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RTTT Narrative and Budget Update. BRIGHT FUTURE FOR NEBRASKA STUDENTS INITIATIVE Presented to the State Board of Education January 5, 2010. Contents. I. Draft Narrative Overview A. State Success Factors B. Standards and Assessments C. Data Systems D. Great Teachers and Leaders
RTTT Narrative and Budget Update BRIGHT FUTURE FOR NEBRASKA STUDENTS INITIATIVE Presented to the State Board of Education January 5, 2010
Contents I. Draft Narrative Overview A. State Success Factors B. Standards and Assessments C. Data Systems D. Great Teachers and Leaders E. School Turn-Around F. General II. Draft Budget Overview
A. State Success Factors Reform Agenda: The Bright Future for Nebraska Students Initiative seeks sustainable and systemic changes in the state education system that will result in documented higher levels of achievement for Nebraska public school students, a clear reduction in learning gaps, and increased graduation and college going rates. Statewide Impact: With 85% of eligible LEAs on board, representing 91% of the state's public school students, the potential for meaningful impact is high. Capacity: State education leadership is unified and supportive of the initiative and the state will provide resources to implement and sustain reforms. Past Progress: The percentage of students meeting state reading, mathematics, science and writing standards was higher in 2008 than in any other year. According to the 2009 State of the Schools Report Card, the composite results show 93% of students met state reading standards, 92% met state mathematics standards, 93% met state writing standards, and 89% met state science standards. Since 2003, incremental progress has been demonstrated for all groups. Narrative Overview 3
B. Standards and Assessments Common Core: Nebraska will adopt the common core standards, which will increase the level of rigor in the skills and knowledge expected for all students graduating from high school. Assessment: Features a balanced assessment system with formative diagnostic tools and benchmark or interim tests capable of providing an “early warning” prior to the administration of summative tools. Implementation: Instructional materials aligned to the common core standards as well as training on effective instructional strategies will be made available to all districts through a collaborative partnership between NDE and the ESUs. Delivery: The system will be built with electronically-delivered assessments, providing immediate and accurate turn around data for all stakeholders. The system will provide formative data to students, teachers, for making instructional decisions, data for administrators and curriculum specialists to make programmatic decisions, and summative data to policy makers for local, state, and national policy making. Additional Support: (Rural and Low Performing) The new Nebraska Virtual School will offer students a full set of high school language arts, mathematics and science courses., along with advanced placement courses. Collaboration: Nebraska will join with a consortium of partner states in accomplishing three primary goals focused upon common core standards adoption, common assessments, timely results, and professional development. Narrative Overview 4
B. Standards and Assessment Budget Overview Integration of Common Core Standards into Local District Curriculum Including Professional Development $4.6 million Development of Formative and Benchmark Common Core Assessments – including vendor $10.4 million Development of Professional Development Materials and Ongoing Training $8 million Total: $23 million *Nebraska Virtual School Development and Expansion: $20.6 million 5
C. Data Systems System Status: Nebraska's statewide longitudinal data system currently meets four of the twelve data elements specified by the America COMPETES Act. The state filed an application on December 4, 2009 to receive funding from the U.S. Department of Education's State Longitudinal Data program to complete all remaining elements. Stakeholder Access: Under a 2007 state Longitudinal Data Systems grant Nebraska is developing a new Data Reporting System, which will provide key stakeholders access to data tools that will improve local decision making. NDE regularly provides data from the Nebraska Student and Staff Record System (NSSRS) to national research organizations and works closely with Nebraska universities and colleges in the evaluation of state education programs. The state proposes to continue and expand these efforts to enhance access. Narrative Overview 6
C. Data Systems Data Use/Instruction: The state will provide opportunities fort teachers/leaders to increase expertise in varying instructional strategies based on individual student needs, professional development in data analysis and technology for reporting, and skill to evaluate and use results. The MOSAIC system proposed in the standards and assessment section provides strong support for teachers and the use of data for instructional improvement. The state will also continue and expand its training network to support LEAs in the development and submission of state required data. Leverages Nebraska Virtual School training opportunities. Interoperability: Enhancing the work of FutureForce Nebraska initiative by collecting data on programmatic career development interventions from programs in workforce, community based organizations, health and human services, and education a baseline of programmatic interventions for alignment and analysis. Narrative Overview 7
C. Data Systems Budget Overview Interoperability/Workforce Analysis: $263,500 Supplementing Early Learning Data: $800,000 Expanding State Technical Support: $3,800,000 Supporting Use of Data to Improve Instruction: $1,000,000 Total: $5,863,500 Possible Additional LEA Investment: * Improving LEA Data Quality and Collection: $8,000,000 8
