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Learn essential polite greetings in various languages including English and Russian. Practice courteous interactions with common phrases like "Hello," "Good morning," and "How are you?" Improve your social etiquette with this helpful guide.
Greetings Politeness is half good manners and half good lying. Mary Willson Little
Hi! Hello! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! How are you ? How do you do? I’m fine, thank you. Ok, thanks. So – so.
Здравствуйте! Привет! Доброе утро! Добрый день! Добрый вечер! Доброй ночи! Как дела? Как поживаешь?
Ырă кун! Ырă кун пултăр! Ырă каç ! Ырă каç пултăр! Салам! Сывă – и? Аван – и? Ыр сунатăп! Сывлăх сунатăп! Мĕнле пурнăçсем?
Dialogues - Hello, Max! - Hi, Ben! How are you? - I’m fine, thank you. And you? - I’m ok, thanks. - Good morning, Mr.Fred! - Oh! Hello, Lilly! How do you do? - I’m ok, thank you. And you, Mr. Fred? - I’m fine, thank you.