees—civil and political as well as economic, social and cultural rights—attributed to them by international human rights and, where applicable, international humanitarian law.

  18. Part I: 基本原則(4) • In all cases States have an obligation to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of their citizens and of the people living in their territory. • States have also an obligation: (a) to prevent violations of these rights from (re) occurring; (b) to stop them while they are happening by making sure that its organs and authorities respect the rights concerned or protect victims against violations by third parties; and (c) to ensure reparation and full rehabilitation if violations have occurred.

  19. Part I: 基本原則(5) • States therefore have an obligation to do everything within their power to prevent and/or mitigate the potential negative consequences that natural hazards may wreak. The Operational Guidelines, however, mainly give guidance in situations once the disaster has occurred.

  20. Part I: 基本原則(6) • UN agencies, international and national NGOs and other relevant international actors have an essential role to play in advocating on behalf of the rights of the victims. In addition, they can assist governments in their efforts and strengthen national capacity to protect rights. • Such assistance can be undertaken by: (a) working through the government if possible; (b) complementing the government’s efforts; (c) substituting for the government if needed.

  21. Part I: 基本原則(7) • Where the capacity and/or willingness of the authorities to meet their responsibilities are insufficient, the international community needs to support and supplement the efforts of the government and local authorities. Ex. UN system. • Every actor in the disaster context should use a human rights-based approach to disaster relief. Four Categories of Rights • These actors, international agencies or NGOs, must observe relevant human rights obligations themselves. They must ensure that their activities do not constitute or perpetuate violations of human rights.

  22. Part I: 基本原則(8) • Protection activities of the international actors can be: – Responsive: aimed at “stopping, preventing or mitigating a pattern of [ongoing] abuse“; – Remedial: “aimed at restoring people’s dignity and ensuring adequate living conditions subsequent to a pattern of violation, through rehabilitation, restitution, compensation and repair”; or – Environment building: “aiming to create and/or consolidate an environment – political, social, cultural, institutional, economic and legal – conducive to full respect for the rights of the individual”.

  23. Part I: 確保災害援助之公平性 • The right of the affected population to be protected against any kind of discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion… etc. is of paramount importance. • Special care for: IDPs, women and girls, persons with disabilities or HIV/AIDS, single parents, elderly persons without family support, or members of ethnic or religious minorities and indigenous peoples. • The principle of equality should underpin all disaster relief, recovery and reconstruction efforts. • In order to identify the beneficiaries of targeted assistance correctly, rapid survey can be conducted to identify the gender, demographic, social, economic and political profile of affected communities.

  24. Part I: 受告知與諮詢的權利 • Centralized decision-making that is often seen in the course of natural disaster has the tendency to exclude victims from the planning of aid distribution and other matters central to their daily lives. • Exclusion form information will heighten the sense of helplessness and disempowerment that already exists following a natural disaster. Such exclusion can also undermine the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance, and even put the physical security of the persons affected at risk. • The rights of affected communities to full, free and impartial information, and to full consultation are part of the right to information and freedom of expression guaranteed by human rights law.

  25. Part I: 災害援助及重建之監督 • Establish effective monitoring mechanisms, benchmarks and indicators to ensure that the protection of the human rights of those affected by natural disasters,is effectively implemented. • All disaster prevention, relief and recovery should be assessed so as to evaluate whether those activities are carried out in accordance with int’l human rights and humanitarian standards. • Monitoring mechanisms should be easily accessible to potential complainants domestically and internationally.

  26. Part II: Protection of Life, Security, and Physical, Mental and Moral Integrity • A.1 EVACUATIONS AND OTHER LIFE-SAVING MEASURES Appropriate measures necessary to protect those in danger or evacuate with assistance. After the emergency phase, persons displaced should choose freely whether they want to go home, to remain in the area to which they have been displaced, or to resettle to another part of the country. • A.2 PROTECTION AGAINST THE NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF NATURAL HAZARDS • A.3 PROTECTION AGAINST VIOLENCE, INCLUDING GENDERBASED VIOLENCE Ensure the security of populations affected by natural disasters. The deployment of law enforcement personnel to areas at risk of or with a breakdown of law and order—including sexual and gender-based violence, robberies, or looting—should be requested. Provide protections to women and children form labor, slavery and sexual exploitation.

  27. Part II: Protection of Life, Security, and Physical, Mental and Moral Integrity • A.4 CAMP SECURITY Persons displaced by the disaster should be provided with the means to recover as quickly as possible and become self-sustainable. Camps are a last resort. They should be designed so as to maximize the security and protection of displaced persons, including women and others whose physical security is most at risk. Persons in camps should be allowed to move freely in and out of camps. Avoid armed elements. • A.5 PROTECTION AGAINST ANTI PERSONNEL LANDMINES AND OTHER EXPLOSIVE DEVICES

  28. Part II: Protection of Rights Related to Basic Necessities of Life • B.1 ACCESS TO GOODS AND SERVICES, AND HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE Measures should be taken to ensure that persons affected by natural disasters, have safe, unimpeded, and non-discriminatory access to goods and services. Grant priority access to vulnerable groups as minorities, ex. single-headed households, elderly, people with disabilities. Int’l humanitarian organizations and other appropriate actors should offer their services to persons affected by natural disasters and in need of humanitarian assistance when government are unable or unwilling to do that.

  29. Part II: Protection of Rights Related to Basic Necessities of Life • B.2 PROVISION OF ADEQUATE FOOD, WATER, SHELTER AND HOUSING, CLOTHING, HEALTH SERVICES AND SANITATION Adequacy of these goods and services means that they are (i) available, (ii) accessible, (iii) acceptable, and (iv) adaptable Non-discrimination provision, special care for women and victims of sexual abuses.

