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Behavioral Ecology

Behavioral Ecology. Behavioral Ecology. The field of biology that studies behavior in an evolutionary context. Behavior. Everything an animal does and how it does it. Innate Behavior. Behavior that is performed the same way by all individuals of a species Under strong genetic control

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Behavioral Ecology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Behavioral Ecology

  2. Behavioral Ecology • The field of biology that studies behavior in an evolutionary context

  3. Behavior • Everything an animal does and how it does it

  4. Innate Behavior • Behavior that is performed the same way by all individuals of a species • Under strong genetic control • Chick obtaining food from parents

  5. Habituation • Loss of response to a stimulus after repeated exposure that conveys little or no information

  6. Imprinting • Learning that is irreversible and limited to a sensitive time period in an animals life • Sensitive period – period in animals development where it can learn certain behaviors

  7. Kinesis – random movement in response to a stimulus • Taxis – movement directed toward or away from a stimulus

  8. Spatial Learning • Using landmarks to learn the spatial relationships among objects in the environment

  9. Cognitive Mapping • An internal representation of the spatial relationships among objects in an environment • Migration

  10. Associative Learning • Behavioral change based on linking a stimulus or behavior with a reward or punishment • Trial and error learning

  11. Social Learning • Learning by observing and mimicking others

  12. Problem Solving • Inventive behavior that arises in response to a new situation • Cognition - ability of an animal’s nervous system to perceive, store, process, and use info gathered by sensory receptors

  13. Foraging • Food obtaining behavior • Generalists – will eat anything • Specialist – eats only specific things

  14. Optimal foraging behavior • An animal’s feeding behavior should provide maximal energy gain with minimal energy expense and minimal risk of being eaten while foraging

  15. Mating behaviors • Promiscuous – no lasting relationships exist between males and females • Monogamous – mates remain together for long periods of time • Polygamous – An individual from one sex mating with several of the other

  16. Social behavior • Any kind of interaction between 2 or more animals, usually of the same species • Courtship, aggression, territorial behavior, cooperation

  17. Dominance hierarchy • Ranking of individuals based on social interactions • Once established, the position of each individual is fixed

  18. Altruism • Behavior that reduces an individuals fitness while increasing the fitness of others in a population • Inclusive fitness – individuals success as perpetuating its genes by producing its own offspring and by helping close relatives (Kin selection) • Reciprocal altruism – altruism towards no relatives

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