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This document from April 2006 defines and explains the importance of monitoring indicators in EU Structural Funds programming in Predeal, Romania. It covers the definition of indicators, the policy cycle, types of indicators, input/output, result, and impact indicators, information sources, and provides detailed examples of output, result, and impact indicators for job creation and equal opportunities and SME competitiveness.
Structural Funds Programming Predeal, Romania Monitoring indicators Dr. Dimitra G. Ioannou dioannou@otenet.gr April 2006
General Definition (EC) • Measurement of an objective and/or an output accomplished
Definition of an indicator Something that provides an “i n d i c a t i o n ” a simplified representation of a complex reality
The logic of a programme Impacts Global objectives Results Specific objectives Programme objectives Outputs Operational objectives Programme operations Inputs
Basic questions • What outputs, results and impacts can be expected? • What are suitable indicators? • Where can we identify the data (baseline)?
Typology of indicators • Context and programme indicators • Implementation (input/output), result and impact indicators • Specific and core indicators • Cost benchmarks
Output indicators • We describe the concrete investments (i.e. physical infrastructure, services) or activities (support structures, studies) that will be financed
Result indicators • We describe the direct results of the outputs that the participants (support services, studies) or users (infrastructure) obtain
Impact indicators • We describe the contribution to the global objectives of the operation, priority or programme or users (infrastructure) obtain
Cost benchmark indicators • Used information available at relevant stakeholder organizations, existing studies, and / or projects implemented in the past • Wherever applicable (or possible), unit costs are broken down to the smallest possible unit • Review of international cost figures
Information Sources • Context indicators: official statistics • Programme indicators: • output: project promoters • result: project promoters, evaluations • impact: evaluations
Examples of monitoring indicatorsHRD-Job creation-Equal opportunties Output indicators • Number of developed & implemented training programmes by type & by sector • Number of trainees participated training (total, men, women) • The volume of training provided (trainees x hours) • Number of trainees completed training (total, men, women) • Total number of new jobs created as a result of an operation • Total number of safegard jobs as a result of an operation • Additional new jobs in the company benefiting from the operation • Number of companies receiving financial support • Number of developed & implemented counseling & orientation programmes • Number of partnerships built (especially in LED) • Number of new vocational certificates • Number of training providers receiving financial support • Etc…
Examples of monitoring indicatorsHRD-Job creation-Equal opportunties Result indicators • Increase in the number of vocational training programmes for each of the programmes' target groups (unemployed) • Increase in the number of vocational training programmes for companies' managers and/or staff • Percentage of the companies participating in the programme (by size and sector) • Percentage of the target population covered by the activity (total, men, women) • Increase in the number of programmes • Placement rate of beneficiaries into employment (total, men, women, long-term unemployed) • Increase in the number of local partnerships (LED) • Increase in the number of people working in the structures and systems • Etc…
Examples of monitoring indicatorsHRD-Job creation-Equal opportunties Impact indicators • Unemployment reduction of the target population (for each of the programme's target groups, by gender and by region) • Increase in activity level in a specific sector after 6 months (or 12 months) • Decrease of the long term unemployment share in the unemployed population at the end of the implementation of the projects • Number of new partnerships maintained 12 months after the end of the interventions (LED) • New job places in the new vocational training/counseling structures • Etc.…
Examples of monitoring indicatorsSMEs - Competitiveness Output indicators • Number of companies which received support • Number of companies which obtained financial aid and are owned by women • Number of research projects • Number of organized conferences and exhibitions • Etc.…
Examples of monitoring indicatorsSMEs - Competitiveness Result indicators • Percentage of technological procedures which were modernized in terms of the production • New / increased SMC sales (EUR) • Number of SMC using economic consulting services • Percentage of successfully completed research projects • Number of agreed contracts of local companies in consequence of the organisation of fairs • Etc.…
Examples of monitoring indicatorsSMEs - Competitiveness Impact indicators • Increasing the sales of the company receiving support after two years (%) • Change in the export share of the total production of a company using common services for companies, 6 month after the termination of the support • Number of patents issued from the innovations created • Growth in the number of foreign visitors in facilities receiving support • Number of commercial contacts of local companies as a consequence of the activity of a business support structure • Etc.…
Group Work 1. Trainees should be grouped by OP (at MA level) 2. Each group fills the distributed sheet with information from the OP – selection of one indicative priority (max 30 min) 3. Each group prepares a list of questions on problems to solve as regards the OP monitoring indicators (incl. in the 30 min given under point 2) 3. The results of the group work are presented in class (10 min for each OP) followed by group discussion The aim of this exercise is: to practice on the development of monitoring indicators; to provide answers to the trainees questions.