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ISLAM: Submission to the Will of Allah. Stanfield LTHS. The Judeo-Christian Foundations of Islam. Islam An Abrahamic Religion. Muslims are strict monotheists. They believe in the Judeo- Christian God, which they call Allah .
ISLAM: Submission to the Will of Allah Stanfield LTHS
The Judeo-Christian Foundations of Islam
IslamAn Abrahamic Religion • Muslims are strict monotheists. • They believe in the Judeo- Christian God, which they callAllah. • Muslims believe that the Torah and the Bible, like the Qur’an, is the word of God. Peoples of the Book
Abraham’s Genealogy HAGAR ABRAHAM SARAH Ishmael Isaac 12 Arabian Tribes Jacob Esau 12 Tribes of Israel
The Prophetic Tradition Adam Noah Abraham Moses Jesus Muhammad
The Qur'an: God's Last Revelation
The Origins of the Qur’an • At the age of 40 Muhammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira in 610. • According to Muslim belief, Muhammad was told that he was a messenger of God. “What shall I proclaim?” asked Muhammad. • Proclaim in the name of thy Lord…thy Lord is most bountiful. He who taught the pen aught man that which he knew not.” Qur’an Surah 96: 1-5
622 Hijrah Muhammed flees Mecca for Medina. He made the journey in 8 days instead of 11.* The beginning of the Muslim calendar • (1 A.H. “After Hijrah”)
The Qur’an • Muslims believe it contains the word of God. • 114 suras (chapters). • In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful. • Written in Arabic.
The Five Pillars of Islam These are duties that Muslims must perform…
1. The Shahada • The testimony. • The declaration of faith: There is no god worthy of worship except God, andMuhammad is HisMessenger [or Prophet]. 1
2. The Salat • The mandatory prayers performed 5 times a day:* dawn* noon* late afternoon * sunset * before going to bed • Wash before praying. • Face Mecca and use a prayer rug. 2
2. The Salat • The call to prayer by themuezzin in the minaret. • Pray in the mosque on Friday. 2
The Mosque • The Muslim place of worship.
3. The Zakat • Almsgiving (charitable donations). • Muslims believe that all things belong to God. • Zakat means both “purification” and “growth.” • About 2.5% of your income. 3
4. The Sawm • Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. • Considered a method of self- purification. • No eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan. 4
Eid Mubarak End of the Ramadan holiday.
5. The Hajj • The pilgrimage to Mecca. • Must be done at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime (unless it’s financially impossible) • 2-3 million Muslims make the pilgrimage every year. • Originally housed • Pagan statues, as well as statues of the prophets (Jesus, Mary, Noah , Abraham, etc.) 5
5. The Hajj • Those who complete the pilgrimage can add the titlehajji to their name. 5
Death of Muhammad (632) • Muhammad’s revelations were compiled into the Qur’an after his death.
Sunnis v. Shi’a • A caliph is one who leads the faith. • A dispute over who was going to lead Islam after Muhammad’s death occurred • The question became “Should a descendent of Muhammad’s lead Islam or the one best able to lead? • Two groups emerged: • Sunnis – believed the best leader should lead
Other Islamic Religious Practices • Up to four wives allowed at once. Muslim men, to care for orphans and widows, will take on another wife and provide for them. • No alcohol or pork. • No gambling. • Sharia body of Islamic law to regulate daily living. • Three holiest cities in Islam:* Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem.
Essential Question: Why was Islam able to spread so quickly and convert so many to the new religion?
The Dar al-Islam The Worldof Islam 1 2 3 4 5
The Islamic caliphate aspired to unite all worshippers into a single political community called dar al-Islam (much as popes strove to do in Christian Europe). The golden age of classical Islam lasted from the middle of the 900s to about 1000, and is associated with the Abbasid Caliphate.
The Spread of Islam: 100 yrs • From Samarkand to Spain • Easy to learn and practice. • No priesthood. • Teaches equality. • Non-Muslims, who were “Peoples of the Book,” were allowed religious freedom, but paid additional taxes. • Easily “portable” nomads & trade routes. • Jihad(“Holy War”) against pagans and other non-believers (“infidels”).
Two Powerful Bedouin Clans Rule Islam • The Umayyads (661 to 750 A.D.) • The Abbasids (750 to 1258) During the 600s and 700s, military conquest carried the new faith out of Arabia, where Islam was born, and into Spain in the west, and the borderlands of India in the east.
Golden Age to Decline • The golden age of classical Islam lasted from the middle of the 900s to about 1000, and is associated with the Abbasid Caliphate. • Although the Abbasids retained theoretical control over the Islamic world until the Mongol conquest of 1258, their power started to wane before that. • Politically speaking, the years after 1000 were a period of decline.
Political Confusion: From 1000 to the 1400s, many Islamic states rose and fell. • Other Middle Eastern peoples (Persians, Turks) began to rival the Arabs as forces in the Islamic community. • Outside enemies and invaders added to the chaos. • Finally by the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries, the Islamic world – at least the Middle East and North Africa– would be reconsolidated under Turkish groups, specifically the Ottomans. • However, even under the Ottomans, Islam was never again united the way if had been under the Abbasids.
Countries with the Largest Muslim Population • Arabs make up only 20% of the total Muslim population of the world. • (highlighted in purple)
The Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem Mount Moriah Rock where Muhammad ascended into heaven. Non-Muslims have to have a Visa to get into Israel, and Lebanese can never go into Israel due to past conflicts.
Islam in America
Muslim Culture in NYC The Islamic Center, New York City