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Chapter2. Assessing Needs to Identify Instructional Goal (s). Conduct Instructional Analysis. Revise Instruction. Assess Needs to identify Goal(s). Write Performance Objectives. Develop Assessment Instruments. Develop Instructional Strategy. Develop and Select Instructional Materials.
Chapter2 Assessing Needs to Identify Instructional Goal (s)
Conduct Instructional Analysis Revise Instruction Assess Needs to identify Goal(s) Write Performance Objectives Develop Assessment Instruments Develop Instructional Strategy Develop and Select Instructional Materials Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation of Instruction Analyze Learners and Contexts Design and Conduct Summative Evaluation The Dick and Carey Model
Objectives • Define needs assessment ,needs statements, and instructional goals. • Identify an instructional goal that criteria for initiating the design of effective instruction. • Write an instructional goal that meets the criteria for initiating the development of instructional materials.
Background Two basic methods are used to identify instructional goals: • The subject-matter expert approach • The performance technology approach The most important work in the instructional design process is identifying the instructional goal.
What is SME? See Book P17 • The subject-matter expert approach • First ,they consider what were taught. • Depending on their evaluation of what experience, they try either to replicate it or improve it The instructional goals established by SMEs often contain words like know and understand with regard to content information. This approach to the teaching-learning process emphasizes the communication of information from instructor to student in the instructional process
The performance technology approach: Instructional designers favor the performance technology approach, where instructional goals are set in response to problems or opportunities. 教学设计师一般喜欢绩效技术方法,即根据要解决的问题或面对的机遇来设立教学目的. • Designers engage in needs assessment and analysis processes to specifically identify the problem. • After the problem is identified, the designers attempts to identify the causes of the problem , • and then identifies an array of solutions that could be implemented to solve the problem.
The instructional goal describes the outcomes of instructionand not the process of instruction Instructional goals are ideally derived through a process of needs assessment that establishes rather broad indications of a problem that can be solved by providing instruction. 教学目的源自需求评估分析过程,在这个过程中确定了可以通过教学解决得问题。 Then an analysis of that goal is undertaken, either in the context of a curriculum or a job. As a result, more refined specific statements emerge that focus on what learners will be able to do and the context in which they will be able to do it. 随后进行得是目的分析,不管是一门课得目的还是一个任务的目的,最后,提炼出精确的目的陈述语句,说明学生能做什么、在什么环境下做。
concepts Performance Analysis • A performance analysis is a study conducted to determine the exact nature of an organizational performance problem and how it can be resolved. • The purpose of a performance analysis study is to acquire information on each of the components in the model in order to verify problems and identify possible solutions. • The outcomes of a performance analysis study is a clear description of a problem in terms of failure to achieve desired organizational results and the corresponding desired and actual employee behaviors, evidence of the causes of the problem and suggested cost-effective solutions.
A General Performance Analysis Model(Robinson and Robinson 1995) • Identify performance problems ﹦ - • Determine the causes interviews, observations, surveys • Identify the possible solutions • Suggest the most cost-effective solution Performance Problems Desired Goals Current Status
例1 公司背景 问题: 最近两年买了很多计算机,老出故障,需要维护 解决方法候选: • 使用外单位的技术服务 • 购买更稳定的计算机设备 • 在购买价格上包含长期服务合约 • 设立本公司的计算机技术组 培训方案候选: • 如果有一定基础,重点做工作技能培训 • 如果不具备基本技能, • 上外面的培训学校 • 自己开发系列课程
例2 学校背景 问题:使通过“基本素质考核”的学生人数再提高14个百分点,达到95% 解决步骤: • 需要知道要考哪些技能以及有关这些技能的描述信息 • 确定在课程的什么地方教了这些技能 • 根据每项技能的得分数据确定补习侧重点 • 确定新课程的教学目的:学生能做什么、在什么环境下做
The selection of instructional goals must be done in terms of the following concerns: • Will the development of this instruction solve the problem that led to the need for it? • Are these goals acceptable to those who must approve this instructional development effort? • Are there sufficient people and time to complete the development of instruction for this goal?
