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Road Safety Quiz: Learn, Identify, and Stay Safe on the Road!

Test your knowledge with the 2019 Primary School Road Safety Quiz! From Green Cross Code rules to road signs, discover essential road safety tips. Get answers and learn about pedestrian safety, road markings, and more to stay safe on the road.

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Road Safety Quiz: Learn, Identify, and Stay Safe on the Road!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The 2019 Primary School Road Safety Quiz FINAL BROUGHT TO YOU BY KINDLY SPONSORED BY

  2. Round 1 Road Safety

  3. What is the third rule of the Green Cross Code ? • 2. When you cross the road using a pedestrian refuge, how many times would you use the green cross code ? • 3. Why are mobile phones a problem when trying to cross the road ? • 4. What do the yellow zigzag road markings outside a school mean ? • 5. A child should start using an adult seat belt when they reach what height ? • 6. How many people were killed on Northern Ireland’s roads in 2018 ? • 7. On your bicycle, is your front brake on the left hand side or the right ? • 8. Only one road sign is exactly the same on the front as on the back. Which one ?

  4. Round 2 Identify the road sign

  5. 1 2 3 4

  6. 1 2 3 4

  7. Round 1 Road Safety Answers

  8. Look all around for traffic and listen • 2. Twice • 3. They distract you from looking and listening for traffic • 4. Keep entrance clear of stationary vehicles, even if picking up or setting down children • 5. 135cm (or their 12th birthday) • 6. 55 • 7. Right hand side • 8. School crossing patrol sign

  9. ROUND 3

  10. How many days are there in a leap year ? • SD cards are used to store digital media. What do the letters SD stand for ? • What is a baby goat called ? • Which company makes the most tyres in the world ? • Which word connects a policeman, a colour, a game character and a fruit ? • Which fictional city is the home of Batman ? • Which type of dog has breeds called, Scottish, Welsh and Irish ? • What is the total number of dots on a pair of dice ?

  11. Round 2 Answers

  12. 2 1 3 4

  13. 1 2 4 3

  14. Round 4 Road Safety

  15. What is the “bleeping” sound on some Pelican crossings for ? • How do Pegasus crossings differ from other safe places to cross ? • What is the name of the beacon found at Zebra crossings ? • What is rule 5 of the Green Cross Code ? • For whom are Toucan crossings designed ? • 6. Apart from a school crossing patrol, who else can help people cross the road safely ? • 7. Name the tunnels that help pedestrians get from one side of a busy road to the other, safely ? • 8. What two things warn you that a vehicle is reversing ?

  16. ROUND 3 Answers

  17. 366 • Secure Digital • Kid • Lego • Plum • Gotham City • Terrier • 42

  18. Round 5 Identify the Celebrity

  19. 1 2 3 4

  20. 5 6 8 7

  21. Round 4 Road Safety Answers

  22. It helps blind people know when it is safe to cross. • 2. The buttons are higher for horse riders. • 3. Belisha Beacon . • 4. When it is safe, go straight across the road – do not run • 5. Cyclists and pedestrians . • 6. Police and Traffic Wardens . • 7. Subways • 8. White lights at the rear and a siren/sounder .

  23. Round 6

  24. 1 2 3 4

  25. 6 5 7 8

  26. Round 5 Identify the Celebrity Answers

  27. 1 2 3 4

  28. 5 6 8 7

  29. Round 7 Road Safety

  30. 1.Why are push buttons on a Puffin crossing so low down 2. What should you ALWAYS do if you have pets in the car ? 3. What is the name of the NI Department For Infrastructure road safety mascot ? 4. What is the overall stopping distance for a car travelling at 30mph ? 5. When cycling, when is the only time you should use your bell ? 6. What colour are the road signs found on motorways ? 7. What is the 6th rule of the Green Cross Code ? 8. Only one road sign is an upside down triangle . Which one ?

  31. Round 6 Answers

  32. Round 6 Answers

  33. 1 2 3 4

  34. 6 5 8 7

  35. Round 8


  37. Round 7 Answers

  38. 1. To help wheelchair users. 2. Secure them firmly, so that they are not loose . 3. Skooter. 4. 23 metres 5. To warn someone that you are there. 6. Blue and White 7. Keep looking and listening for traffic while you cross. 8. Give way.

  39. Round 8 Answers

  40. Many of the Road Traffic Collisions last year where 55 people lost their lives and many more were seriously injured could be attributed to • Driving at SPECS SEED EX –remember that speed signs are a limit, not a target. • Driving NUN HUNTED FLEECIER of alcohol or drugs. The only safe limit is zero. • Using a LIMB NEE POOH whilst at the wheel which means the driver CAR DID TEST. EXCESS SPEED UNDER THE INFLUENCE MOBILE PHONE wasDISTRACTED

  41. In many collisions, the injuries were much more serious when drivers and passengers were not wearing TELETABS. Other accidents could be attributed to COW TENDONITIS where the driver did not SNOW WOLD and keep DANCE FIESTAS. a SEAT BELT WET CONDITIONS SLOW DOWN aSAFE DISTANCE

  42. www.facebook.com/roadsafeni FOR PICTURES OF THIS EVENT THANK YOU - SAFE HOME

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