D. Great Teachers and Leaders Overview: In the past, teacher and principal evaluations have been conducted locally, using traditional methods of observation, review of materials such as teacher lesson plans and plans for school improvement. Now, however, Nebraska is planning a dramatic change to this approach, both in the role of the state in these evaluations and the criteria on which evaluations will be based, leveraging statewide teacher/leader standards. Participating districts will be required to at a minimum annually evaluate teachers and principals and other districts will be encouraged to do so. Model: Charlotte Danielson’s Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teachers published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development will serve as the basis for development of the statewide model coupled with a state developed student performance component. Process: 5 steps in the evaluation process: (1) Teacher self analysis; (2) Teacher identification of goals and a professional development plan for each teacher; (3) Classroom observations, both formal and informal; (4) Conferences following the observation; and (5) A summary evaluation. Administrators: The administrator evaluation model will include similar components to the teacher evaluation process in that a significant component of the overall evaluation will focus on student achievement. Although other models may be considered, we propose to use the Interstate Schools Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) “Performance Expectations and Indicators for Education Leaders” as the foundation for the Nebraska model for principal evaluation. Stakeholders: Implementation will require significant discussions and involvement with Nebraska stakeholders in the development of the model and implementation processes since these decisions have always been locally controlled, including salary advancement decisions made using a pay scale that moves teachers on the basis of years of experience and/or acquisition of college credit. Narrative Overview – Teacher Leader Evaluation 9
D. Great Teachers and Leaders Teacher Shortages: Nebraska will expand the UNO Teacher Academy Program (faculty and resources) to recruit and support additional participants to fill documented needs in the Omaha area.Consideration for potentially more rural disbursement of participants will require development of technology-based components. STEM Center will encourage math and science majors to enter teaching careers; develop strategies to help teacher education candidates in math, science and technology approach teaching with integrated STEM concepts; and provide future elementary; teachers with STEM related support for their future work with young children. Although it is likely the UTeach will be the model considered, the institution which is selected to house the Center will work collaboratively with a steering committee to determine the best approach. Equitable Distribution: Financial and working condition incentives for highly effective teachers/leaders who accept assignment for working in low-performing schools will include priority services through the proposed Nebraska Virtual School and priority support through the Educational Service Unit support network being proposed. In addition, the funds provided to the participants will provide them an opportunity to access special instructional technology, release time to acquire specialized professional development, and support activities (including technology delivery). Leadership and support for individuals participating in this initiative is critical. Best practice/research-based strategies will be identified by the steering committee and implemented. High Need Areas: New stand-alone endorsement for English Language Learner (ELL) teachers. Capitalize on paraprofessional’s current employment as field-based education aides for students with disabilities and provide these aides with content and pedagogy instruction through a regionally-based, cohort model with much of the instruction delivered via interactive technology. Narrative Overview 10
D. Great Teachers and Leaders Teacher/Leader Preparation: The state will establish a teacher prep institution report card, using new system linking student growth data to teachers and principals and link this information to the preparation program where teachers and administrators were prepared for credentialing. The state will expand opportunities for existing teacher education preparation programs to incorporate stronger field-based experiences, program evaluation/accountability structures, and strengthen connections between higher education faculty and school-based practitioners Teacher/Leader Supports: Develop high quality statewide: (1) professional development system; and (2) mentoring and induction program, to ensure that 100% of Nebraska's teachers and leaders meet the state's highly effective teacher/leader standards. The ESU system will provide the organizing structure for statewide professional development for continuous school improvement. The system will leverage the National Center of Research on Rural Education to address the unique needs of rural education to improve student learning in reading, science and math. Project funds will support the placement of personnel within the ESU system with expertise in the following Focus Areas: (1) Core Content Areas: (2) Educator Development and Support; (3) Diverse Learners/Instructional Strategies; (4) Utilizing statewide and district data; (5) Technology Leadership; and (6) Early Childhood professional development specialists. Narrative Overview 11
D. Great Teachers and Leaders Mentoring and Induction: The state will develop and implement a system for induction/mentoring support for beginning teachers and administrators. Nebraska has identified the following strategies which will significantly change the beginning educator experience: (1) Graduate follow-up and support which includes involvement of the higher education institutions and hiring schools; (2) Educator performance appraisal processes and expectations that are articulated for beginning, veteran and accomplished professionals and based upon a uniform set of professional educator standards; (3) New re-certification processes which are based upon successful performance appraisals and professional growth; (4) Coordinated professional development networks, delivered through the ESU structure, to assure that sustained, quality professional development is available to beginning (and veteran) educators. Throughout the mentoring/induction strategy, support will be focused on: (1) Building positive classroom climate; (2) Developing classroom management skills; (3) planning effective lessons; (4) engaging students with effective and differentiated instruction; (5) using assessments and data to inform instruction leading to positive student growth and achievement Narrative Overview 12
D. Great Teachers and Leaders Budget Overview Alternative Programs Scale Up/Teacher Supply $.3 million Evaluation of Teachers and Principals $3.5 million Equitable Distribution of Effective Teachers and Principals, including STEM $5.9 million Accountability and Support for Teacher Prep $1.4 million Professional Development $14.4 million Total: $25.5 million 13
