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Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has announced the revised exam date of the mains examination for the post of Assistant Prosecution Offier (APO) on its official website.
UPPSC APO 2018 MAINS NEW EXAM DATE Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has announced the revised exam date of the mains examination for the post of Assistant Prosecution Offier (APO) on its official website. As per the UPPSC APO Exam latest notification, the mains exam is scheduled to be held on dated18 July to19 July 2020 at UPPSC, Sector D Office, Aliganj, Exam Hall, Lucknow. All the qualified aspirants in UPPSC APO Prelims 2018 will have to appear for the exam on scheduled date and time. Aspirants can check UPPSC APO 2018 Mains Exam Schdule given below: Exam Date Subject Session and Time General Knowledge Ist Session - From 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM 18 July 2020 IInd Session - From 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM General Hindi Criminal Law and Procedure Ist Session - From 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM 19 July 2020 Law of Evidence IInd Session - From 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM UPPSSC APO Exam will consists of four papers of 100 marks each. 1.General Knowledge, 2.General Hindi, 3.Criminal Law and Procedure (Police Act and Regulations of Law) 4.Law of Evidence
Furthermore, the aspirants who would qualify in APO Mains Exam will be called for Personality Test or Interview Round of 50 marks. And the final merit list will be based on the marks obtained in the UPPSC APO Main Exam and the Interview. Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission had invited online applications for the mains exam up to June 12, 2020 and hard copy for the same by June 23, 2020. All the eligible candidates who have applied for the mains can appear for it on schduled dates on time at the Exam venue. The Prelims Exam of UPPSC APO was held on dated February 16, 2020 in various centers of Lucknow and Prayagraj to fill a total of 17 vacancies of Assistant Prosecution Officer (APO) against advertisement no-ADVT-NO : A–5/E-1/2018. IMPORTANT LINK Official Website http://uppsc.up.nic.in/