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INTRODUCTION . DON’T FORGET YOUR GPRA BINGO. Tip: Keep your game board secret, not everybody may hear the word that you do Lets have a two prize limit on bingo prizes per person, so everybody has a chance to win. By: Lori McDonald, aka GPRA Queen. ATR III GPRA TRAINING.
DON’T FORGET YOUR GPRA BINGO. Tip: Keep your game board secret, not everybody may hear the word that you do Lets have a two prize limit on bingo prizes per person, so everybody has a chance to win.
By: Lori McDonald, aka GPRA Queen ATR III GPRA TRAINING
HERE WE GO….hang on………….. Page Zero. What’s up with that hay? I don’t think I have ever seen anything that actually started with page zero before. OK, If you say so, page zero…. Name of counselor/person who administered the GPRA. This is so we know who completed it in case of corrections. And remember the client number in lower right hand corner of each page. Client ID 000000
Page 1. Section A. Record Management Client/Participant ID. English translation: Tribal Initials & Client ID given to you from the voucher system. Client Type: Always Treatment Client, option pre-selected for you. Interview Type: (circle only one type). Intake (s), Follow-up (s), Discharges. Select the one that applies to the current GPRA. TIP: Select one and only one, it is hard to go wrong that way. Interview Date: The interview date will be the same date that the Intake form is faxed to ITC. Note: this rule applies only to Intakes, does not apply to follow up or discharges. • Is this a methamphetamine client: Yes ____ No ____ • Has this Client used Ecstasy within the last 90 days? Yes ___ No ___ • Was the client screened by your program for co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders? Yes ___ No ___ • 1a. Did the client screen positive for co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders? Yes ___ No __ Methamphetamine Client: New Guideline. “Ecstasy is a methamphetamine.” Clients whose primary substance of abuse is ecstasy, can now be reported as Meth Clients for the purpose of this grant. Client ID (far right lower corner)
Page 2 This page is collected only at Intake. You will never need to fill it out again. If you really want to make life easy you need only do two things…..Select only one Modality (This is the first section) also select at least one service from any of the six remaining service categories I would of course also be happy to mark as many as you would like, however this page is only planned services – the actual services are captured on the voucher system. Neither CSAT nor ITC uses the information . I really just hate to see anyone spend 30 minutes deciding services they may think the client wants. Tip: Circle only two and circle the “y” option only. This is a situation where I’d prefer you leave the (No) responses unanswered and totally ignore the rule of never leaving a question unanswered on a GPRA. Go ahead you have permission to be a rule breaker!
Page 3 Question 1. What is your gender? Ask even if it seem obvious to you. Question 2. Are you Hispanic or Latino?Yes __ No__ Refused__ Tip: Native American and White never go in question 2 under” Other Category.” This happens a lot, but they have their own little category in question 3 , and are quite happy about. Question 3. What is your race? You may say yes to more than one. Question 4.What is your date of birth? The system will only save month and year to maintain confidentiality day is not saved. Also L K twice at question 4. I can guarantee you beyond the shadow of doubt, that there are no ATR clients with the birth date of this current year, but you wouldn’t believe how many try and get in that way. Question 5: Are you a veteran? Yes__ No __Refused __ Don’t Know __
Page 4. Section B. Drug and Alcohol Use B1a. The two questions following B1a. Are based on what is written in the very first response. Example if you write alcohol 6 times in B1a… then B1b1 and B1b2 can’t together = more than 6. Never will it work if the two add up to more than the original answer, however just to shake things up….it will work with less. Some people can actually drink say 4 or fewer drinks in one sitting and not feel high, so they don’t answer B1b2 at all, and that is OK. Same with b1 they can actually drink 5+ and not be intoxicated, so again, they don’t answer this one either, and that is OK. Tip: The two can never = more than B1a. Never.
Page 4-5 Continued……. Question 2. Illegal drug use. Any time a drug is selected, the route too must be selected. The route of Administration as stated on the GRPA goes in the box next to each drug used. English translation: How did the client take the drug? Tip: Never circle the category of the route 1. Oral 2. Nasal etc. – write the number of route used in the box next to the actual drug. If the client used one drug say….oxycontin, but snorted it once and took one by mouth (oral) then the rule is simple..Select the most severe route, which in this case is Nasal. They are listed on the form from least severe to most severe just in case you wonder which is which, what is what, and which is worse according to CSAT. Tip: Never Include Legally Prescribed Drugs. Key word Legal – we aren’t looking for legal drugs the client is using correctly…Count only if the client admits abusing their own legal prescription, i.e.: taking more dosage than prescribed on a regular basis, running out early.
Page 5. Ditto of page 4 section 2, except a question about illegal tobacco use. Tip: tobacco use is a crime if client is a minor. Therefore this is counted later on as a crime. Also, be sure to include this response on page 4, Section B1c. Illegal drugs. For some reason we just don’t want to count that in the illegal drug section, but that is what CSAT wants. Sadly it makes our under age kids seem like they are using something worse than tobacco – but the law is the law, and that is that. Smoking is bad for everyone, wonder what would happen if they really considered it an illegal drug for everyone….Wow, now that would be one stop smoking program wouldn’t it. Unless Question 3 is yes, this page ends. Many people answer question 4 no matter what, and there is no need. Just trying to save us another second of our lives.