How to clarify the instructional goal • What is the instructional goal? • What is the relationship between the goal and the needs assessment study? • Does instruction appear to be the most effective way to achieve the goal? • Who are learners? • In what context will the skills be used? • What tools are available to aid learners’ performance in the actual context?
Clarifying Instructional Goals • Instructional goals are clear statements of behaviors that learners are to demonstrate as a result of instruction. They are typically derived through a needs assessment process and are intended to address problems that can be resolved most efficiently through instruction. They provide the foundation for all subsequent instructional design activities.
Clarifying Instructional Goals • The instructional goal is • A clear , general statement of learner outcomes, • Related to an identified problem and needs assessment, and • Achievable through instruction rather than some more efficient means such as enhancing motivation of employees.
Criteria for establishing instructional goals • Is the instructional goal acceptable to administrators? • Are there sufficient resources (time, money, and personnel) to develop instruction? • Is the content stable? • Are learners available?
You should answer several questions about the problem and need: • Is the need clearly described and verified? • Is the need foreseeable in the future as well as currently? • Is the most effective solution to the problem instruction? • Is there logical agreement between the solution to the problem and the proposed instructional goals? • Are the instructional goals acceptable to administrators and managers?
Questions you should answer related to the clarity of the instructional goal include the following • Do the behaviors reflect clearly demonstrable, measurable behaviors? • Is the topic area clearly delineated? • Is the content relatively stable over time?
Questions to be answered related to resources include the following: • Do you have expertise in the instructional goal area? • Are the time and resources required to complete the project available to you? • Is a group of learners available during the development process in order for you to evaluate and refine your instruction?
Steps of Writing the Instructional Goal • Write the goal on the paper, and even a fuzzy one is dose not matter. • Brainstorm to identify the behaviors learners would demonstrate to reflect their achievement of the goal. • Sort through the stated behaviors and select those that best represent the goal. • Incorporate the behaviors into a statement that describes what the learner will be able to do. • Evaluate the resulting statement for its clarify.
例3:目的陈述的写法 最初目的表述 每个人都要知道礼貌待人,热情服务的价值。 修改后的目的表述 每个人在和客户打招呼、处理业务和结束交易时都要能表现出礼貌、热情的行为。 最后目的表述 每个人在问候顾客、处理业务和结束交易的时候都要表现出热情、礼貌,如主动打招呼、个别问候、专心处理、辅助填表、最后以谢谢和祝愿结束。
The Elements of Describing Instructional Goals A complete goal statement should describe the following: • The learners • What learners will be able to do in the performance context • The performance context in which the skills will be applied • The tools that will be available to the learners in the performance context
1.需求评估 什么问题? 是教学问题吗? 2.确定教学目的 可度量吗? 表达清楚吗? 3.审查教学目的合理性 与需求关系 有学生吗? 4.审查教学目的可行性 时间 资源 确定教学目标的过程
例4 NCW领导培训班 绩效问题: 根据广泛的邻里犯罪趋势的州内调查,执法部门发现社区所需要的警力与现有的地区警察局所提供的社区服务之间有一定的差距 解决方法: 加强对“邻里犯罪监控组织”(Neighborhood Crime Watch, NCW)的支持来改善社区服务 教学问题: 培训NCW的领导人的小组讨论引导技能
Examine the rationale for an instructional goal • What is the instructional goal? • What is the relationship between the goal and the needs ? • Dose instruction appear to be the most effective way to achieve the goal? • What are learners? • In what context will the skills be used? • What tools are available to aid learners’ performance in the actual context?
Examine the feasibility for an instructional goal • Is the instructional goal acceptable to administrators? • Are there sufficient resources ( time, money, and personnel ) to develop instruction? • Is the content stable? • Are learners available for formative evaluation activities?