  30. Part II:Protection of Other Economic, Social and Cultural Rights • C.1 EDUCATION Education should be compulsory and provided equally to women and girls. • C.2 PROPERTY AND POSSESSIONS Avoid looting, destruction and arbitrary appropriation and occupation of property left behind persons and community . Help reclaim ownership. Court and due process should be available. Women and orphans’ entitlement to property should be protected. • C.3 HOUSING Change temporary shelter to permanent housing, fulfilling the requirements of adequacy in international human. Everyone, including women, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities should be consulted in the planning of resettlement and reconstruction. • C.4 LIVELIHOOD AND WORK

  31. Part II: Protection of Other Civil andPolitical Rights • D.1 DOCUMENTATION Life-saving goods and services should be provided even without documents. Restore personal documentation ASAP. Women and men should be equal in the issuance of documents (in women’s own names.) • D.2 FREE MOVEMENT AND RETURN IDPs by natural disaster should be provided with the information necessary to exercise their right to decide freely where they want to live. Physically and mentally secured measures for returning home. • D.3 FAMILY LIFE AND MISSING OR DEAD RELATIVES

  32. Part II: Protection of Other Civil andPolitical Rights • D.4 EXPRESSION, ASSEMBLY, ASSOCIATION, AND RELIGION Mechanisms should be established to enable communities to give feedback and raise complaints or grievances on the disaster relief, recovery and reconstruction response. Opinions of women, children, disabilities, indigenous peoples…etc. should be taken into consideration. • D.5 ELECTORAL RIGHTS

  33. Part III: Protection of Specific Groups of Persons • Internally displaced persons • Women • Children and adolescents • Older persons • Persons with disabilities • Persons living with HIV/AIDS • Single parent households • Ethnic and religious minority groups, and indigenous peoples

  34. 台灣注意到了嗎? • 外於國際社會的台灣,在這次八八水災的救難過程中有無注意到國際相關規範與文件(即使已批准ICCPR和ICESCR)? • 台灣本身有無針對災後重建、遷村、安置及住民文化保護等人權事項之法律? 莫拉克颱風災後重建特別條例? 原住民基本法? 環境基本法? 國土復育條例? 圖片來源:http://news.pchome.com.tw/politics/libertytimes/20090827/print-12513240444768625001.html

  35. 遷村or not? 繼續住到底有何不可?強制遷村侵害到什麼權利? 住民若不願遷村,有何權利可主張? 如果要遷,要怎麼遷?政府應該扮演什麼樣的角色? 災區常為原住民的住所地,遷村是否會造成原住民文化滅失的危機?應如何防免? 當前議題:遷村 立院於2009年8月27日三讀通過莫拉克颱風重建條例。圖片來源:http://www.dfun.com.tw/?p=17285 圖片來源:http://www.abohome.org.tw/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4051:2009-08-29-14-51-36&catid=73:2008-10-22-22-16-20&Itemid=132

  36. 台灣: 莫拉克颱風災後重建條例 災區重建應尊重該地區人民、社區(部落)組織、文化及生活方式。政府得就災區安全堪虞或違法濫建之土地,經與原住居者諮商取得共識,得劃定特定區域,限制居住或限期強制遷居、遷村,且應予適當安置。政府並得徵收土地以安置災民。 須限期強制遷居、遷村者,其所有土地及土地改良物得予徵收。 國土復育條例草案: 政府對國土復育促進地區內有受災危險之聚落或建物,應先協助遷居,必要時得限制居住、強制遷居。 OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES AND FIELD MANUAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION IN SITUATIONS OF NATURAL DISASTER: Persons displaced by natural disaster should be provided with the information necessary to exercise their right to decide freely where they want to live — whether they want to return to their homes, to integrate where they are staying during their displacement or to resettle to another part of the country. People can choose freely where they want to stay and government should assist them. 有關強制遷村規定之比較

  37. 原住民基本法: 政府除因立即而明顯危險外,不得強行將原住民遷出其土地區域。。強制行為,致原住民受有損失時,應予合理安置及補償。 國土復育條例草案: 原住民,除有安全堪虞情事及違法濫建者外,不得限制居住或強制遷居。 原住民願意集體遷村者,中央原住民族主管機關應於合適之原住民保留地或平地之公有土地,整體規劃合乎永續生態原則之原住民部落予以安置,並協助建立保存其傳統社群文化。 對其他弱勢族群之保障?女性、兒童、特殊疾病者? Guidelines and Manual: By actively consulting with and including the perspectives of minorities and indigenous groups in the planning, design and implementation of disaster prevention and risk management schemes. Safe and non-discriminatory access to available humanitarian assistance should be secured for all persons in need. In particular, the vulnerable minorities Mechanisms should be established to enable communities to give feedback and raise complaints or grievances on the disaster relief, recovery and reconstruction response. Efforts should be made to ensure that women and persons with special needs -- e.g. members of religious and ethnic minority groups or indigenous peoples -- are specially consulted and can participate in all aspects of the disaster response. 對少數族群的保障

  38. 省思 • 相較於Operational Guidelines and Field Manual,莫拉克颱風災後重建特別條例欠缺何種重要機制或規範?是否已造成人權的侵害? • 在台灣社會脈絡與自然條件下,遷村與否誰來決定?怎麼決定?

  39. 省思 • 身處國際社會外的台灣,於本次水災後除對於災後重建規範重新檢討,是否更應積極的加強全球氣候變遷之研究,了解天然巨災發生的緣由以及預防措施。 • 氣候變遷之因應與國際接軌—全球災害防治的一環。

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