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CPT-symmetry, supersymmetry, and zero-mode in generalized Fu-Kane systems. Chi-Ken Lu Physics Department, Simon Fraser University, Canada. Acknowledgement. Collaboration with Prof. Igor Herbut, Simon Fraser University Supported by National Science of Council, Taiwan and NSERC, Canada
CPT-symmetry, supersymmetry, and zero-mode in generalized Fu-Kane systems Chi-Ken Lu Physics Department, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Acknowledgement • Collaboration with Prof. Igor Herbut, Simon Fraser University • Supported by National Science of Council, Taiwan and NSERC, Canada • Special thanks to Prof. Sungkit Yip, Academia Sinica
Contents of talk • Motivation: Majorana fermion --- A half fermion • Realization of Majorana fermion in superconducting system: Studies of zero-modes. • Pairing between Dirac fermions on TI surface: Zero-mode inside a vortex of unconventional symmetry • Full vortex bound spectrum in Fu-Kane vortex Hamiltonian: Hidden SU(2) symmetry and supersymmetry • Realization of two-Fermi-velocity graphene in optical lattice: Hidden SO(3)XSO(3) symmetry of 4-site hopping Hamiltonian. • Conclusion
Ordinary fermion statistics Occupation is integer Pauli exclusion principle
Majorana fermion statistics Definition of Majorana fermion Occupation of Half? Exchange statistics still intact
Re-construction of ordinary fermion from Majorana fermion Restore an ordinary fermion from two Majorana fermions Distinction from Majorana fermion
Two vortices: Degenerate ground-state manifold and unconventional statistics |G> Ψ+|G> T 1 2
N vortices: Braiding group in the Hilbert space of dimension 2^{N/2}
Zero-mode in condensed matter system: Rise of topology • 1D case: Peierl instability in polyacetylene. • 2D version of Peierls instability: Vortex pattern of bond distortion in graphene. • 2D/3D topological superconductors: Edge Andreev states and vortex zero-modes. • 2D gapped Dirac fermion systems: Proximity-indeuced superconducting TI surface
Domain wall configuration Zero-mode soliton
SSH’s continuum limit component on A sublattice component on B sublattice
3 1 Nontrivial topology and zero-mode ~tanh(x)
2D generalization of Peierl instability
Topological interpretation of BdG Hamiltonian of p+ip SC full S2 μ>0 μ<0 ky kx
2x2 second order diff. eq Supposedly, there are 4 indep. sol.’s e component h component can be rotated into 3th component u-iv=0 from 2 of the 4 sol’s are identically zero 2 of the 4 sol’s are decaying ones
Discrete symmetry from Hamiltonian’s algebraic structure The beauty of Clifford and su(2) algebras
Hermitian matrix representation of Clifford algebra real imaginary
From Dirac equation to Klein-Gordon equation: Square! Homogeneous massive Dirac Hamiltonian. m=0 can correspond to graphene case. 4 components from valley and sublattice degrees of freedom.
Imposing physical meaning to these Dirac matrices: context of superconducting surface of TI Breaking of spin-rotation symmetry in the normal state represents the generator of spin rotation in xy plane Real and imaginary part of SC orderparameter Represents the U(1) phase generator
CPT from Dirac Hamiltonian with a mass-vortex Anti-unitary Time-reversal operator Chiral symmetry operator Jackiw Rossi NPB 1981 n zero-modes for vortex of winding number n Particle-hole symmetry operator
Generalized Fu-Kane system: Jackiw-Rossi-Dirac Hamiltonian azimuthal angle around vortex center Real/imaginary s-wave SC order parameters Zeeman field along z chemical potential spin-momentum fixed kinetic energy
Broken CT, unbroken P T C P
Zero-mode in generalized Fu-Kane system with unconventional pairing symmetry Spectrum parity and topology of order parameter
Pairing symmetry on helicity-based band Parity broken α≠0 Metallic surface of TI
Δ- Δ+ Mixed-parity SC state of momentum-spin helical state P-wave S-wave
k k -k -k Topology associated with s-wave singlet and p-wave triplet order parameters Trivial superconductor Nontrivial Z2 superconductor p-wave limit s-wave limit LuYip PRB 2008 2009 2010 Sato Fujimoto 2008 Yip JLTP 2009
Pairing symmetry and spectrum in uniform state on TI surface gapless gapped gapped s-wave: p-wave 2 p-wave 1:
Solving ODE for zero-mode Orbital coupling To magnetic field s-wave case Lu Herbut PRB 2010 μ≠0 and gapped Winding number odd: 1 zero-mode Winding number even: 0 zero-mode See also Fukui PRB 2010 Zeeman coupling
Triplet p-wave gap and zero-mode p-wave case h2>μ2 Zero-mode becomes un-normalizable when chemical potential μ is zero. p-wave sc op
Zero-mode wave function and spectrum parity s-wave case p-wave case
Mixed-parity gap and zero-mode: it exists, but the spectrum parity varies as… ODE for the zero-mode Two-gap SC smoothly connected at Fermi surface + + - +
Spectrum-reflection parity of zero-mode in different pairing symmetry Δ+>0 p-wave like Δ+ s-wave like Δ-
Accidental (super)-symmetry inside a infinitely-large vortex Degenerate Dirac vortex bound states
Hidden SU(2) and super-symmetry out of Jackiw-Rossi-Dirac Hamiltonian Δ(r) Seradjeh NPB 2008 Teo Kane PRL 2010 r
A simple but non-trivial Hamiltonian appears Fermion representation of matrix representation of Clifford algebra Boson representation of (x,k)
SUSY form of vortex Hamiltonian and its simplicity in obtaining eigenvalues Herbut Lu PRB 2011 f1 f2 b1 b2
b b b f b 2 1 Degeneracy calculation: Fermion-boson mixed harmonic oscillators Degeneracy =
Accidental su(2) symmetry: Label by angular momentum co-rotation y α2 β2 x β1 α1 An obvious constant of motion [H,J3]=[H,J2]=[H,J1]=0 Accidental generators
Resultant degeneracy from two values of j l=0,1/2,1,3/2,…. s=0,1/2
Degeneracy pattern Lenz vector operator J+,J-,J3
b b b b b b b 2 1 b b b b b b b f f b b f f 2 2 1 1 2 1 Wavefunction of vortex bound states ± ±