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All media must be sterile & the basic conditions for autoclaving Temperature = 121 o C Pressure = 15 PSI Time = 20 minutes. Ordinary أكتر ميديا بتستخدم في نمو البكتريا Enriched غنية فيها اضافات البكتريا محتاجاها علشان تنمو وبالذات البكتريا الممرضة Enrichment
All media must be sterile & the basic conditions for autoclaving Temperature = 121oC Pressure = 15 PSI Time = 20 minutes
Ordinary • أكتر ميديا بتستخدم في نمو البكتريا • Enriched • غنية فيها اضافات البكتريا محتاجاها علشان تنمو وبالذات البكتريا الممرضة • Enrichment • فيها حاجات تزود العدد بتاع البكتريا اللي موجودة بكمية قليلة علشان أزود عددها عن الـ N. Flora • Selenite broth allow growth of Salmonella & prevent E. Coli • Selective • فيها مادة تخلي MO واحد يعيش والباقي يموت (تختارة) • Differential • فيها مادة تخلي شكل الـ MO مختلف عن الـ MO التاني غالباً يكون الاختلاف في اللون • Characteristic • ميديا بستخدمها في التعرف على البكتريا عن طريق الميتابوليزم بتاعها (Sugar fermentation )
Cultivation of bacteria • meat extract & Pepton & • 0.5% NaCl, neutral PH • light yellow transparent fluid • Indole Production • Base for sugar media • 1% Pepton + 0.5% NaCl + water
N.B + 1-5 – 2 % Agar N.B + 10-15 % Gelatin
Differentiate M.O according 2 Hemolytic activity N. Agar 100 C 55 C 5-10 % Sheep or Ox Blood
Simmon Citrate Agar • Upon citrate utilization the PH of the media will be increased causing change in color of the media into blue • Due to Bromothymol Blue • Ability of MO to use citrate as carbon source for energy. • Degrade citrate producing CO2 which react with Na & water forming Na carbonate (alkaline product) which change color or BTB from green into deep prussian blue
Broth media + Sugars (Glucose & Galactose & Lactose & Mannose & Maltose) + Phenol Red (Yellow in Acidic PH & Purple/Red in Basic PH) + Durham's tube (Gas indicator)
Cooked meat for Anaerobic ONLY Glutathione
Characteristic media Used in Identification of Enteric organisms
Starch Hydrolysis • Test the ability of the organism to produce: • ExoenzymeAmylase which breaks down the Starch (Complex CHO of large molecule Cannot pass through the cytoplasmic membrane) into Monosaccharide (MS = Simple can be used by the organism) Inoculate the Organism in Starch agar + add I2 Amylase producing organism is surrounded by a clear zone(MS) while the remaining of the media will stain with the violet color
Casein Hydrolysis • Test the ability of the organisms to produce: • Proteolyticexoenzymes (Proteinase which hydrolyze casein) • Casein Main protein of milk Responsible for the white color of milk. • Hydrolysis of casein Form more soluble & transparentcompounds (peptides &aa) • Upon growing the organism on casein media the area surrounding the proteinase producing organism will appear transparent. • Casein hydrolysis is called Peptonization or Proteolysis.
Gelatin Hydrolysis (Liquefaction) • Test the ability of the organism to produce: • ExoenzymeGelatinsae which liquefy gelatin. • Gelatin hydrolysis (Liquefaction) is indicated by: • loss in ability to solidify even after refrigeration
Catalase Production • Test the ability of the organism to produce: • Catalase enzyme that degradatesH2O2 O2 + H2O + Air bubbles. • H2O2 is added to the bacterial media • Presence of gas bubblesmeans that the organism produces catalase
Oxidase Production • Test the presence of Cytochrome Cin the respiratory chain. • Aerobic organisms with Cytochrome Ccan oxidize amines to form coloredproducts. • This Test is specific for Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. • Wet F. Paper with • 1% N,N,N',N' Tetra methyl - P-Phenylene-Diamine (TMPD) (KovacOxidase reagent) • allow to dry & Pick bacterial colony with sterile toothpick add to F. Paper • A purple color is produced
Hemolysin Production • Test the ability of the organism to produce: • ExoenzymeHemolysin which has destructive effect on the blood cells
Urease Production • Test the ability of the organism to produce: • Urease enzyme which splits urea in urea media to form Ammonia + CO2 • Accumulation of Ammonia will produce alkaline PH Turns the color of indicator (phenol red) into Pink
H2S Production • H2S from Organic S or Inorganic S • Hydrogen Sulfide is detected by iron salt. • The presence of black precipitate is indication of H2S production. • Inoculate media peptone iron agar or TSI (Na2S2O3) • Black color will indicate H2S production
Sugar (CHO) Fermentation • Test the ability of the organism to produce: • Acid or Acid & Gas upon sugar fermentation
Nitrate Reduction • Test the ability of the organism to produce: • Nitrate reductaseenzyme which can reduce nitrate into nitrite Inoculate organism into nitrate broth Incubate at 37 C for 48 hrs Add 1 ml of coupling reagent (sulfanilic acid & 1 ml of dimethyl alpha naphthyl amine reagent) If the organism produce nitrate reductase the nitrate in the media will be reduced into nitrite & Color become red precipitate
Ammonia Production • Test the ability of the organism to: • Degradate the organic nitrogen in the protein into ammonia. Inoculate organism in 4% peptone water Incubate at 37 c for 2, 4, 7 days Add Nessler’s reagent. Appearance of Yellow-Orange or brown color indicates +Ve test
IMViC tests used for Identification & Differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae (Klebsiella & Enterobacter & E. Coli) ( All are Lactose Fermenters)
Indole Test • Test the ability of organism to break down tryptophan into indole. • Incubate tryptophan (Peptone) broth media with the tested organism. • The Presence of indole can be detected by Kovac’s reagent • (Para DimethylAminobenzaldehyde in amyl alcohol) Kovac's reagent (yellow color) reacts with indole & produce (red color) on the surface of the test tube.
Methyl Red Test • Test the ability of organism to ferment the glucose & produce acids which will change the color of M.R (PH indicator) into red color
VogasProskaurTest • Test the ability of organism to ferment the glucose & produce neutral products which will change the color of indicator into Pink color • The reagents used for the VP test are • Barritt's A (Alpha-Napthol) & Barritt's B (Potassium-Hydroxide)
MR & VP tests is done on MR-VP broth media • (contains glucose & peptone) • MR & VP tests: • E. Coli is (MR+/VP-) • Klebsiella & Enterobacteraerogenes is (MR-/VP+)
Citrate Test • Test the ability of organism to utilize citrate as its only source of carbon. • Simmon’s Citrate media used in this test • Bacteria can break citrate into organic acids & CO2 CO2 form a basic compound (Na2CO3) Adding Bromothymol Blue Detects the presence of Na2CO3 by turning into blue (+Ve test)
Eosin-Methylene blue medium • Lactose / Esoin & MB • Permit differentiation between enteric lactose fermenters and non-fermenters • Alos in identification of E. coli
Lactose fermenter: purple black • Non- Lactose fermenter: colorless • E.coli: metallic green sheen
Motility Test • The medium contain triphenyltetrazolium which is reduced into red color by the stabbed bacterial growth. • Motile bacteria appear as diffused growth (with red color) • Non-Motile bacteria appear as single line of growth (the original stabbed line with pin color)