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American Imperialism and World War I

American Imperialism and World War I. Define Isolationism. The United States should stay out of world affairs. What set precedent for Isolationism?. Washington’s Farewell Address. What was the basis of U.S. foreign policy from President Washington until World War I?. Isolationism.

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American Imperialism and World War I

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Presentation Transcript

  1. American Imperialism and World War I

  2. Define Isolationism. • The United States should stay out of world affairs.

  3. What set precedent for Isolationism? • Washington’s Farewell Address

  4. What was the basis of U.S. foreign policy from President Washington until World War I? • Isolationism

  5. Define the Monroe Doctrine. • The U.S. policy that European countries should stay out of the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.

  6. Define imperialism. • One country gaining political or economic control over another country

  7. What was the Open Door Policy? • All nations would have equal trading rights in China

  8. What president is known for the Open Door policy? • William McKinley

  9. What Secretary of State is known for the Open Door Policy? • John Hay

  10. What does the Secretary of State do? • Handles foreign affairs for the President

  11. Who was the last native ruler of Hawaii? • Queen Liluokalani

  12. Who fought in the Spanish-American War? • United States • Spain

  13. What country controlled Cuba before the Spanish-American War? • Spain

  14. Who won the Spanish-American War? • The United States

  15. What territory did the U.S. get in the Spanish-American War? • Philippines • Puerto Rico • Guam

  16. At the end of the Spanish-American War in what country did the U.S. say it could intervene militarily? • Cuba

  17. From what country did Panama gain independence? • Columbia

  18. Who was president when the Panama Canal was built? • Theodore Roosevelt

  19. What did the Panama Canal do? • Provided a short-cut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

  20. What type of imperialism was advanced by the Panama Canal? • Economic Imperialism

  21. What president was known for Dollar Diplomacy? • William Howard Taft

  22. What was Dollar Diplomacy? • U.S. business would invest in Latin America • If necessary, U.S. would intervene militarily in Latin America

  23. Name 3 examples of American economic imperialism. • Open Door Policy • Dollar Diplomacy • Panama Canal

  24. Who were the Central Powers in World War I? • Germany • Austria-Hungary • Ottoman Empire

  25. What modern nation was known as the Ottoman Empire during World War I? • Turkey

  26. Who were the Allies in World War I? • Great Britain • France • Russia

  27. What country’s military tipped the balance of World War I and led to Germany’s defeat? • The United States

  28. What official is the nation’s chief diplomat? • The President, assisted by the Secretary of State

  29. Who developed the Fourteen Points? • Woodrow Wilson

  30. What were the 3 key ideas of the Fourteen Points? • National self-determination • Freedom of the seas • League of Nations

  31. What treaty ended World War I? • The Versailles Treaty

  32. What is national self-determination? • The idea that each national group should be in charge of its own destiny

  33. What is freedom of the seas? • Ships can sail in international waters without threat of attack

  34. What was the League of Nations? • An organization of nations started at the end of World War I to maintain peace

  35. What was a mandate? • A region governed by another country until it is ready for independence

  36. What two countries were British Mandates after World War I? • Palestine • Iraq

  37. What country was a French mandate after World War I? • Syria

  38. Did the Senate ratify the Versailles Treaty? • NO.

  39. Which political party was responsible for defeating the Versailles Treaty in the Senate? • The Republican Party

  40. What legislative body ratifies treaties? • United States Senate

  41. What vote is needed in the Senate to ratify a treaty? • 2/3

  42. Did the United States join the League of Nations? • NO

  43. What is internationalism? • The opposite of isolationism • Heavy involvement in foreign affairs

  44. Except during the 1930’s, what has been the basis of U.S. foreign policy from World War I to the Present? • Internationalism

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