E. School Turn-Around Identifying Low Performing Schools: The new accountability system under development using the NeSA results will be based upon growth of individual students. The State Board of Education will select multiple indicators including state test results to determine how much growth actually occurs for each individual student from year to year in grades 3-8. In non-adjacent years such as high school growth will be determined by projecting the anticipated growth between grades 8 and 11. The growth between years will be diagnosed through the early-warning system built into the formative/benchmark testing system (MOSAIC – Multiple Opportunities (for) Student Assessment (and) Instruction Consortium) and the summative Common Core Assessment System that will be part of Nebraska’s balanced approach to assessment. The new Nebraska State Accountability System will be able to provide a clearer picture of those schools who need additional support. A waiver will be requested to ensure high schools with graduation rates below 75% are included in the state‘s definition of persistently lowest achieving schools. Narrative Overview 14
E. School Turn-Around Theory of Action: Nebraska's supports and interventions systems will be based on three core principles: (1) the system will be anchored in research and evidence-based practice; (2) the system will be coherent and focused on state and local system-wide improvements needed to provide all students with the education they deserve; and (3) the system will be designed to produce sustainable changes at the district level by building district capacity District Supports: The state proposes to hire 8 school reform specialists with expertise in the improvement strategies required under the four turn-around models, assigned regionally throughout the state and housed at Educational Service Units. School Reform Program: The state leadership for the school reform program will provide overall leadership in helping districts turn-around the state’s lowest performing schools using the four turn-around models. The staff in this program will also provide direction and management for the school reform specialists as they work with individual schools and staff members. State leadership will also implement programs designed to insure that the voices of policy makers and youth are an integral part of the school reform program. A leadership academy and school reform training program will be established. Expanded Learning Time and Model Turn-Around Grants: State supports for persistently lowest performing schools will include competitive funding and technical assistance for expanded learning time, using the NCTL model. Model turn-around grants will also be provided supporting district implementation of the four turn-around models. Narrative Overview 15
E. School Turn-Around Budget Overview State Leadership for School Reform $3.2 million School Reform Specialists $3.2 million Support for Model and Evidence Based Programs $2.8 million School Leadership Development $2.4 million Youth Development $1.7 million School Reform Professional Development $3.0 million Support for Struggling Schools $8.0 million Total $24.3 million 16
F. General Charters: Nebraska statutes are silent with regard to charter schools. The statutes neither expressly authorize nor expressly delimit charter schools. Due to the rural and small school nature of the vast majority of Nebraska school districts, charter schools are not an applicable model of public education in the state. Open Enrollment: Nebraska’s Enrollment Option Program was established in 1989 to enable any kindergarten through twelfth grade Nebraska student to attend a school in a neighboring school district in which the student does not reside, subject to certain limitations. Magnets: Nebraska’s largest school district, the Omaha Public Schools, operates a system of magnet schools (three at the high school level, six at the middle school level and eight at the elementary school level). Intra-District Schools: Several school districts in Nebraska have created specialized schools due to the wishes of families and school authorities. At the elementary level these include the Core Knowledge School and Montessori School in the Millard School District for example. These also include career academies such as the health careers academy in the Papillion LaVista and Ralston School Districts, and the zoo schools in Papillion LaVista and Lincoln Public Schools. Learning Community: The new Douglas-Sarpy County Learning Community is made up of eleven Omaha area school districts comprising over 1/3 of Nebraska’s public school enrollment (over 100,000 students). This new political subdivision seeks to bring the state’s largest urban school district (Omaha Public Schools) into a cooperative partnership with the surrounding ten suburban school districts. Conditions for Improvement: The state has applied SFSF to K-12 to keep funding for school districts near pre-recession levels. School districts have the capacity to form learning communities and other cooperative ventures (through Education Service Units) to innovate. Narrative Overview 17
Early Learning Invitational Priority Need: Children who attend high quality child care programs exhibit higher levels of language and pre-math skills. Further, research indicates that the quality of the child care impacts the child’s academic achievement and social skills in the elementary grades. Training/TA: School districts, either by themselves or in collaboration with other entities, will employ qualified early childhood staff to provide training and technical assistance to community child care providers, serving high poverty communities. Curriculum: Participating child care programs (either center based or family child care homes) will use evidence based curriculum that is aligned with the Nebraska Early Learning Guidelines and will participate in the Results Matter Early Childhood Program Quality, Child and Family Outcomes Framework. Professional Development: The final pillar in the quality initiative is to strengthen the statewide infrastructure of the regional early childhood professional development system. The hub of the professional development system is NDE’s Early Childhood Training Center (ECTC). The ECTC provides statewide leadership, develops training, and coordinates activities across the early childhood education and care sectors in Nebraska. The creation of new Early Childhood Professional Development Partnerships and the strengthening of current partnerships will be focused on areas which serve school districts with highest numbers of children in families with low incomes. Narrative Overview 18
Draft Budget Overview (Four Years) Standards and Assessments $23 million Nebraska Virtual School $20.6 million Great Teachers and Leaders $25.5 million Data Use $5.9 million LEA Data Quality $8 million School Turn-Around $24.3 million Expanded Learning Time $10 million Early Learning Quality $5.3 million TOTAL $122.6 million