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Jackson State University Development Foundation: Transforming Tomorrow

Join us in advancing JSU's distinctive mission, nurturing strategic relationships, and fostering excellence through fundraising and alumni engagement. Discover our development goals and success stories.

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Jackson State University Development Foundation: Transforming Tomorrow

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  1. DIA MISSION Institutional Advancement builds a compelling case for choice and support of JSU among all of its constituents by communicating and advocating for the university’s distinctive mission, role, and contributions, thus building relationships and securing commitments required to advance the institution’s mission and priorities.

  2. VISION STATEMENT • Our vision is to be recognized for pivotal leadership in: • Transforming JSU into a national university of choice and destination campus. • Garnering statewide and national recognition as a role model of education innovation. • Building a university endowment that underwrites and ensures the success of the university’s quest for excellence and distinction. • Positioning JSU as steward of the region’s future and capital worthy of regional business and industry support and collaboration. • Cultivating the university’s most valuable and powerful strategic relationships among business, community, educational, cultural, and political leaders.

  3. VISION STATEMENT Stewards of the public trust, we ensure that promise to our supporters and hold ourselves accountable Adhere to high ethical standards; build relationships based upon trust, honesty and integrity Empower ourselves and others to be risk-takers and reach beyond the current paradigm Take pride in our work and strive for highest quality TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION CHARACTER EXCELLENCE

  4. 2012-2013 DEVELOPMENT GOALS Increase faculty participation to 50% Alumni giving rate increase to 7% Annual fund goal: $2 million Overall fundraising goal: $10 million

  5. Contributions increased from $6,780,640 to $8,349,245 Alumni participation increased from 2.3% to 5.4% Annual Fund contributions raised: $1.9 million Title III Endowment Challenge match received was $1,093,321 Alumni donors increased from 940 to 1,634 2012- 2013 BY THE NUMBERS

  6. 2012-2013 DEVELOPMENT DONOR HIGHLIGHTS Andrell Harris pledges $55,555 College of Business Endowed Scholarship with Title III match $111,110 Winston R. Pittman, Sr. and Alma Dent Pittman $250,000 Endowed Scholarship with Title III match becomes $500,000 Samuel Foster, Jr. pledges $25,000 Endowed Scholarship with Title III match becomes $50,000 JSU earns Delta Sigma Theta 2013 Endowed Chair Award for $220,000 Dr. Thomas Calhoun and Paulette Calhoun-Covington established $25,000 Endowed Scholarship with Title III match becomes $50,000

  7. Increase overall fundraising goal to $10 million; stretch to $12 million Increase alumni participation to 7% 2013-2014 DEVELOPMENT GOALS

  8. 2012-2013 JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Overall assets surpassed $50 million

  9. 2012- 2013 Alumni and Constituency Relations Goals Increase alumni engagement Implement STAR Program (Selected Team Alumni Recruiters) for student recruitment Increase alumni giving Establish new affinity groups Activate and reactivate alumni chapters

  10. 2012-2013 Alumni and Constituency Relations Highlights • Increased Alumni Engagement • Coordinated and managed alumni tailgate for all home games • Coordinated and managed 1st Alumni Tailgate in Tiger Park • Hosted SWAC Championship after party Implemented STAR Program (Selected Team Alumni Recruiters) for Student Recruitment Assisted with increasing alumni giving to 5.4% • Established three new affinity groups • Sonic Boom Traveling Fund • Players Association • OUR Cheer • Activated • And Reactivated • Chapters • New Horizons Alumni Chapter • Baton Rouge Alumni Chapter • Laurel Alumni Chapter • Sunflower County Alumni Chapter • Hattiesburg Alumni Chapter

  11. 2013-2014 Alumni and Constituency Relations Goals Increase alumni awareness of the Tiger Market Place Increase alumni participation in student recruitment Increase Pre-Alumni engagement activities Increase the number of affinity groups by 5 Increase alumni engagement activities by 15%

  12. Launch Tiger Sports Network in TV and Radio Increase presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other vehicles by 15%. Launch new campus website with over 60,000 pages Make the brand of JSU so large that it becomes known as America’s HBCU. Implement marketing and branding company’s recommendations 2012-2013 University Communications Goals

  13. 2012-2013 University Communications Highlights University Communications team won 10 awards in 2013 from the Southern Public Relations Federation for public relations, marketing, TV and radio projects, and WJSU-FM earned 13 awards from the Mississippi Associated Press Broadcasters. Launched JSU’s new logo to tie it to the university’s new brand – ONE JSU Launched new campus website with over 60,000 pages Led JSU’s rebranding campaign and website redesign. Tiger Sports Network obtained 70K in advertising 11 radio stations 2 TV broadcasts Live video streaming Updated daily, the site give readers a wider range of information, including features and breaking news

  14. 2013-2014 University Communications Goals Make JSU brand so dominant that the university becomes national university of choice and destination campus. Increase the university’s presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media vehicles by at least 30% Produce award-winning publications JSUTV and Sports Network double the hours of original programming and revenue from last year

  15. 2012-2013 Community Engagement Goals Promote Sustainability First-Class Events Promote Community Engagement

  16. 2012-2013 Community Engagement Highlights Established JSU Cares Tailgating with the Tigers, United Way 2012 Campaign, Historic Markers Committee, and Holiday under the Stars and more Coordinated and managed the renaming ceremony for Senator Alice Harden Center for Service and Community Engaged Learning and more Promoted Going Green Week Community Walk Bike Events and more Managed the Welcome Center serving 2,610 visitors

  17. 2013-2014 Community Engagement Goals Establish a University Master Events Calendar Washington Addition Close out final grant year with published research and reporting Metro Jackson Community Broader media visibility through television and radio shows CUBD-Expand WiFi accessibility into one-mile radius surrounding the University

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