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CHAPTER 2 LIST - FORMATTING AND EDITING. Contents. Marking a List Font formatting Working with Color in HTML Defining Foreground and Background colors Understanding URLs Working with Links Images-image Map. Marking a List.
Contents • Marking a List • Font formatting • Working with Color in HTML • Defining Foreground and Background colors • Understanding URLs • Working with Links • Images-image Map
Marking a List • Ordered Lists: Use an ordered list for items that must appear in a numeric order. • Use <ol> tag. Each item within that ordered list is subsequently • The syntax of an ordered list is: <OL type=x start=n> <LI type=x1 value=m>Item1</li> … <LI type=x1 value=m>Item n</li> </OL>
Marking a List • - x: Type the characters you want to use in the list: • A: Uppercase • a: Lowercase • I: Numbered with Roman • i: Code is usually • 1: For the number of • -n: The first value of the list • -x1: Character is used for this line and the next line, losing the effect of x • -m: The value of the first line, change the value of n
Marking a List • Example: <ol type=A> <li> Primary Area</li> <li> Transition</li> <li type="1" value=2> Secondary Area</li> <li> Closing Area </li> </ol>
Marking a List • Example: <ol> <li> Primary Area</li> <li> Transition</li> <li> Secondary Area</li> <li> Closing Area </li> </ol>
Marking a List • Unordered Lists: To mark a list in which the items do not need to occur in any special order. • Syntax: <UL type=shape1> <LI type=shape2>Item 1</li> … <LI shape=shape2>Item n</li> </UL> Shape1, shape2: circle, square, Disc
Marking a List • Example: <body> <p>Education<br/> Colorado State University (1999-2001)</p> <ul type="square"> <li> Graduated May: 2001.M.A. International Telecom</li> <li> Grade Point Averge: 3.5 overrall , 3.9 in major</li> <li> Dean's List :September 1999-May 2001</li> <li> Member,Phi Alpha Omega Honor Society</li> </ul> </body>
Marking a List <ol> <li>Exposition <ul> <li> Primary Area</li> <li> Transition</li> <li> Secondary Area</li> </ul> </li> <li> Development</li> <li> Recapitulation <ol> <li> Primary Area</li> <li> Secondary Area</li> </ol> </li> <li> Coda </li> </ol>
Definition Lists • Definition list: which contains a list of terms, each followed by the term's description. • The syntax for creating a definition list is <dl> <dt>Term1</dt> <dd>description1 </dd> … <dt>Termn</dt> <dd>descriptionn </dd> </dl>
Definition Lists <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Learning HTML</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <h2> Definition List</h2> <DL> <DT>Pixel <DD> Short for picture element. A pixel refers to the small dots that make up an image on the screen. Pixel depth refers to the number of colours which may be displayed. <DT>Resolution <DD>The quality of the display on a monitor. The higher the resolution, the sharper the image. The number of pixels that can be displayed on a screen defines resolution. <DT>Scanner <DD> A hardware device that allows the user to make electronic copies of graphics or text. </DL> </BODY> </HTML>
blockquote <blockquote> <p>Doc-Centric Sales: Northeast Region<br /> The Northeast region had a mixed sales year last year. Some models like the C300-25 performed admirably, while others like the C200-20 had disappointing years. </p> </blockquote>
Font formatting • <font>: format text in a fixed way • <font size=“value” color=“value” face=“face”>text </font>
Font formatting • Font size: Absolute units define a font size using one of five standard units of measurement: • Millimeters (mm) • Centimeters (cm) • Inches (in) • Points (pt) • Picas (pc)
Font formatting • Font size: The style to change the font size of text within an element: font-size: value Example: font-size: 150% font-size: 0.5in font size: 20 px (default) <font style="font-size:36px">ĐHCNTP. HCM</font>
Font formatting • Use the Style with <span> and <div> tag: • <Span> Ex:<font style="font-size:36px">ĐạiHọc<span style="color: #F00">CôngNghiệp TP. HCM </span> </font>
Font formatting • <div> Example: <font style="font-size:36px">ĐạiHọc<div style="color:#F00">CôngNghiệp TP. HCM </div> </font>
Font formatting • Spacing and Indentation: • Space between words and phrases • word-spacing: value (default = 0px) • Space between pairs of letters • letter-spacing: value (default = 0px) • Space between lines of text • line-height: value(default =1.2*the font size)
Font formatting • Font Styles and Weights: • font-style: type • type= normal, italic, or oblique • font-weight: weight • weight = 100, 200, …,900, or bold, normal, … • text-decoration: type • (type=none, underline, overline) To change the appearance of text
Font formatting • Decorative Features • Underline, overline: • text-decoration: underline, overline • Capitalize: • text-transform: (capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, none) • Uppercase letters, small font: • font-variant: type (type = normal or smallcaps)
Foreground & Background Colors • Foreground color definition: color: color • Color is either the color value or the color name Ex <h1 style=“color: blue”> • Background color definition: Ex <h1 style=“background-color : yellow”> • You can apply foreground and background colors to any page element. • background-color: color
Foreground & Background Colors • To change the color scheme of web page you use Body tag <BODY BGCOLOR=color TEXT=color LINK=color VLINK=color>
Understanding URLs • URL (Uniform Resource Locator): • Specifies the precise location of a resource on the Internet. • To create a link to a resource on the Internet, you need to know its URL. • Protocol: • Set of rules defining how information is exchanged between two resources. • Your Web browser communicates with Web servers using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Understanding URLs • The URLs for all Web pages must start with the scheme “http”. • Other Internet resources use different protocols and have different scheme names. • A sample URL for a Web page
Understanding URLs • If a URL includes no path, then it indicates the topmost folder in the server’s directory tree. • If a URL does not specify a filename, the server searches for a file named “index.html” or “index.htm”.