Page 6 C. Family and Living Conditions Question 1. In the past 30 days, where have you been living most of the time. Tip: If client has stayed more than one place in the past 30 days, this answer will be based on where the client stayed the most. Also if Housed is checked, please always remember to select the appropriate sub-category. Question C2.C3.C4. These three questions have nearly single handedly almost put me in the nut house! Please help me keep my sanity. I will give this a shot at the easiest explanation I can think of to help understand these three questions. Cross your fingers and cross your toes. Here it goes….. DID NOT USE If your client has not used any alcohol, and your client has not used any drugs in the past 30 days, please select only the “Not Applicable” response for C2, C3, and C4. No other response can be entered on the CSAT Website. It stops me in my tracks. DID USE If your client has used any alcohol, or any drugs in the past 30 days, you CANNOT select “Not Applicable” you MUST select one of the remaining 6 answers. Amen Sisters & Brothers!
Page 7 Question 5 – Are you currently pregnant? (skip if client is male.) Question 6 – Do you have children? Yes__ No __ Refused__ Don’t know __ If No, Refused, or Don’t Know, go to Section D. Education, Employment and Income TIP: If question 6 is YES, that they do have children, don’t forget question 6d. This question seems out of place – well it is out of place really. People tend to skip it if they answer “No” to 6b, however this is a totally different question. Tie a ribbon around your finger for this tricky one. 6a. How many children do you have? ___ Refused __ Don’t Know __ 6b. Are any of your children living with someone due to a child protection court order? Yes __ No __ Refused __ Don’t Know __ If No, Refused, or Don’t Know Skip to Item C6d. 6c. (If Yes) How many of your children are living with someone else due to a child protection court order? ___ Refused __ Don’t Know __ 6d. For how many of your children have you lost parental rights? (The client’s parental rights were terminated). __ Refused __ Don’t Know __
D. Education, Employment, and Income Question 1. Are you currently enrolled in school or a job training program? Tip: Person is enrolled if on summer break & will be returning to school. If client is Incarcerated code as “Not Enrolled” Please only one response Page 8. Question 2. What is the highest level of education you have finished, whether or not you received a degree? Question 3. Are you currently employed? Again only one response. Tip: If a client is incarcerated and has no work outside of jail, code as “Unemployed, not looking for work.” Question 4. Approximately how much money did YOU receive (pre-tax individual income) in the past 30 days from … Several options listed…. Please remember to put one Zero in the last box for any income that does not apply to the client. Again, one zero is good, too many make me dizzy.
Page 9 Back to money matters……if you put income in g. Other. Please remember to specify what that income is. Example: per cap – but this is not the only type of income that can be listed here, so if it is Per Cap be sure to write it in, or heck circle the word, that works for me. Section E. Crime and Criminal Justice Status. Question 1. In the past 30 days, how many times have you been arrested? Three response options. Tip: If E1 is no or zero, then skip to question 3. No biggie, this is what data entry people call a “skip pattern” most people answer question 2 anyhow, and to be honest… I don’t care one way or another. Question 2. In the past 30 days, how many times have you been arrested for drug-related offenses? Three response options. Tip: This answer can never be more than the first question E1. Question 3. In the past 30 days, how many nights have you spent in jail/prison? Three response options. Tip: If this response is greater than 15. Then C1 back on page 6 must be answered “Institution (jail/prison).
Question E4. In the past 30 days, how many times have you committed a crime?Tip: check the number of days used in item B1c back on page 4. Answer here should be equal or greater than that numberbecause using illegal drugs is a crime. (include tobacco use if a minor.) This question asks how many “TIMES”..not days. The easiest thing to remember about this question is that it is asking how many TIMES a crime was committed. The golden rule: This number CANNOT be less than the number of days you reported illegal drug use way back on page 4. It CAN however be any number higher. Each time they used a drug is a crime – count them all. Also they may self report crimes not even mentioned on this GPRA. Remember tobacco is illegal for minors. Alcohol if that applies. These are all crimes.
Page 10 Section F. Mental and Physical Health Problems and Treatment/Recovery . Question. 1. How would you rate your overall health right now? Please select only one option here. The system only allows one response. Question 2. During the past 30 days, did you receive: Three Section question. Please remember to answer each and ever question. Tip for question 2. If you select “Yes” for a response to any of the question categories….please remember to complete how many nights/times. Also don’t circle the headings on these questions, color in the response circle. Question 3. During the past 30 days, did you engage in sexual activity? Five response options available. (for minors, asking the question depends on your program guidelines: if over 18, always ASK.) Tip for question 3. If yes, complete a.b. If b is Zero. You are done. If b is any other answer, please continue to question c. and answer the three final questions.
Page 11 – 12 PSF. Tip for question 4. If anything is answered here, complete question 5. If not, you are Done! Go to next Section G. - PSF. Tip: If any response here is “Yes”, don’t forget to include how many times in the boxes provided for each question. “Don’t be scared, Be Happy! Actually be real happy, you just finished your first complete GPRA Intake. Aren’t you excited???
FOLLOW UP SECTION Administer a Complete GPRA again at 6 months, adding one more little itty bitty page, lucky 13. But hay you lose two pages. No need for page 2-3. This has already been captured at Intake and need never be done again – even at discharge - nope, not even then. Save a tree, save electricity, and add some more time to your life. Take them out of the follow up before you even begin..….hmmmm sounds like a forms person request again. Better get out some chocolate. Lucky Page 13. PSF. Color in two dots on this page. Two questions, two dots. Your Done. “I know I said, I’d keep it short.. We’re just about done!!!”
We are finally done!! Congratulations, you’ve just completed Lori McDonald’s GPRA/ Power Point Training!! Hopefully this has helped you understand what’s going on with the GPRA’s in a less technical sense! I had a lot of fun putting this together, so I hope you had an enjoyable time watching it!!