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Scilla. Esha Nittoor. Scilla part2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Scilla EshaNittoor

  2. Scilla part2 So the time went by and the baby or Scilla grew into a beautiful young maiden. She played in the wonderful garden she had grown up in. One problem was that Scilla never knew of Earth for her mother had hidden her away at birth. She only saw of Earth in her dreams. So one day when her mother came to see her Scilla asked her what this place was. Mother Nature knew that she had been found out so she told Scilla of the bad things on Earth she also told Scilla never to go there. But when Mother Nature left Scilla thought to herself that if earth is such a terrible place should go rid it of these things so my mother and I can live in peace. So Scilla went off to face the hard trip to Earth. For, as you got closer to Earth the more bad things happened to you. Soon Scilla was thirsty so she took a drink out of the Milky Way. When Scilla got to Earth she saw how bad things really were. But she did every her mother told her to do so she put out the burning fires, chased away the storm cloud, and pushed away the evil spirits. Then she decided to come home to tell her mother that they could come back to earth.

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