Working with Links • Create a hypertext link: Ex: <a href="page2.html" >Go to page 2</a> <a href=http://www.wwu.edu>WWU</a> • The target Attribute: • Defines where the linked document will be opened. Ex: <a href=http://www.wwu.edu target="_blank“> WWU </a> • <a href = URL>Link text </a>
Working with Links • Create a mailto link: <p>This is a mail link: <a href=mailto:someone@microsoft.com?subject=Hello%20again>Send Mail</a> </p> • Result on browser: This is a mail link: Send Mail
Working with Links • Creating Links Within a Document: • Using a link to access information at the bottom of a Web page instead scrolling down.
Working with Links • Creating Links Within a Document: • Step1: Create an anchor • Step 2: Create a link to anchor: • The # in the href attribute defines a link to a named anchor. • <a ID="label">Any content</a> • <a href="#label">Any content</a>
Working with Links • ID attribute: to identify elements in an HTML document. Id names must be unique. • An anchor element marks a specific location within a document.
Example: <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE> Using htm links</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <A HREF = “#Internet”>Internet</A><BR> <A HREF = “#HTML”>Introduction to HTML</A><BR> <A id = “Internet”>Internet</A> The Internet is a standardized, global system of interconnected computer networks linking millions of people worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private and public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, wireless connections, and other technologies. <A id = “HTML”>Introduction to HTML</A><BR> HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for web pages. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists etc as well as for links, quotes, and other items. </BODY></HTML>
Working with Links • Linking to a location within another Document: • When linking to a location within another document, you must use the anchor name of the location within the document and the filename. • <a href = “ filename#ID”>content</a>
Working with Links • Linking to Documents in other Folders • To create a link to a file located in a different folder than the current document, you must specify the file’s location, or path, so that browsers can find it. • HTML supports two kinds of paths: relative and absolute.
Working with Links • An absolute path: • Specifies a file’s precise location within a computer’s entire folder structure • A relative path: • Specifies a file’s location in relation to the location of the current document.
Working with Links • If the file is in the same location as the current document, you do not have to specify the folder name. Ex: <a href=Page1.html>Link to Page1</a> • If the file is in a subfolder of the current document, you have to include the name of the subfolder. Ex: <a href=Subfolder/Page1.html> Link to Page1 </a>
Working with Links • If you want to go one level up the folder tree, you start the relative path with a double period (..) and then provide the name of the file. EX: <a href=../page1.html> • To specify a different folder on the same level, known as a sibling folder, you move up the folder tree using the double period (..) and then down the tree using the name of the sibling folder. EX: <a href=../subfolder/page1.html>
Images-image map • <Image> : Insert an Image on your web page • <img> is an empty tag • Link images: To mark an image as a hypertext link, you enclose the <IMG> tag within <a> tag. • Optional Attributes: <img src="url" /> • <a href=url><img src=url><a>
IMAGES-IMAGE MAP • Optional Attributes
Images-image map <p> <img src=“../Images/h15.jpg” alt="Angry" align="left" width="50" height="50"/> A paragraph with an image. The align attribute of the image is set to "left". The image will float to the left of this text. </p> <p> <img src=“../Images/h19.jpg” alt="Angry" align="right“ width="50" height="50"/>A paragraph with an image. The align attribute of the image is set to "right". The image will float to the right of this text. </p>
Images-image map • HTML <img> align Attribute
Images-image map • Example: <IMG src=hinh.gif Align=bottom> <IMG src=hinh.gif Align=middle> <IMG src=hinh.gif Align=top>
Images-image map • Types of images for web: • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) • JPEG images can use the full spectrum of colors (16.7 different colors) • Animation and transparency not supported. • General rule: Use JPEGs when dealing with photographs, use GIFs for illustrations that use few colors.
Images-image map • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is the most commonly used image format on the Web. Compatible with virtually all browsers. • GIF files are limited to displaying 256 colors. • Often used for graphics requiring fewer colors, such as clip art images, line art, logos, and icons.
Images-image map • Background Image: • With the Background property of the <Body> tag, you can use a graphic file as a background image for your page. • Syntax: Example: <BODY BACKGROUND =“../IMAGE/Bg.gif”> <BODY BACKGROUND=“Image file”>