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Proving negligence in a new jersey car accident claim

The steps you take immediately following a car accident are vital as they can impact your PIP and potential personal injury claim.<br><br>If youu2019re in an accident, remember these essential steps:<br><br>Report the accident to the police at the scene<br>Exchange information with all involved parties, including witnesses<br>If possible, take photos of all damage, debris, skid marks, and the surrounding location.<br><br>visit more: https://www.wileylavendermaknoor.com/practice-areas/new-jersey-car-accident-lawyer/

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Proving negligence in a new jersey car accident claim

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  2. BEFORE YOU CAN COLLECT ANY COMPENSATION FOR A PERSONAL INJURY CLAIM, YOU MUST PROVE NEGLIGENCE AGAINST THE RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. 2024-2025 The four elements of negligence are: • The other driver owed you a duty of care to driver responsibly • The other driver breached the duty of care • The other driver’s breach is what harmed you • You suffered damages due to the other driver’s actions www.wileylavendermaknoor.com

  3. www.wileylavendermaknoor.com You will lose your case if you cannot prove even one of these elements. The law doesn’t require you to retain a lawyer, but we recommend hiring the best New Jersey car accident lawyer for your case.

  4. COMPENSATION IN A CAR ACCIDENT CLAIM If you are pursuing a claim through your PIP coverage, you are limited to reimbursement for a portion of your medical expenses and time off work. If you’re eligible to pursue a fault-based claim in New Jersey, you could potentially receive compensation for: • Medical expenses • Loss of earnings • Emotional distress • Pain and suffering • Permanent physical impairment • Wrongful death of a loved one www.wileylavendermaknoor.com

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