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The SHAPE Update BILC Seminar – Varna, Bulgaria / October 2010. Chrystelle Petitjean SHAPE Language Testing Centre Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe. Que se passe-t-il en Belgique? Wat is er aan de hand in België ?.
The SHAPEUpdate BILC Seminar – Varna, Bulgaria / October 2010 Chrystelle Petitjean SHAPE Language Testing Centre Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Que se passe-t-il en Belgique? Watis er aan de hand in België? Since 1st July 2010, Belgiumholds the EU Presidency…
BUT… Elio Di Rupo, PS Bart de Wever, N-VA Eventhoughwehad new elections on 13 June, thesetwoguys do not seem to be able (or willing?) to reach an agreement, SO…
Belgiumisstillwaiting for a new government ! Belgian Prime Minister Wannabeour Prime Minister?
Testing at SHAPE: Jun – Sep 10 • June 24 tests * 10 certificates July 64 tests 33 certificates • August 37 tests 47 certificates • September 71 tests 8 certificates • TOTAL 196 tests 98 certificates * Testing one skill is considered as one test
Testing at SHAPE: Jun – Sep 10 • Entry Tests Pass: 13 Fail: 26 Total: 39 66 % FAILED! • Re-Tests • Pass: 3 Fail: 3 Total 6 50 % FAILED! Does not include the volunteer tests and the civilian tests
Testing at SHAPE: Jun-Sep 2010 • Test Failures deficient skills: Listening: 8 Speaking: 9 Reading: 6 Writing: 17 For the 26 who failed! 14 candidates failed 1 skill, 10 failed 2 skills, 1 failed 3 skills and 1 failed 4 skills!
What’s been happening… • Approval of the new SHAPE Directive (SD) 75-4 (30 June 2010) • - Implementation of the new PE (Peacetime Establishment) on 1st August 2010
Talking about the new PE… • Someinterestingfacts… • FRENCH OF-4 working as a briefer in the Public Affairs Office (PAO) • requires SLP 4444 with a desirable 5555… shebriefs in French! (No French • requirement…); • NCOswhoneed SLP 3333… ; • Some Job Descriptions (JDs) withoutany SLP… (How are wesupposed • to know?); • - The listgoes on…
And finally… Let me introduce one of our new problems…
NATO Special Operations Headquarters - Located on SHAPE in Belgium - Offers courses at NSTEP NATO SOF Campus located at Chièvres Garrison, Belgium
The NSHQ is the single point of direction and coordination for all NATO Special Operations-related activities in order to optimize employment of Special Operations Forces to include providing an operational command capability when directed by SACEUR.
PROBLEMS!! • Like other posts, personnel are being assigned to NSHQ with substandard • language levels • NSHQ personnel are often deployed to Afghanistan, in “hot” areas where a lack • of language skills can mean the difference between life and death! • EX: One Colonel (XX Army) requiring SLP 4444 arrived with a certificate from his nation • stating he was SLP 3333. SLTC tested him with the results of SLP 3232!
MORE PROBLEMS!! • NSHQ offers Special Operations courses at Chièvres Garrison • - CJFSOCC Staff Officer Course • - CJFSOCC Planning Course • - CJFSOCC Joint Operations Center Course • - Signal Intelligence Overview Course • - etcetera… • The courses have a mandatory SLP requirement of 3333 • Students are arriving at the campus with poor language • skills, thus wasting time, resources and LOTS of money!
SOLUTION • SLTC will be called upon to test students at the beginning of courses • when course administrators feel that it is necessary • OBVIOUS BEST SOLUTION • - NATIONS SHOULD SEND PERSONNEL WITH THE CORRECT SLPs!!
? Questions?
Write your questions on the back of a 50 Euro note and send to… TO: Mike @ SHAPE Dear Mike, My question is…